The Cultural Heritage Center is currently CLOSED for renovation.
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Roster of Presentations and Programs Available from the South Dakota State Historical Society
The staff of the South Dakota State Historical Society are available to present the following presentations and programs, pending program and individual workloads and scheduling considerations. If you are interested in having one of the presentations, please contact the presenter directly (regular mail, e-mail, or telephone). The staff from the five programs of the State Historical Society -- archaeology, archives, historic preservation, museum, and research and publishing -- are interested in sharing their expertise and individual history topics with the people of South Dakota. This roster is subject to change without notice.
History Topics | |||
South Dakota's Cultures | Benjamin F. Jones | 605-773-6002 | 45 minutes | PowerPoint |
How can you DO History? | Benjamin F. Jones | 605-773-6002 | 45 minutes | PowerPoint |
The Panic, the Gold, the press, and Custer's Expedition in the Black Hills, 1874 | Benjamin F. Jones | 605-773-6002 | 45 minutes | PowerPoint |
Renovating South Dakota History | Benjamin F. Jones | 605-773-6002 or David Grabitske | 605-773-3798 |
30 Minutes | PowerPoint |
South Dakota Architecture | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 | 20-45 minutes | PowerPoint |
Barns of South Dakota: Utility and Ingenuity (architecture) | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 or Katie Wasley | 605-773-2906 |
30 minutes | PowerPoint |
County Courthouses in South Dakota (architecture) | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 or Katie Wasley | 605-773-2906 |
50 minutes | PowerPoint |
Introduction to the Archaeology of South Dakota | Dustin Lloyd | 605-391-2928 or Katie Lamlie | 605-394-1804 |
30-60 minutes | PowerPoint and hands-on materials |
Presentations on archaeology of different cultural periods in South Dakota | Dustin Lloyd | 605-391-2928 or Katie Lamlie | 605-394-1804 |
30-60 minutes | PowerPoint and hands-on materials |
Laura Ingalls Wilder | Dr. Dedra McDonald Birzer | 605-773-4371 | 35-40 minutes | PowerPoint |
Rose Wilder Lane | Dr. Dedra McDonald Birzer | 605-773-4371 | 35-40 minutes | PowerPoint |
Sacagewea and the Corps of Discovery | Dr. Dedra McDonald Birzer | 605-773-4371 | 35-40 minutes | PowerPoint |
Homesteading | Dr. Dedra McDonald Birzer | 605-773-4371 | 35-40 minutes | PowerPoint |
The Black Hills Flood | Corey Christianson | 605-773-6013 | 60 minutes | PowerPoint |
Project Topics | |||
What is Archaeology? | Dustin Lloyd | 605-391-2928 or Katie Lamlie | 605-394-1804 |
Varies from 20-40 minutes | PowerPoint |
Archaeological Investigations at 39MD0724, The Carter Site | Dustin Lloyd | 605-391-2928 or Katie Lamlie | 605-394-1804 |
30-45 minutes | PowerPoint |
Technical Topics | |||
Disaster Planning and Recovery for Archives | Chelle Somsen | 605-773-5521 | 1/2 day | Workshop format |
The Basics of Archives | Archives Staff | 605-773-3804 | 1 day | Workshop format |
Care of Documents and Photographs | Matthew Reitzel | 605-773-3615 | 1 hour | powerpoint |
The Process of Accessioning Archival Materials | Matthew Reitzel | 605-773-3615 | 45 minutes | powerpoint |
Basics of Managing Electronic Records | Sara Casper | 605-773-3780 or Nicole Hosette | 605-773-4369 |
1 hour | powerpoint |
Dealing with Digital Images | Sara Casper | 605-773-3780 or Nicole Hosette | 605-773-4369 |
30 minutes | powerpoint |
Issues Relating to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act | Katie Lamlie | 605-394-1804 | 45 minutes | powerpoint |
Handling and Conservation of Archaeological Materials | Katie Lamlie | 605-394-1804 | 45 minutes / 60-120 minutes | powerpoint / Hands-on activities upon request |
Museum Administration | David Grabitske | 605-773-3798 | 1-2 hours | Workshop format |
Museum Planning: Starting/Building a New Museum | David Grabitske | 605-773-3798 | 1-4 hours | Workshop format |
Basic Collections Care for Museums | Katy Schmidt | 605-773-6013 | 1-2 hours | Slide presentation workshop format |
Museum Collections Registration Systems | Katy Schmidt | 605-773-6013 | 1-2 hours | Workshop format |
Developing Education Programs for Historical Societies and Museums | Ronette Rumpca | 605-773-3456 | 1-2 hours | Workshop format |
Tax Incentives for Historic Property Owners | Duncan Trau | 605-773-6005 | 30 minutes | powerpoint |
Funding Opportunities for Historic Properties – Deadwood Fund Grants | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 or Katie Wasley | 605-773-2906 |
20-30 minutes | powerpoint |
Why You Should Preserve Historic Properties | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 or Katie Wasley | 605-773-2906 |
15-20 minutes | powerpoint |
How to Get Your Property Listed on the National Register of Historic Places | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 or Katie Wasley | 605-773-2906 |
20-60 minutes | powerpoint |
Why Your Community Should Become a Certified Local Government (CLG) | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 or Katie Wasley | 605-773-2906 |
20-30 minutes | powerpoint |
Numbering Museum Artifacts | Katy Schmidt | 605-773-6013 | 1 1/2 - 2 hours | Workshop format |
Benefits of Preserving Historic Wood Windows | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 | 45 minutes | powerpoint |
Building a Durable Historic Preservation Commission | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 | 30 minutes | powerpoint |
The Benefits of National Register Listing | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 or Katie Wasley | 605-773-2906 |
60 minutes | powerpoint |
Maintaining Certified Local Government Status | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 or Katie Wasley | 605-773-2906 |
45 minutes | powerpoint |
Evaluating Substitute Materials for Use in Historic Buildings | Duncan Trau | 605-773-6005 | 30 minutes | powerpoint |
Archaeological Lifeways: Atlatl Use | Dustin Lloyd | 605-391-2928 or Katie Lamlie | 605-394-1804 |
20-30 minutes | powerpoint and hands-on activity |
The Publishing Process | Dr. Dedra McDonald Birzer | 605-773-4371 | 35-40 minutes | powerpoint |
The SDHS Press's Illustrated Children's Books | Dr. Dedra McDonald Birzer | 605-773-4371 | 35-40 minutes | powerpoint |
An introduction to the SDHS Press's South Dakota Biography Series | Dr. Dedra McDonald Birzer | 605-773-4371 | 35-40 minutes | powerpoint |
An Introduction to the SDHS Press's Pioneer Girl Project | Dr. Dedra McDonald Birzer | 605-773-4371 | 35-40 minutes | powerpoint |
A presentation on the SDSHS Press's 2021 books (and future years thereafter) | Dr. Dedra McDonald Birzer | 605-773-4371 | 35-40 minutes | powerpoint |
Resource Topics | |||
Introduction to the SD State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) | SHPO Staff | 15 minutes | powerpoint |
Introduction to the State Archives | Chelle Somsen | 605-773-5521 | 30-60 minutes | powerpoint: College History Classes |
Digital Resources at the South Dakota State Archives | Sara Casper | 605-773-3780 | 1 hour | requires internet |
Hands-On History: Education Kits from the South Dakota State Historical Society | Ronette Rumpca | 605-773-3456 | 1-2 hours | tables |
Hands-On History: Traveling Exhibits from the South Dakota State Historical Society | Museum Staff | 1-2 hours | tables |
Introduction to the Archaeological Research Center (ARC) | Dustin Lloyd | 605-391-292 or Katie Lamlie | 605-394-1804 |
30-60 minutes | powerpoint |
Farmsteads: A South Dakota Architectural History | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 | 30-60 minutes | powerpoint |
The Preservation of Germans from Russia Architectural History | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 | 30-60 minutes | powerpoint |
Churches of South Dakota: Building Places of Worship | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 | 30-60 minutes | powerpoint |
Knowing What You're Working With: Planning and Implementing Historic Architecture Surveys | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 | 45-90 minutes | powerpoint |
Yours for Justice: Stories of the Suffrage Movement in South Dakota | Liz Almlie | 605-773-6056 | 45-90 minutes | powerpoint |