historic preservation
Historic Sites Survey
A statewide survey provides us with a permanent record of the state's historic properties and is a valuable source for historical research. The information gathered by the statewide survey is used as a planning tool by both the SHPO and local communities to ensure wise use of the state's cultural resources.
The survey is used to identify properties eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Properties eligible for the Register may, in turn, qualify for federal and state historic preservation grants and tax incentives that the SHPO administers. The survey is also used to facilitate the NHPA Section 106 review and compliance process, a procedure that helps protect South Dakota's cultural resources from potential adverse effects that may occur during the implementation of federally-funded or licensed projects.
On the local level, communities may use survey information to conserve, maintain, and enhance its historic resources. Finally, surveys can help provide information for communities to create educational publications, presentations, or curriculum, which can strengthen the public commitment to protect the state's historic resources.
DOCUMENT: SD Historic Resource Survey Manual, 2023 (Architectural) (updates pending
South Dakota maintains architectural survey data in a system we call CRGRID (Cultural Resource Geographic Reasearch Information Display). There are two applications: one to view and query survey data, and another to submit, edit, or download record reports.
To query and view SHPO's unrestricted architectural survey records, the public can see data on:
New: Click Here
(Old: Click Here - This site will remain up for a time during the transition but updates entered in the new CRGRID will not be displayed.)
To submit architectural survey records, edit existing unlocked records, or download record reports, users will need SHPO approval and login information. To request a user account for CRGRID, email the following information to us at shpo@state.sd.us: Your Name (first and last), Email Address, Phone Number, Agency/Institution/Company, and whether you just need to access record reports or also need to add/edit data.
New: Click Here
(Old: Click Here - This site will remain up for a time during the transition. Users with accounts in that system will be moved to a "Read-Only" access level.)
DOCUMENT: User Guide for CRGRID (new, link pending)
NOTE: Our colleagues at the South Dakota Archaeological Research Center manages records for archaeological sites and surveys. Visit their website for information on requesting record searches, submitting records, and/or accessing ARMS (Archaeological Records Management System) for licensed consultants/archaeologists.
Survey Form Templates
- Survey Forms, All Combined (PDF)
- Structures Form - pdf or Word format
- Bridges Form - pdf or Word format
- Cemetary Form - pdf or Word format
- Bridges/Cemetary Master List
The following are legacy formats that are now obsolete:
- Ineligible Form: These were to provide basic minimum information on properties that are more clearly not eligible to the National Register. Equivalent: Complete only the required fileds on the online forms.
Intensive Form: These have numerous additional data fields to describe building features and history. If you wish to complete and submit intensive forms: 1) Complete the regular online forms also, and 2) Email shpo@state.sd.us to request the Intensive Form Templates. SHPO staff can save copies in our in-house files and upload a copy as an attachment to the CRGRID record.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Liz Almlie, Historic Preservation Specialist
South Dakota State Historical Society
900 Governors Dr., Pierre, SD 57501