historic preservation
SHPO Annual Work Plan
The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) is preparing its federal fiscal year 2024 grant application and invites public comment through November 1st, 2023 on the state's preservation needs and projects. The SHPO relates historic preservation to economics, social, and educational objectives. It surveys, inventories, and registers historical properties, and promotes public awareness and provides technical assistance on their preservation.
When submitting input, the SHPO asks the public to consider the following questions: what properties or areas in South Dakota need to be inventoried, what properties should be considered for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places, what properties are at-risk or endangered, and/or what kinds of technical preservation assistance are beneficial?
Please fill out the below suggestion form and send it to SHPO by November 1st. Directions and submission instructions are on the form. If you have any questions, please call (605) 773-3458 or email shpo@state.sd.us.