historic preservation
Historic Sites Survey
A statewide survey provides us with a permanent record of the state's historic properties and is a valuable source for historical research. The information gathered by the statewide survey is used as a planning tool by both the SHPO and local communities to ensure wise use of the state's cultural resources.
The survey is used to identify properties eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Properties eligible for the Register may, in turn, qualify for federal and state historic preservation grants and tax incentives that the SHPO administers. The survey is also used to facilitate the NHPA Section 106 review and compliance process, a procedure that helps protect South Dakota's cultural resources from potential adverse effects that may occur during the implementation of federally-funded or licensed projects.
On the local level, the survey provides the information a community needs to conserve, maintain, and enhance its historic resources. Survey data is essential to a community when it is drafting a preservation ordinance, identifying a local landmark, or marking off a conservation district, for such measures will influence future planning, new development, capital improvement, and zoning. Finally, the survey can promote public awareness and public appreciation for a community's historic resources by providing access to information through publications, audiovisual presentations, and curriculum packets, which can strengthen a community's commitment to protect the state's historic resources.
SHPO CRGRID - Cultural Resource Geographic Research Information Display: To search and view SHPO's architectural survey records. Find a user guide to that site's tools and functions under its 'Help' tab.
Survey Manual and Forms
Below are links to our current survey manual and survey forms. The forms are available as either PDFs or as Microsoft Word documents. To submit survey forms to the SHPO, please visit https://history.sd.gov/SHPOHS/. You will need to create a user account to access this site. Please review the survey manual prior to completing and submitting these forms.
SD Historic Resource Survey Manual, 2023 (Architectural)
Individual Survey Forms:
Structures Master List
Structures Form - pdf or Word format
Bridges/Cemetery Master List
Bridges Form - pdf or Word format
Cemetery Form - pdf or Word format
Ineligible Form - pdf or Word format
Intensive Form - pdf or Word format
If you have any questions, please contact:
Liz Almlie, Historic Preservation Specialist
South Dakota State Historical Society
900 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501-2217
(605) 773-6056
The South Dakota Archaeological Research Center manages survey records for archaeological sites. ARC's website has information about requesting record searches and/or access to ARMS (Archaeological Records Management System) for licensed consultants/archaologists.