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A Guide to the Great Sioux Nation. Pierre, SD: South Dakota Department of Tourism, [1995?].
Allen, Clifford et. al. History of the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe. Flandreau, SD: Tribal History Program, 1971.
Antoine, Lawrence. Birth of the Rosebud Country. Winner, SD: Lawrence Antoine, 1975.
Black Thunder, Elijah et al. Ehanna Woyakapi: History and Culture of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota. Sisseton, SD: Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe, 1975.
Estes, George. Kul Wicasa Oyate: Lower Brule Sioux Tribe. s.l.: s.n. c1971.
Hill, Edward. The Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1880: Historical Sketches. New York: Clearwater Publishing Company, Inc., 1974.
History of Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation and Noted Indian Chiefs. Eagle Butte, SD: 11th Annual Minnecoujou Dancing Contest, 1973.
The History of Lincoln County South Dakota. Canton, SD: Lincoln County History Committee, 1985.
McDonnell, Janet A. The Dispossession of the American Indian, 1887-1934. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
Paulson, Emogene and Lloyd R. Moses. Who's Who Among the Sioux. Vermillion, SD: University of SD Institute of Indian Studies, 1988.
Pipal, Bert. A History of Standing Rock Indian Agency, 1868-1880. Masters Thesis, Northern State Teachers College, Aberdeen, SD, 1962.
Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1859-1876.
Riney, Scott. The Rapid City Indian School, 1898-1933. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1999.
Sansom-Flood, Renee, Shirley Bernie. Leonard Bruguier, ed. Remember Your Relatives: Yankton Sioux Images, 1851-1904. Marty, SD: Marty Indian School, 1985.
_______. Remember Your Relatives: Yankton Sioux Images, 1865 to 1915. Volume 2. Marty, SD: Yankton Sioux Elderly Advisory Board, 1989.
Schell, Herbert. History of South Dakota. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1968.