historic preservation
SHPO Documents
Comprehensive Statewide 5-Year Plan
Guidelines for Identifying and Evaluating Buried Archaeological Sites
South Dakota State Plan for Archaeological Resources, 2018 Update
Historic Property Owner's Guide
Prairie Crossings: South Dakota's Historic Roadway Bridges, a South Dakota Department of Transportation Publication
For properties with preservation covenants and easements held by our office: Project Notification Form in Word format or Fillable PDF format
Places Worth Exploring Curriculum Guide
Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation in South Dakota:
Historic Contexts:
Architectural History in South Dakota
Common Farm Barns of South Dakota, 1857-1958
Federal Relief Construction in South Dakota, 1929-1941
German-Russian Folk Architecture in Southeastern South Dakota
Historic Bridges of South Dakota
Historic Mining Resources in the Black Hills and South Dakota DRAFT
Homesteading and Agricultural Development
Indian Housing in South Dakota
Post-World War II Architecture in South Dakota
South Dakota Modern Residential Architecture
Steel Water Towers Associated with South Dakota Water Systems, 1894-1967
The History of Agriculture in South Dakota: Components for a Fully Developed Historic Context
Harnessing Water: Historic Water Control and Diversion Systems of South Dakota, 1876-1980
Inventory - Nomination Forms:
Architecture of Finnish Settlement in South Dakota
Czech Folk Architecture of Southeastern South Dakota
Forest Avenue Historic District, Vermillion
German-Russian Folk Architecture in South Dakota
Historic Resources of Harding and Perkins Counties, South Dakota
Historic Hutterite Colonies Thematic Resources
Historic Resources of Rural Butte and Meade Counties in South Dakota
Historic Resources of the Northern and Central Townships of Yankton County, South Dakota
Multiple Property Documentation Forms:
Concrete Interstate Tipis of South Dakota
19th Century South Dakota Trading Posts
Bison Kill Sites in South Dakota, 9000 B.C. - A.D. 1875
County Courthouses of South Dakota
Federal Relief Construction in South Dakota, 1929-1941
Harold Spitznagel Firm 1929-1972
Historic Bridges in South Dakota, 1893-1942
Historic Resources of the North End Neighborhood of Watertown, South Dakota
Historic Stone Arch Culverts in Turner County, South Dakota
Lustron Houses in South Dakota
Ranches of Southwestern Custer County, South Dakota
Rural Architectural and Historical Resources of Brown County, South Dakota
Rural Resources of Eastern Custer County, South Dakota
South Dakota's Round and Polygonal Barns and Pavilions