South Dakota Archives Month 2023

Archives Month is held each year in October to highlight the importance of our public historic records and to encourage access to our history through our state's archives, historical societies, libraries, county governments and other historical repositories. The month-long celebration coincides with the American Archives Month established by the Society of American Archivists.
The South Dakota State Archives needs your help celebrating Archives Month this October! Doane Robinson, our first state historian, was accidentally foldered and flattened during some enthusiastic collections processing. Now that he's free, we're sending Doane to meet our wonderful friends. Snap a photo with Flat Doane at your favorite historical site, archives, museum, library, or post office and share it on social media with the hashtag #FlatDoane. You can also email your pics to statearchives@state.sd.us. We'll be tracking and sharing Doane's adventures throughout October!
Jonah Leroy (Doane) Robinson (October 19, 1856 - November 27, 1946) was secretary of the South Dakota State Historical Society and superintendent of the State Department of History from 1901 to 1926.
Help us promote Archives Month by printing and displaying this poster
Download the Poster (PDF) - we recommend printing on 11 x 17 paperGovernor's Proclamation
Governor Noem has issued a proclamation declaring October 2023 to be Archives Month in South Dakota. Click the link below to see entire proclamation.
Calendar of Events
To add an event to the calendar, contact us at (605) 773-3804 or archref@state.sd.us.
Electronic Records Day
Tuesday, October 10th
October 10th is designated as "Electronic Records Day" by the Council of State Archivists. Electronic files are much more fragile than paper records, and their long-term survival requires attention and planning. Watch the State Archives' social media on Electronic Records Day for tips on preserving and managing electronic files.
#AskAnArchivist Day
Wednesday, October 11th
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (CT)
On Twitter
#AskAnArchivist Day is a national event sponsored by the Society of American Archivists. Follow the Twitter conversation using #AskAnArchivist and send questions to us @SDArchives.
"What to Keep, What to Throw"
Saturday, October 14th
10:00 a.m. (CT)
Madison Public Library, 209 E Center St, Madison, SD
Please contact Amanda Hall (605-256-7525, madisonpubliclibrary@gmail.com) or Virginia Hanson (605-773-3616, virginia.m.hanson@state.sd.us) to register
Join archivist and genealogist Virginia Hanson for a presentation on organizing and protecting your family history research and what to do if no one wants to inherit your collections. This program is hosted by the Madison Public Library and is free and open to the public! Registration is requested.
"Recently Accessioned Manuscript Collections"
Thursday, October 19th
Watch the presentation on YouTube!
Manuscript archivist Matthew Reitzel highlights some of the manuscript collections processed within the last year at the South Dakota State Archives.
"History and Mysteries of Cemeteries"
Tuesday, October 24th
1:00 p.m. (CT)
Rawlins Library, 1000 E Church St, Pierre, SD
Please call 605-773-7421 or click here to register.
Archivist Virginia Hanson will talk about the history of cemeteries, gravestone symbolism, and perhaps tell an eerie story or two. The program is hosted by Rawlins Library and is free and open to the public! Registration is requested.
History Trivia Night
Monday, October 30th
7:00 p.m. (CT)
St. Charles Lounge, 207 E. Capitol Ave, Pierre, SD
History Trivia Night returns! Bring your team and compete to see who knows the most about South Dakota and U.S. history. Costumes encouraged (but optional).
Don't forget to follow the South Dakota State Archives on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! We'll be sharing highlights from our collections, upcoming projects, tips for preserving your important photos and documents, and information about other historical repositories all month long.