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The Biographical File collection consists of various information collected on specific individuals. The file folders themselves are available only at the State Archives.
Biographical File Index
The Biographical File collection consists of various information collected on specific individuals. The file folders themselves are available only at the State Archives.
A - Miscellaneous (obits and news clips)
Aasen, Larry
Abbott, Charles L.
Abbott, Hazel B.
Abdnor, James
Abel, Edward Dowdell
Abild, Ethel Dowdell
Abourezk, James
Abrahamson, Grace
Ackerman, Edward
Ackermann, Sarah
Adams, Eugene
Adams, Irene G.
Adams, John G.
Adrian, Patricia
Afraid of Hawk, Albert
Afraid Of Hawk, Ed
Aga, Helen Kinghorn
Agard, Louis "Chat"
Ainsworth, Col. C. W.
Aisenbrey, Calvin John
Akeley, Lewis E.
Akland, Eleanor S.
Albright, Louis Bowman
Aldrich, Judge P. Emory
Alex, Robert (Bob)
Alexander, Morton
Alexander, Ruth Ann
Alleman, Peter
Allan, Fleming
Allen, J. A.
Allen, Maj. C. W.
Allen, Mary Lou Wooledge
Allen, Regina Hunkins
Alley, J. Michael
Allison, B.
Allison, E. H. "Fish"
Allman, Jessie
Alseth, Ida Brooks
Alt Family
Alzado, Lyle
Amdahl, Gene
American Horse
American Island
Amidon, Judge
Amiotte, Arthur
Amsden, Cassius Silas & Mrs.
Amsden, Ralph C.
Amundsen, Loren
Anders, John Olson
Anderson, Arnold C.
Anderson, Arthur Bennet
Anderson, C. B. "Doc"
Anderson, Charles H.
Anderson, Chester
Anderson, Clinton Presba
Anderson, Debra
Anderson, Flora Bowers
Anderson, Francis
Anderson, Gretchen Lord
Anderson, Harry H.
Anderson, Iola M.
Anderson, John
Anderson, M. Crawford
Anderson, Myrtle Mille
Anderson, Pat
Anderson, Sigurd
Anderson, "Sparky"
Anderson, Terry C.
Anderson, Wendell
Andress, John H.
Andrew, Rev. E. W.
Anglesburg, Eva K.
Annes, Neil
Anson, Angus C.
Aplan, Dr. Frank
Aplan, Helen Fisher
Aplan, James
Archambault, Harry
Arconge, Moses
Arese, Count Francesco
Arkansas (Alexandra Putello)
Armstrong, Moses Kimball
Arnold, Mrs. S. V.
Arnold, Stella Hosmer
Arndt, Ted
Aron, Henry Brigham
Artichocker, John Jr.
Artichoker, John
Ash, Ben
Ashford, Frank C.
Ashley, Edward
Ashley, Vernon
Askin, Thomas / John
Atherton Family
Atherton, L. G.
Atkinson, Carroll
Atkinson, Florence
Atkinson, Mary Houston
Atwater, W. D.
Atwood, Elijah Francis
Audiss, Tim
Austin Family
Austin, Horace J.
Austin, William
Ayres, George Vincent
Ayres, Homer
Ayres, Thomas
Aasen, Larry
Abbott, Charles L.
Abbott, Hazel B.
Abdnor, James
Abel, Edward Dowdell
Abild, Ethel Dowdell
Abourezk, James
Abrahamson, Grace
Ackerman, Edward
Ackermann, Sarah
Adams, Eugene
Adams, Irene G.
Adams, John G.
Adrian, Patricia
Afraid of Hawk, Albert
Afraid Of Hawk, Ed
Aga, Helen Kinghorn
Agard, Louis "Chat"
Ainsworth, Col. C. W.
Aisenbrey, Calvin John
Akeley, Lewis E.
Akland, Eleanor S.
Albright, Louis Bowman
Aldrich, Judge P. Emory
Alex, Robert (Bob)
Alexander, Morton
Alexander, Ruth Ann
Alleman, Peter
Allan, Fleming
Allen, J. A.
Allen, Maj. C. W.
Allen, Mary Lou Wooledge
Allen, Regina Hunkins
Alley, J. Michael
Allison, B.
Allison, E. H. "Fish"
Allman, Jessie
Alseth, Ida Brooks
Alt Family
Alzado, Lyle
Amdahl, Gene
American Horse
American Island
Amidon, Judge
Amiotte, Arthur
Amsden, Cassius Silas & Mrs.
Amsden, Ralph C.
Amundsen, Loren
Anders, John Olson
Anderson, Arnold C.
Anderson, Arthur Bennet
Anderson, C. B. "Doc"
Anderson, Charles H.
Anderson, Chester
Anderson, Clinton Presba
Anderson, Debra
Anderson, Flora Bowers
Anderson, Francis
Anderson, Gretchen Lord
Anderson, Harry H.
Anderson, Iola M.
Anderson, John
Anderson, M. Crawford
Anderson, Myrtle Mille
Anderson, Pat
Anderson, Sigurd
Anderson, "Sparky"
Anderson, Terry C.
Anderson, Wendell
Andress, John H.
Andrew, Rev. E. W.
Anglesburg, Eva K.
Annes, Neil
Anson, Angus C.
Aplan, Dr. Frank
Aplan, Helen Fisher
Aplan, James
Archambault, Harry
Arconge, Moses
Arese, Count Francesco
Arkansas (Alexandra Putello)
Armstrong, Moses Kimball
Arnold, Mrs. S. V.
Arnold, Stella Hosmer
Arndt, Ted
Aron, Henry Brigham
Artichocker, John Jr.
Artichoker, John
Ash, Ben
Ashford, Frank C.
Ashley, Edward
Ashley, Vernon
Askin, Thomas / John
Atherton Family
Atherton, L. G.
Atkinson, Carroll
Atkinson, Florence
Atkinson, Mary Houston
Atwater, W. D.
Atwood, Elijah Francis
Audiss, Tim
Austin Family
Austin, Horace J.
Austin, William
Ayres, George Vincent
Ayres, Homer
Ayres, Thomas
B - Miscellaneous (obits and news clips)
Bach, Catherine
Bad Warrior, Martha
Baer, Burnace Worth
Baer, Ed
Bagby, Della May McGannon
Bagby, Ran
Bagstad, Anna
Bailey, Donna Redd
Baillie, E. Kenneth
Baillie, Earnest
Bairey, John W.
Baker, Rev. E. H.
Baker, Dorothy
Baker, Gerard
Bakker Family
Baldwin, George
Baldwin, Mary L.
Ball, Thomas Alexander
Ball, Thomas Joseph
Ballard, J. J. "Cattle Driver"
Banks, Dennis
Bannister, Mrs. D. N.
Banvard, John
Barber, Francis
Barber, Lucy M.[See Elliot, Charles]
Bardwell, William
Barker, Bob
Barker, Matilda Tarleton
Barker, Raleigh Everette
Barnes, Guy Political
Barnes, Ruby Mcadam
Barnett, Don
Barnett, Joseph
Barr, Claude
Barrie, Richard L.
Barron, Wallace E.
Barry, David
Barry, William
Bartholow, Pat
Bartlett, Clarence A.
Barton, Dr. Robert
Bass, William
Batchelder, George A.
Bates, Frances Marian
Bates, Joseph
Battey, Richard
Battin, Blanche
Bauer Family
Baum, L. Frank
Baumeister, Bob
Baye, Elsie Hey
Bayles, William Haldeman
Beadle, William Henry Harrison
Bean, Jesse
Bear Ghost
Beard, Dewey
Beard, Henry
Bearss, Elma Scheel
Beaty, Elizabeth E.
Beauvais Family
Beck, Frank
Beck, William H. (See Mann, Herbert T.)
Beckwith, Col. Edward
Beddow, Jim
Bedsaul, Clare
Bedsaul, Ella
Beebe, Inez
Beebe, Jessie Hollis
Beebe, Marcus
Beebe, Mrs. Silas
Beede, Aaron Mcgaffey
Beedie, Grace Lucile
Beekley, Constance Bowden
Beever, Fred I. Holt
Behymer, L. E.
Beldt / Beld
Belknapp, Rev. A. B.
Belknapp, Hugh
Bell, Dale
Bell, Gordon H.
Bell, James H.
Bellamy, Paul
Bellecourt, Vernon
Bennett, Estelline
Bennett, Granville Gaylord
Benoist Family
Benson, Bernice
Benton, Robert H.
Bentonite Bill (William I. Smith)
Bentson, Lloyd
Berdahl, Ann
Berg Family
Berg, Olive
Berge, Robert J. Vanden
Bergh, Helen J.
Bergh, Helen J. (Author File)
Bernard, Father (Strossmeier)
Berry, E. Y.
Berry, Geraldine
Berry, Lyndall
Berry, Scott (Ote)
Berry, Gov. Thomas
Berry Family
Bertleson, Charlotte
Besselievre, Paul
Besselierre, W. C.
Bianchi, Willibald (Bill)
Bickner, Donald
Bicknese, Frederick C. (Fritz)
Bien, Vice Admiral
Bierce, Ambrose
Big White
Bigelow, Anson H.
Biggar, H. Howard
Biggar, James Harvey
Biller, George
Billinghurst, C. B.
Billinghurst, Charles / Hannah
Bingham, Kate Boyles
Bird, Ben
Bird, Joanne
Birkland, Bertyne (Author)
Birrenkott, Janel
Bischoff, Herman
Bishop, Edna M.
Bissonette, Joseph
Black Bear, Tillie
Black Cowboys
Black Elk, Ben
Black Elk, Henry
Black Elk, Nicholas
Black Elk, Wallace
Black Fox, Ben
Black Moon
Black, A. P. "Ott"
Black, Doris Louise
Blackbird, Chief
Blackburn, William Maxwell
Blaine, James G.
Blaire, Norval
Blakey, Ted
Blashfield, Edwin H.
Blasingame, Clara M.
Blasingame, Ike
Blegen, Helmer M.
Blilie, Katharina Agnes
Bliss, Ellen
Bliss, Philemon
Blomquist, Agnes
Bloom Family (Hanson County)
Blue Cloud, Chief
Blumer, Boyd A.
Blunt, John E. Family
Boardman, William P.
Boat, Rev. William Joseph
Bober, Sam
Bobier, J.R.
Bockorny, David Alan
Bodmer, Karl
Boe, Nils
Bogue, Andrew
Boland, John
Bolger, Thomas E.
Bollich, Peter / Frank / Norbert
Bonaiuto, John C.
Bond, Alec
Bonesteel Family
Bonham, W. H.
Bonnell, Mrs. John
Bonneville, Captain
Bonnin, Gertrude (Zitkala-Sa)
Boone, Loren J.
Boos, Barney
Booth, D. C.
Booth, S. M.
Borah, William I.
Boratko, Andre
Bordeaux, G. Jake
Bordeaux, James
Bordeaux, Lionel
Bordeaux, Little Sun
Bordeaux, William J.
Borglum, Gutzon
Borglum, Lincoln
Borglum, Solon H.
Bormann, E. G.
Borst, William R. "Billy"
Borup, Christian and Maren
Boschma, Byron
Bossman, George Jr.
Bothun, Lasse
Bottum, Joseph Henry
Boucher, Lyman T.
Bouck, Cyrus
Bowden, R. Herbert
Bowdle, A. M.
Bower, Rose
Bowman Family
Boyd, Catherine Bradshaw
Boyer, Clayton J.
Boyer, Isabel R.
Boyle, John W.
Boyles, E. W.
Boyles, Virgil
Brackenridge, Henry Marie
Bradfield, Byron
Brady Patrick
Bramble Family
Branch, Lyle
Brandt Family
Branson, Otis
Brauch, Emiel
Brauch, Jacob
Brave Bear
Brave, Ben
Breamer, Bruce G.
Breidenbach, Pat Jacobsen
Breneman, Mary Worthy
Brennan, John R.
Brewer, Nicholas
Brick, Norma
Bricsoe, Margaret
Briscoe, Robert
Bridge, George
Bridger, Jim
Brigance, W. Norwood
Briggs, Dr. Hilton Marshall
Briggs, Harold E.
Briggs, William Harlowe
Brigham, Arthur Amber
Brigham, Johnson
Briley, Flosie McCafferty
Brisbine Family
Briscoe, Margaret
Bristol, Robert
Brockelsby, Earl
Brokaw, Tom
Brookings, Willmot
Brooks, Cleveland
Brophy, Eliza
Brown, Alice Mitchell
Brown, Donna
Brown, Jesse
Brown, Joseph
Brown, Lawrence
Brown, Mortimer Crane
Brown, Samuel J.
Brown, William / Ginny
Brown Wolf, Oliver Family
Brownell, Sam
Bruce, Margery Brandberg Kovacic
Brugier, Mary / Sam
Brulé (See LaRoche, Paul)
Bryan, Jerry
Bryant, Francis Asbury
Bryant, Frank S.
Bryde, John F.
Buche, August (Gus)
Buck, Pearl
Buechel, Eugene
Buffalo Hunting
Bullock, Seth
Bulow, William
Burbank, John A.
Burgess Family
Buri, Benjamin & Elizabeth
Burke, Charles H.
Burke, Edward Raymond
Burke, Florence
Burke, Mary (Mary Shanard)
Burleigh, Benjamin Wade
Burleigh, Walter
Burnet Family
Burns, John H.
Burnside, George
Burr, Leona L.
Burr, Walter Bissel
Burris, Robert H.
Burt, John / Helen Kirk
Burtt, Judge A. W.
Bush, David Van
Bush, Gerald Sr.
Bushfield, Harlan
Bushfield, Vera
Bushnell, William F. T.
Bussel, Chase
Butler, Walter P.
Bye, John Oluf
Byrne, Emma Beaver
Byrne, Frank
Byrne, Mary Agnes
Byrum, Tom
Bach, Catherine
Bad Warrior, Martha
Baer, Burnace Worth
Baer, Ed
Bagby, Della May McGannon
Bagby, Ran
Bagstad, Anna
Bailey, Donna Redd
Baillie, E. Kenneth
Baillie, Earnest
Bairey, John W.
Baker, Rev. E. H.
Baker, Dorothy
Baker, Gerard
Bakker Family
Baldwin, George
Baldwin, Mary L.
Ball, Thomas Alexander
Ball, Thomas Joseph
Ballard, J. J. "Cattle Driver"
Banks, Dennis
Bannister, Mrs. D. N.
Banvard, John
Barber, Francis
Barber, Lucy M.[See Elliot, Charles]
Bardwell, William
Barker, Bob
Barker, Matilda Tarleton
Barker, Raleigh Everette
Barnes, Guy Political
Barnes, Ruby Mcadam
Barnett, Don
Barnett, Joseph
Barr, Claude
Barrie, Richard L.
Barron, Wallace E.
Barry, David
Barry, William
Bartholow, Pat
Bartlett, Clarence A.
Barton, Dr. Robert
Bass, William
Batchelder, George A.
Bates, Frances Marian
Bates, Joseph
Battey, Richard
Battin, Blanche
Bauer Family
Baum, L. Frank
Baumeister, Bob
Baye, Elsie Hey
Bayles, William Haldeman
Beadle, William Henry Harrison
Bean, Jesse
Bear Ghost
Beard, Dewey
Beard, Henry
Bearss, Elma Scheel
Beaty, Elizabeth E.
Beauvais Family
Beck, Frank
Beck, William H. (See Mann, Herbert T.)
Beckwith, Col. Edward
Beddow, Jim
Bedsaul, Clare
Bedsaul, Ella
Beebe, Inez
Beebe, Jessie Hollis
Beebe, Marcus
Beebe, Mrs. Silas
Beede, Aaron Mcgaffey
Beedie, Grace Lucile
Beekley, Constance Bowden
Beever, Fred I. Holt
Behymer, L. E.
Beldt / Beld
Belknapp, Rev. A. B.
Belknapp, Hugh
Bell, Dale
Bell, Gordon H.
Bell, James H.
Bellamy, Paul
Bellecourt, Vernon
Bennett, Estelline
Bennett, Granville Gaylord
Benoist Family
Benson, Bernice
Benton, Robert H.
Bentonite Bill (William I. Smith)
Bentson, Lloyd
Berdahl, Ann
Berg Family
Berg, Olive
Berge, Robert J. Vanden
Bergh, Helen J.
Bergh, Helen J. (Author File)
Bernard, Father (Strossmeier)
Berry, E. Y.
Berry, Geraldine
Berry, Lyndall
Berry, Scott (Ote)
Berry, Gov. Thomas
Berry Family
Bertleson, Charlotte
Besselievre, Paul
Besselierre, W. C.
Bianchi, Willibald (Bill)
Bickner, Donald
Bicknese, Frederick C. (Fritz)
Bien, Vice Admiral
Bierce, Ambrose
Big White
Bigelow, Anson H.
Biggar, H. Howard
Biggar, James Harvey
Biller, George
Billinghurst, C. B.
Billinghurst, Charles / Hannah
Bingham, Kate Boyles
Bird, Ben
Bird, Joanne
Birkland, Bertyne (Author)
Birrenkott, Janel
Bischoff, Herman
Bishop, Edna M.
Bissonette, Joseph
Black Bear, Tillie
Black Cowboys
Black Elk, Ben
Black Elk, Henry
Black Elk, Nicholas
Black Elk, Wallace
Black Fox, Ben
Black Moon
Black, A. P. "Ott"
Black, Doris Louise
Blackbird, Chief
Blackburn, William Maxwell
Blaine, James G.
Blaire, Norval
Blakey, Ted
Blashfield, Edwin H.
Blasingame, Clara M.
Blasingame, Ike
Blegen, Helmer M.
Blilie, Katharina Agnes
Bliss, Ellen
Bliss, Philemon
Blomquist, Agnes
Bloom Family (Hanson County)
Blue Cloud, Chief
Blumer, Boyd A.
Blunt, John E. Family
Boardman, William P.
Boat, Rev. William Joseph
Bober, Sam
Bobier, J.R.
Bockorny, David Alan
Bodmer, Karl
Boe, Nils
Bogue, Andrew
Boland, John
Bolger, Thomas E.
Bollich, Peter / Frank / Norbert
Bonaiuto, John C.
Bond, Alec
Bonesteel Family
Bonham, W. H.
Bonnell, Mrs. John
Bonneville, Captain
Bonnin, Gertrude (Zitkala-Sa)
Boone, Loren J.
Boos, Barney
Booth, D. C.
Booth, S. M.
Borah, William I.
Boratko, Andre
Bordeaux, G. Jake
Bordeaux, James
Bordeaux, Lionel
Bordeaux, Little Sun
Bordeaux, William J.
Borglum, Gutzon
Borglum, Lincoln
Borglum, Solon H.
Bormann, E. G.
Borst, William R. "Billy"
Borup, Christian and Maren
Boschma, Byron
Bossman, George Jr.
Bothun, Lasse
Bottum, Joseph Henry
Boucher, Lyman T.
Bouck, Cyrus
Bowden, R. Herbert
Bowdle, A. M.
Bower, Rose
Bowman Family
Boyd, Catherine Bradshaw
Boyer, Clayton J.
Boyer, Isabel R.
Boyle, John W.
Boyles, E. W.
Boyles, Virgil
Brackenridge, Henry Marie
Bradfield, Byron
Brady Patrick
Bramble Family
Branch, Lyle
Brandt Family
Branson, Otis
Brauch, Emiel
Brauch, Jacob
Brave Bear
Brave, Ben
Breamer, Bruce G.
Breidenbach, Pat Jacobsen
Breneman, Mary Worthy
Brennan, John R.
Brewer, Nicholas
Brick, Norma
Bricsoe, Margaret
Briscoe, Robert
Bridge, George
Bridger, Jim
Brigance, W. Norwood
Briggs, Dr. Hilton Marshall
Briggs, Harold E.
Briggs, William Harlowe
Brigham, Arthur Amber
Brigham, Johnson
Briley, Flosie McCafferty
Brisbine Family
Briscoe, Margaret
Bristol, Robert
Brockelsby, Earl
Brokaw, Tom
Brookings, Willmot
Brooks, Cleveland
Brophy, Eliza
Brown, Alice Mitchell
Brown, Donna
Brown, Jesse
Brown, Joseph
Brown, Lawrence
Brown, Mortimer Crane
Brown, Samuel J.
Brown, William / Ginny
Brown Wolf, Oliver Family
Brownell, Sam
Bruce, Margery Brandberg Kovacic
Brugier, Mary / Sam
Brulé (See LaRoche, Paul)
Bryan, Jerry
Bryant, Francis Asbury
Bryant, Frank S.
Bryde, John F.
Buche, August (Gus)
Buck, Pearl
Buechel, Eugene
Buffalo Hunting
Bullock, Seth
Bulow, William
Burbank, John A.
Burgess Family
Buri, Benjamin & Elizabeth
Burke, Charles H.
Burke, Edward Raymond
Burke, Florence
Burke, Mary (Mary Shanard)
Burleigh, Benjamin Wade
Burleigh, Walter
Burnet Family
Burns, John H.
Burnside, George
Burr, Leona L.
Burr, Walter Bissel
Burris, Robert H.
Burt, John / Helen Kirk
Burtt, Judge A. W.
Bush, David Van
Bush, Gerald Sr.
Bushfield, Harlan
Bushfield, Vera
Bushnell, William F. T.
Bussel, Chase
Butler, Walter P.
Bye, John Oluf
Byrne, Emma Beaver
Byrne, Frank
Byrne, Mary Agnes
Byrum, Tom
C - Miscellaneous
Cacavas, John
Cachlin, Justin (Old Frenchy)
Cahalan, Arthur Bertrum
Cahota, Edward Day May
Caille, Louis
Calamity Jane (see also, Canary, Martha)
Caldwell, Irene
Calhoun, Clyde
California Joe
Calkins, Franklin Welles
Cameron, Curt
Cameron, John D.
Camfield, Lewis
Campbell, Albert W.
Campbell, Colin
Campbell, Hardy Webster
Campbell, Hugh J.
Campbell, J. Louis
Campbell, Sarah
Canaday, Dayton
Canary, Arthur
Canary, Martha Jane (see also Calamity Jane)
Capes, Katie (Drought)
Capp, Carol Knutson
Carland, Judge John Emmett
Carlson, Edwin
Carlson, Henry
Carlson, Leslie "Les"
Carlton, C. H.
Carmody, Janice Winifred
Carpenter, Eloise Smith
Carpenter, George W.
Carr, Robert V.
Carruth, Hayden
Carson, Kit
Carter, A. L.
Carter, Dr. Rosa Roberto
Carter, Judge J. W.
Cartner, Ronald
Caruthers, Darrell
Carver, W. F. (Doc)
Case, Francis
Case, Leland
Case, Senator Francis
Casey, Robert J.
Cash, Joseph
Cash, Joseph H.
Cashman, Roger
Cassil, C. H. (State Treasurer)
Castle, William E.
Catlin, George
Catron, Marjorie
Cavalier, L. E.
Chalmers, James
Chamberlain, A. E.
Chamberlain, William Perry
Chapman Family
Chapman, Raymond Y.
Chapman, William
Charbonneau, Jean Baptiste
Chardon, Francois A.
Charger, Martin
Chase, Isaac H.
Chasing Bear, William O'Connor
Chasing Eagle, James
Chassell, J. R.
Chattick, Julia Elizabeth
Chenoweth, Richard Rolin
Chicoine, David
Chidwick, Rev. John P.
Chief Eagle, Dallas
Childers, Leta Nolan
Chilson, Herman
Chittick, Douglas
Choteau Family
Choteau, Clement / Claymore
Church, Louis
Christensen, C.
Christensen, David
Christensen, Esther
Christensen, Howard
Christenson, Cleo M.
Christopherson, C. A.
Christopherson, F. G.
Christopherson, Fred C.
Church, Louis K.
Churchill, Edward Perry
Churchhills (Connecticut)
Clark, Anna Morris
Clark, Badger
Clark, Cushman
Clark, David W.
Clark, Henry Clay
Clark, Lester
Clark, Rev. Charles Badger
Clark, S. Cushman
Clarkson, Al
Clay, Edward
Claymore, Basil
Cleaver, Vera
Cleberg, Harry
Cleghorn, Dr. Adam
Cleghorn, Dan O.
Clem, Alan L.
Clement / Claymore Families
Clement, Amanda
Cleveland, Cynthia
Clifford, Henry / Mortimer
Clifford, Inez
Clifford, Sylvester
Clinton, Bill (Presidential Visit 7/7/99)
Clover, Samuel Travers
Clow, Richmond
Clowser, Don C.
Cloyd, David E.
Coacher, Elgie
Coakley, Sister Colman
Cochran, Byrd J.
Cochran, Byron
Cochrane, Eleanor
Cocke Family
Coddington, M. F.
Cody, William "Buffalo Bill"
Coffield, Lucille
Cogan, Bridget Cole
Cogan, William
Cogell, Elizabeth Cummins
Cole, Cornelius
Cole, Cyrus
Collins Family
Collins, Arthur B.
Collins, Charles
Collins, Edward. C.
Collins, E. E.
Collins, Mary
Collins, Paul E.
Collins, William (Photographer)
Colter, John
Conger, Dane
Conklin, Gen. S. J.
Conn, Herb
Conners, Howard
Connolly, Joseph Peter
Cook, Bennett P.
Cook, George W.
Cook, William A.
Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth
Cookley, Sister Coleman
Cooley, Scott
Coolidge Family
Coolidge, Calvin
Coon, Martha Sutherland
Coppess, Chad
Corey, L. E.
Cornell, Carl M.
Cornell, Lois Abbie
Corning, Maj. Gen. Duane (Duke)
Corson, Judge Dighton
Cosgrove, Archie
Costner, Kevin
Cottle, Frank
Cotton, Myrna
Coursey, O. W.
Courtis, William C.
Cowen, Harry
Cox, James
Coyne, Clarence E.
Cracraft, Jane
Craig, James Taylor
Cramer, Marian
Crabdakk, Major C. J.
Crawford, Coe I.
Crawford, John W. (Captain Jack)
Crawford, Nelson A.
Crazy Horse
Creamer, Lee Montelle
Cressey, E. T.
Crevier Family
Crill, Louis N.
Croes, Charles
Crofoot, Carrie M.
Cronau, Rudolf
Cropp, Richard
Cross, Fred J.
Cross, Philitus Noah
Cross, W. R.
Crow, Derrick Don
Crow, Dewey Don
Crow Dog
Crow King
Cudmore, Patrick
Culbertson, Pete
Culp, Vernon H.
Cunnins, Bert
Cummins, Cedric
Cummins, Mary Frances
Cundhill, Frank
Cunmore, Patrick
Curtin, Terrence
Custer, Gen. George
Cutler, Steve
Cutter, John J.
Cacavas, John
Cachlin, Justin (Old Frenchy)
Cahalan, Arthur Bertrum
Cahota, Edward Day May
Caille, Louis
Calamity Jane (see also, Canary, Martha)
Caldwell, Irene
Calhoun, Clyde
California Joe
Calkins, Franklin Welles
Cameron, Curt
Cameron, John D.
Camfield, Lewis
Campbell, Albert W.
Campbell, Colin
Campbell, Hardy Webster
Campbell, Hugh J.
Campbell, J. Louis
Campbell, Sarah
Canaday, Dayton
Canary, Arthur
Canary, Martha Jane (see also Calamity Jane)
Capes, Katie (Drought)
Capp, Carol Knutson
Carland, Judge John Emmett
Carlson, Edwin
Carlson, Henry
Carlson, Leslie "Les"
Carlton, C. H.
Carmody, Janice Winifred
Carpenter, Eloise Smith
Carpenter, George W.
Carr, Robert V.
Carruth, Hayden
Carson, Kit
Carter, A. L.
Carter, Dr. Rosa Roberto
Carter, Judge J. W.
Cartner, Ronald
Caruthers, Darrell
Carver, W. F. (Doc)
Case, Francis
Case, Leland
Case, Senator Francis
Casey, Robert J.
Cash, Joseph
Cash, Joseph H.
Cashman, Roger
Cassil, C. H. (State Treasurer)
Castle, William E.
Catlin, George
Catron, Marjorie
Cavalier, L. E.
Chalmers, James
Chamberlain, A. E.
Chamberlain, William Perry
Chapman Family
Chapman, Raymond Y.
Chapman, William
Charbonneau, Jean Baptiste
Chardon, Francois A.
Charger, Martin
Chase, Isaac H.
Chasing Bear, William O'Connor
Chasing Eagle, James
Chassell, J. R.
Chattick, Julia Elizabeth
Chenoweth, Richard Rolin
Chicoine, David
Chidwick, Rev. John P.
Chief Eagle, Dallas
Childers, Leta Nolan
Chilson, Herman
Chittick, Douglas
Choteau Family
Choteau, Clement / Claymore
Church, Louis
Christensen, C.
Christensen, David
Christensen, Esther
Christensen, Howard
Christenson, Cleo M.
Christopherson, C. A.
Christopherson, F. G.
Christopherson, Fred C.
Church, Louis K.
Churchill, Edward Perry
Churchhills (Connecticut)
Clark, Anna Morris
Clark, Badger
Clark, Cushman
Clark, David W.
Clark, Henry Clay
Clark, Lester
Clark, Rev. Charles Badger
Clark, S. Cushman
Clarkson, Al
Clay, Edward
Claymore, Basil
Cleaver, Vera
Cleberg, Harry
Cleghorn, Dr. Adam
Cleghorn, Dan O.
Clem, Alan L.
Clement / Claymore Families
Clement, Amanda
Cleveland, Cynthia
Clifford, Henry / Mortimer
Clifford, Inez
Clifford, Sylvester
Clinton, Bill (Presidential Visit 7/7/99)
Clover, Samuel Travers
Clow, Richmond
Clowser, Don C.
Cloyd, David E.
Coacher, Elgie
Coakley, Sister Colman
Cochran, Byrd J.
Cochran, Byron
Cochrane, Eleanor
Cocke Family
Coddington, M. F.
Cody, William "Buffalo Bill"
Coffield, Lucille
Cogan, Bridget Cole
Cogan, William
Cogell, Elizabeth Cummins
Cole, Cornelius
Cole, Cyrus
Collins Family
Collins, Arthur B.
Collins, Charles
Collins, Edward. C.
Collins, E. E.
Collins, Mary
Collins, Paul E.
Collins, William (Photographer)
Colter, John
Conger, Dane
Conklin, Gen. S. J.
Conn, Herb
Conners, Howard
Connolly, Joseph Peter
Cook, Bennett P.
Cook, George W.
Cook, William A.
Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth
Cookley, Sister Coleman
Cooley, Scott
Coolidge Family
Coolidge, Calvin
Coon, Martha Sutherland
Coppess, Chad
Corey, L. E.
Cornell, Carl M.
Cornell, Lois Abbie
Corning, Maj. Gen. Duane (Duke)
Corson, Judge Dighton
Cosgrove, Archie
Costner, Kevin
Cottle, Frank
Cotton, Myrna
Coursey, O. W.
Courtis, William C.
Cowen, Harry
Cox, James
Coyne, Clarence E.
Cracraft, Jane
Craig, James Taylor
Cramer, Marian
Crabdakk, Major C. J.
Crawford, Coe I.
Crawford, John W. (Captain Jack)
Crawford, Nelson A.
Crazy Horse
Creamer, Lee Montelle
Cressey, E. T.
Crevier Family
Crill, Louis N.
Croes, Charles
Crofoot, Carrie M.
Cronau, Rudolf
Cropp, Richard
Cross, Fred J.
Cross, Philitus Noah
Cross, W. R.
Crow, Derrick Don
Crow, Dewey Don
Crow Dog
Crow King
Cudmore, Patrick
Culbertson, Pete
Culp, Vernon H.
Cunnins, Bert
Cummins, Cedric
Cummins, Mary Frances
Cundhill, Frank
Cunmore, Patrick
Curtin, Terrence
Custer, Gen. George
Cutler, Steve
Cutter, John J.
D - Miscellaneous
Dahl, Arndt Elstad
Dahl, Borghild
Dahlin, David Jr.
Dakota Best
Dale, Bob
Dalrymple, Bud
Dalrymple, Ogden
Dalthrop, Charles John
Dalton, General Albert C.
Daly, William
Daniel, Chrys
Daschle, Tom
Dauguard, Gov. Dennis
Dauguard, Linda (Schmidt)
David, Gary
Davidson, John H. Jr.
Davies, James
Davis, Jefferson
Davison, Henry C.
Day, Bud
Deadwood Dick
Deam, James
Dean, Almon
Dean, Harold
Dean, Hazel
Dean, Hoadley
Dean, James
Dean, Roscoe
Dean, Tony
Debell, Ellen Bruner
DeBoer, Leonard
Dedrick, Dave
Deering, Sister Alosia
Deethardt, Dorothy
Deetken, Julius
DeHaven, Jean
Dehueck, Peter
Deland, Charles E.
Delaney, Margaret
Delashment, David McCalla
Delbridge, Carlton
Deloria, Ella
Deloria, Ella Cara
Deloria, Philip
Deloria, Vine Jr.
Deloria, Vine Sr.
Demores, Marquis
Dempsey, Dorothy
Den Besten, Lynn A.
Denholm, Marlys Miller
Denholm, James Leonard
Denison, Frances
Dennis, Marjorie Evenson
Denny Family
Depuy, William E.
Derscheid, Lyle A.
Desmet, Father
Deuter, Cat (See Little Wounded file)
Dewall, Robb
Dewey, F. B.
Dewey, Thomas E.
Dexter, Pete
Deyonge, George
Dickerson, Ingattansen
Dickey, Burtis Sarah
Dickinson, Mrs. A. J.
Dickson, Ben and Stella Mae
Dickson, Margaret Ball
Dickson, Robert
Dietz, William Lone Star
Dillinger, John
Dillman, Willard
Dillon, Charles Hall
Dimmette, Celia Puhr
Dippert, Ed
Dirks, Florence
Disbrow, Edward Delavan
Dmitri, Ivan (Levon West)
Dollar, Clyde D.
Dollard, Robert
Dolliver, Jonathan
Donahue, Cornelius (Lame Johnny)
Donaldson, William Henry
Dorion, Pierre
Doughty, Charles
Douglas, Aken
Douglas, William G.
Dover, Sylvia Graff
Dowd, Ellsworth
Dowdell, Robert Emmett
Dowling, Frank Carlyle
Downing, J. Hyatt
Drake, Mrs. A. J.
Drawde, Leirf B.
Dreamer, Marion Billbrough
Drifting Goose
Drips, Andrew
Drips, Joseph H.
Driscoll, Robert E.
Driscoll, Robert H.
Driver, Captain William
Droppers, Garrett
Drouillard, George (Drewer)
Dubois Family
Dubray, Fred
Ducharme, Cuthbert
Ducheneaux, Frank
Dudley, Joseph
Duffy, Patrick
Duhamel, Peter and Bud
Dull Knife
Dunham, Dr. W. O.
Dunham, Fred N.
Dunham, Jonathon Niles
Dunker, Leigh
Dunn, Harvey
Dunn, Lyndle
Dunn, Richard
Dunker, Leigh
Dupree, Calvin
Dupree Family
Dupree, Fred
Durand, George Harrison
Duratschek, Claudia
Dusant, Felite (Mrs. Augustus Traversie)
Duxbury, Robert
Dvorak, Joseph A.
Dwyer, David
Dye, Eva Emery
Dykshorn, Janice Mae
Dahl, Arndt Elstad
Dahl, Borghild
Dahlin, David Jr.
Dakota Best
Dale, Bob
Dalrymple, Bud
Dalrymple, Ogden
Dalthrop, Charles John
Dalton, General Albert C.
Daly, William
Daniel, Chrys
Daschle, Tom
Dauguard, Gov. Dennis
Dauguard, Linda (Schmidt)
David, Gary
Davidson, John H. Jr.
Davies, James
Davis, Jefferson
Davison, Henry C.
Day, Bud
Deadwood Dick
Deam, James
Dean, Almon
Dean, Harold
Dean, Hazel
Dean, Hoadley
Dean, James
Dean, Roscoe
Dean, Tony
Debell, Ellen Bruner
DeBoer, Leonard
Dedrick, Dave
Deering, Sister Alosia
Deethardt, Dorothy
Deetken, Julius
DeHaven, Jean
Dehueck, Peter
Deland, Charles E.
Delaney, Margaret
Delashment, David McCalla
Delbridge, Carlton
Deloria, Ella
Deloria, Ella Cara
Deloria, Philip
Deloria, Vine Jr.
Deloria, Vine Sr.
Demores, Marquis
Dempsey, Dorothy
Den Besten, Lynn A.
Denholm, Marlys Miller
Denholm, James Leonard
Denison, Frances
Dennis, Marjorie Evenson
Denny Family
Depuy, William E.
Derscheid, Lyle A.
Desmet, Father
Deuter, Cat (See Little Wounded file)
Dewall, Robb
Dewey, F. B.
Dewey, Thomas E.
Dexter, Pete
Deyonge, George
Dickerson, Ingattansen
Dickey, Burtis Sarah
Dickinson, Mrs. A. J.
Dickson, Ben and Stella Mae
Dickson, Margaret Ball
Dickson, Robert
Dietz, William Lone Star
Dillinger, John
Dillman, Willard
Dillon, Charles Hall
Dimmette, Celia Puhr
Dippert, Ed
Dirks, Florence
Disbrow, Edward Delavan
Dmitri, Ivan (Levon West)
Dollar, Clyde D.
Dollard, Robert
Dolliver, Jonathan
Donahue, Cornelius (Lame Johnny)
Donaldson, William Henry
Dorion, Pierre
Doughty, Charles
Douglas, Aken
Douglas, William G.
Dover, Sylvia Graff
Dowd, Ellsworth
Dowdell, Robert Emmett
Dowling, Frank Carlyle
Downing, J. Hyatt
Drake, Mrs. A. J.
Drawde, Leirf B.
Dreamer, Marion Billbrough
Drifting Goose
Drips, Andrew
Drips, Joseph H.
Driscoll, Robert E.
Driscoll, Robert H.
Driver, Captain William
Droppers, Garrett
Drouillard, George (Drewer)
Dubois Family
Dubray, Fred
Ducharme, Cuthbert
Ducheneaux, Frank
Dudley, Joseph
Duffy, Patrick
Duhamel, Peter and Bud
Dull Knife
Dunham, Dr. W. O.
Dunham, Fred N.
Dunham, Jonathon Niles
Dunker, Leigh
Dunn, Harvey
Dunn, Lyndle
Dunn, Richard
Dunker, Leigh
Dupree, Calvin
Dupree Family
Dupree, Fred
Durand, George Harrison
Duratschek, Claudia
Dusant, Felite (Mrs. Augustus Traversie)
Duxbury, Robert
Dvorak, Joseph A.
Dwyer, David
Dye, Eva Emery
Dykshorn, Janice Mae
E - Miscellaneous
Eadie, Betty
Eagle Horn, Chauncey
Eagle Horn, Dennis
Eagleman, Tom
Earls, Bill
Early, John F.
Earp Family
Eastman, Charles A.
Eastman, Elaine Goodale
Eastman, John
Ebersole Family
Echelberger, Winifred
Eckrich, Catherine
Edelen, Mary
Edelman, Mark A.
Edgerton, Alonzo
Edison, Thomas
Edlosi, Mario
Edmunds, Alice McDonald
Edmunds, Frank B.
Edmunds, Gov. Newton
Egan, George W.
Ehrensperger, Edward Charles
Eickhoff, Daisy Shriver
Eikamp, Helen
Eisele, Harry
Eisenberg, C. G.
Eisenhower, Pres. Dwight
Elefson, Erick Slen
Ellerton, Mary Peterson
Elliot, Charles & Lucy M. Barber
Elliot, Dr. Charlotte
Elliott, Judge James D.
Elliot, William
Ellis, Averil Huck
Ellis, Caleb Holt
Ellis, Jennie
Ellison, Charles Jewell
Elmer, H. C.
Elrod, Gov. Samuel H.
Elson, Esther
Eng, John
Engebretson, Doug
Engen, Don
England, James Forrest
Englebert, Theodore
Engleston, Winifred
English, A. M.
Enright, Gary
Ensenbach, R. F.
Erling, Jacque
Etbauer, Billy
Evans, Arthur T.
Evans, David Allen
Evans, Gloria
Evans, Kyle (See Fagerhaug)
Ewert, A. W. and Family
Ewert, Edward
Ewing, William
Eadie, Betty
Eagle Horn, Chauncey
Eagle Horn, Dennis
Eagleman, Tom
Earls, Bill
Early, John F.
Earp Family
Eastman, Charles A.
Eastman, Elaine Goodale
Eastman, John
Ebersole Family
Echelberger, Winifred
Eckrich, Catherine
Edelen, Mary
Edelman, Mark A.
Edgerton, Alonzo
Edison, Thomas
Edlosi, Mario
Edmunds, Alice McDonald
Edmunds, Frank B.
Edmunds, Gov. Newton
Egan, George W.
Ehrensperger, Edward Charles
Eickhoff, Daisy Shriver
Eikamp, Helen
Eisele, Harry
Eisenberg, C. G.
Eisenhower, Pres. Dwight
Elefson, Erick Slen
Ellerton, Mary Peterson
Elliot, Charles & Lucy M. Barber
Elliot, Dr. Charlotte
Elliott, Judge James D.
Elliot, William
Ellis, Averil Huck
Ellis, Caleb Holt
Ellis, Jennie
Ellison, Charles Jewell
Elmer, H. C.
Elrod, Gov. Samuel H.
Elson, Esther
Eng, John
Engebretson, Doug
Engen, Don
England, James Forrest
Englebert, Theodore
Engleston, Winifred
English, A. M.
Enright, Gary
Ensenbach, R. F.
Erling, Jacque
Etbauer, Billy
Evans, Arthur T.
Evans, David Allen
Evans, Gloria
Evans, Kyle (See Fagerhaug)
Ewert, A. W. and Family
Ewert, Edward
Ewing, William
F - Miscellaneous
Fagerhaug, Kyle (Evans, Kyle)
Fahrmann, Charles
Fairbank, Lorena King
Fairchild, Grace Wayne
Fales, Charles
Falk, James
Fallas, Felicien
Farber, William
Fargo, Dorothy
Fargo, L. J.
Fargo, Lucile Foster
Farr, Col. Edward P.
Farrar, Gov. Frank
Farries, Mary
Fast Walker
Fasthorse (See also Little Wounded file)
Fate, William H. H.
Faucett, Harvey
Faulk, Gov. Andrew Jackson
Fauske, Ingebert G.
Fawick, Thomas
Featherstonhaugh, George William
Feeney, Andrew
Feldhaus, Lt. Col. James Gordon
Feldhaus-Weber, Mary
Feller Family (Doland, SD)
Feller, Jenny
Fenn, Ross S.
Ferrell, E. K.
Ferry, Bridge at Chamberlain
Fessenden, Cortez
Fetherhuff, Margaret Ann
Fielder, Mildred
Fike, Richard A.
Fiksdal, Ragne Alice
Filean, Eleanor Siglin
Finch, Dorthy Norby
Finola, George C.
Fischer Quintuplets
Fischer, Bros.
Fischer, Carl
Fishburne, J. R.
Fisk, Frank / Angela
Fiske, Frank Bennett
Fisk, Robert / Julie
Fitch, Edith Medbery
Fitch, Richard H.
Fite, Gilbert C.
Fitzpatrick, Maj. Thomas
Fjellestad, Leif I.
Flood, Thomas and Family
Flood, Renee Sampson
Floren, Myron
Floyd, Joe
Flyte, Gertrude Edmunds
Foncanon, Charles Boyd
Fool Bull, Richard
Foord Family
Forde, Lilian Budington
Forelle, Helen
Forrest, Asa Jr.
Forsyth, George Alexander
Fosheim, Judge Jon
Fosness, Janice
Foss, Gov. Joe
Foss, Wilbur
Fossen, Joyce
Foster, Agnes Green
Foster, James S.
Fowler, Elijah
Fowley, Mardi Lou
Fox, Lawrence Keith
Fox, Marion Leonidas
Fraley, Josephine
Frank, Carrolyle Marlin
Franks, Doris E.
Frantz, Alfred A.
Fraser, James Earle
Frawley, Anne H.
Frazier, Rev. Philip
Frech, Fr. Vincent
Frederick, Mabel
Freeman, Edward
Freeman, Harold Samuel
Fremont, John Charles
French Family
French, Francis "Bull"
French, Kathryn
French, Norman S.
French, Victoria
Friel, Edward B.
Friesen, Amanda
Friggens, Paul
Frisbie Family
Fritz, Wallace Ira
Froiland, Sven G.
Front, John
Fuhrman, Margaret Slack
Fuller Family
Fuller, Alpheus G.
Fuller, Judge Howard G.
Fuller, William
Fullerton, Maude
Fulton, Charles H.
Fylling, Mary
Fagerhaug, Kyle (Evans, Kyle)
Fahrmann, Charles
Fairbank, Lorena King
Fairchild, Grace Wayne
Fales, Charles
Falk, James
Fallas, Felicien
Farber, William
Fargo, Dorothy
Fargo, L. J.
Fargo, Lucile Foster
Farr, Col. Edward P.
Farrar, Gov. Frank
Farries, Mary
Fast Walker
Fasthorse (See also Little Wounded file)
Fate, William H. H.
Faucett, Harvey
Faulk, Gov. Andrew Jackson
Fauske, Ingebert G.
Fawick, Thomas
Featherstonhaugh, George William
Feeney, Andrew
Feldhaus, Lt. Col. James Gordon
Feldhaus-Weber, Mary
Feller Family (Doland, SD)
Feller, Jenny
Fenn, Ross S.
Ferrell, E. K.
Ferry, Bridge at Chamberlain
Fessenden, Cortez
Fetherhuff, Margaret Ann
Fielder, Mildred
Fike, Richard A.
Fiksdal, Ragne Alice
Filean, Eleanor Siglin
Finch, Dorthy Norby
Finola, George C.
Fischer Quintuplets
Fischer, Bros.
Fischer, Carl
Fishburne, J. R.
Fisk, Frank / Angela
Fiske, Frank Bennett
Fisk, Robert / Julie
Fitch, Edith Medbery
Fitch, Richard H.
Fite, Gilbert C.
Fitzpatrick, Maj. Thomas
Fjellestad, Leif I.
Flood, Thomas and Family
Flood, Renee Sampson
Floren, Myron
Floyd, Joe
Flyte, Gertrude Edmunds
Foncanon, Charles Boyd
Fool Bull, Richard
Foord Family
Forde, Lilian Budington
Forelle, Helen
Forrest, Asa Jr.
Forsyth, George Alexander
Fosheim, Judge Jon
Fosness, Janice
Foss, Gov. Joe
Foss, Wilbur
Fossen, Joyce
Foster, Agnes Green
Foster, James S.
Fowler, Elijah
Fowley, Mardi Lou
Fox, Lawrence Keith
Fox, Marion Leonidas
Fraley, Josephine
Frank, Carrolyle Marlin
Franks, Doris E.
Frantz, Alfred A.
Fraser, James Earle
Frawley, Anne H.
Frazier, Rev. Philip
Frech, Fr. Vincent
Frederick, Mabel
Freeman, Edward
Freeman, Harold Samuel
Fremont, John Charles
French Family
French, Francis "Bull"
French, Kathryn
French, Norman S.
French, Victoria
Friel, Edward B.
Friesen, Amanda
Friggens, Paul
Frisbie Family
Fritz, Wallace Ira
Froiland, Sven G.
Front, John
Fuhrman, Margaret Slack
Fuller Family
Fuller, Alpheus G.
Fuller, Judge Howard G.
Fuller, William
Fullerton, Maude
Fulton, Charles H.
Fylling, Mary
G - Miscellaneous
Gabriel, Larry E.
Gabriel, Tressa
Gadd, Samuel
Gage, Mathilda
Gailbraith, Francis
Gall, Chief
Gallager, Raymond
Gallegos, Patrick
Gamble, Ralph A.
Gamble, Robert J.
Gandy, Harry L.
Gant, Robert
Gardner, Alexander
Gardner, Archibald
Gardner, William A.
Garland, Hamlin
Garnett, William
Garrett, Edith
Garreau, Pierre
Garvin, Wilhemina
Gates, Edna Carter
Gates, Eleanor
Gates, Mary
Gault, Perret F.
Garette, Ramond
Gay, William
Geeting, Charles
Gemar, Maj. Chuck
George, Abner Hunter
George, Edythe
George, Helene T.
George, William
Gerber, Philip
Gering, John H.
German, A. H.
German, George
Gesner, Rev. Conrad
Geyer, William
Ghrist, May Putman
Giago, Tim
Gibbs, Franklin F.
Gibbs, Oliver
Gideon, Cecil Clyde (C. C.)
Giegling, John A.
Giesler, Capt. Paul
Gilbert, Luke Two Tails
Gilbert, Orien Ray
Gilchrist Family
Gilfillan, Archer B.
Gilman, Stella Lucile
Girton, Polly
Glass, Hugh
Glaus, John
Glendenning, Correspondence
Glover, Frank "Boomer"
Glover, James T.
Glum, Laura M.
Gnirk, Adeline Sylvia
Goble, Paul
Goering, Violet Miller
Goetz, Walter
Goff, Orlando Scott
Goldsmith, Karl
Good Voice, Chief
Goodell, Harry George
Goodson, Rosemary
Gore, Maglon
Gorsuch, Hattie
Gossage, Alice
Gottschalk, Ernie
Governors Records
Gowen, Richard J.
Graber, Edwin C.
Grace, Wilma
Graese, Clifford E.
Graf, Sr. Juliana (O. S. B.)
Graff, Barbara
Graham Family
Graham, Billy
Graham, "Buckskin" Charley
Graham, Charley
Graham, James
Graham, Mentor
Grams, Sen. William
Grant, Edwin
Grass, Dr. Phil
Grass, John
Graven, Rev. Gunder L.
Graves, Berniece
Graves, E. Norman
Gray, Al
Graybill, E. E. Reeves
Greeley, M. F.
Green, Charles Lowell
Green, Charles Plankinton
Green, Edward Baker
Green, John
Green, Joseph N.
Green, Gov. Warren
Greenbaum, Harry
Greene, Jerome A.
Greener, Charles
Greenman, Frances Cranmer
Greenough, Francis Xavier
Greenway, Chad
Greer, Rose Elliott
Gregg, Gray / Hamilton Families
Gregg, John B.
Gregory, Madison
Gregory, John Shaw
Grier, Thomas J.
Griffin, Edward Anders Lysaght
Griffin, John
Griffith, Anne
Griffith, Tom
Grigsby, Melvin
Grigsby, Sioux K.
Grimes, Curly
Gronseth, Celina
Groseth, Ida
Gross, Emil
Gross, Esther Hodges
Groth, Mary
Grouard, Frank
Gubbrud, Gov. Archie
Guhin, Michael Miles
Gunderson, Barbara
Gunderson, Carl
Gunderson, Gertrude
Gurney, Edmund Reed
Gurney, Sen. Chan
Gutch, Dr. Charles
Gabriel, Larry E.
Gabriel, Tressa
Gadd, Samuel
Gage, Mathilda
Gailbraith, Francis
Gall, Chief
Gallager, Raymond
Gallegos, Patrick
Gamble, Ralph A.
Gamble, Robert J.
Gandy, Harry L.
Gant, Robert
Gardner, Alexander
Gardner, Archibald
Gardner, William A.
Garland, Hamlin
Garnett, William
Garrett, Edith
Garreau, Pierre
Garvin, Wilhemina
Gates, Edna Carter
Gates, Eleanor
Gates, Mary
Gault, Perret F.
Garette, Ramond
Gay, William
Geeting, Charles
Gemar, Maj. Chuck
George, Abner Hunter
George, Edythe
George, Helene T.
George, William
Gerber, Philip
Gering, John H.
German, A. H.
German, George
Gesner, Rev. Conrad
Geyer, William
Ghrist, May Putman
Giago, Tim
Gibbs, Franklin F.
Gibbs, Oliver
Gideon, Cecil Clyde (C. C.)
Giegling, John A.
Giesler, Capt. Paul
Gilbert, Luke Two Tails
Gilbert, Orien Ray
Gilchrist Family
Gilfillan, Archer B.
Gilman, Stella Lucile
Girton, Polly
Glass, Hugh
Glaus, John
Glendenning, Correspondence
Glover, Frank "Boomer"
Glover, James T.
Glum, Laura M.
Gnirk, Adeline Sylvia
Goble, Paul
Goering, Violet Miller
Goetz, Walter
Goff, Orlando Scott
Goldsmith, Karl
Good Voice, Chief
Goodell, Harry George
Goodson, Rosemary
Gore, Maglon
Gorsuch, Hattie
Gossage, Alice
Gottschalk, Ernie
Governors Records
Gowen, Richard J.
Graber, Edwin C.
Grace, Wilma
Graese, Clifford E.
Graf, Sr. Juliana (O. S. B.)
Graff, Barbara
Graham Family
Graham, Billy
Graham, "Buckskin" Charley
Graham, Charley
Graham, James
Graham, Mentor
Grams, Sen. William
Grant, Edwin
Grass, Dr. Phil
Grass, John
Graven, Rev. Gunder L.
Graves, Berniece
Graves, E. Norman
Gray, Al
Graybill, E. E. Reeves
Greeley, M. F.
Green, Charles Lowell
Green, Charles Plankinton
Green, Edward Baker
Green, John
Green, Joseph N.
Green, Gov. Warren
Greenbaum, Harry
Greene, Jerome A.
Greener, Charles
Greenman, Frances Cranmer
Greenough, Francis Xavier
Greenway, Chad
Greer, Rose Elliott
Gregg, Gray / Hamilton Families
Gregg, John B.
Gregory, Madison
Gregory, John Shaw
Grier, Thomas J.
Griffin, Edward Anders Lysaght
Griffin, John
Griffith, Anne
Griffith, Tom
Grigsby, Melvin
Grigsby, Sioux K.
Grimes, Curly
Gronseth, Celina
Groseth, Ida
Gross, Emil
Gross, Esther Hodges
Groth, Mary
Grouard, Frank
Gubbrud, Gov. Archie
Guhin, Michael Miles
Gunderson, Barbara
Gunderson, Carl
Gunderson, Gertrude
Gurney, Edmund Reed
Gurney, Sen. Chan
Gutch, Dr. Charles
H - Miscellaneous
Haberman, Thomas
Hackett, Charles F.
Hackworth, Harvey
Hafnor, John
Hagerty, Marilyn
Hague, Frank O.
Haines, Maj. T.
Haire, Father Robert
Haisch, Curley & Rose
Hale, John Dickenson
Haley, Patrick
Hall, Bert Leroy
Hall, Cleveland T.
Hall, Frank I.
Hall, George A.
Hall, Rev. C. L.
Halla, Evelyn Ruth
Halladay, J. F.
Halley, James Sr.
Halligan, Ken
Halligan, Ruth
Halpin, Father Joseph P.
Halter, Vern
Halverson, Anna M.
Halverson, Harold W.
Halvorson, Mark
Hamilton, (Gabriel) Family
Hamilton, Henry
Hamilton, Mort
Hammer, Kenneth
Hammerquist, Earl V.
Hammitt, Deecort
Hamre, Dr. James
Hancock, Laurine
Hand, George H.
Hannah, William S.
Hans, Fred
Hansen, Joseph
Hansen, Leo
Hansen, Niels E.
Hansen, Niels Ebbesen
Hansmeier, Henry F.
Hanson, Ella
Hanson, Howard
Hanson, John L.
Hanson, Joseph Mills
Hanson, Joseph R.
Hanson, Myrle George
Hanson, Virginia
Hanten, Sen. John B.
Hanthorn, Melvin
Harder, Sarah
Harding, Guy
Harding, Homer
Harding, Neva Marie Whaley
Hardt, Melba Blount
Hardwick, Thomas W.
Hardy, Caroll
Hare, Rev. William Hobart
Hargreaves, Mrs. Arthur
Harkness, Richard
Harlow, Dana D.
Harmon, Tom
Harms, Sylvia G.
Harney, William S.
Harper, Jean
Harrington, David D.
Harrington, Elbert W.
Harris, E. Cecil
Harris, Forrest J.
Harris, Kennett
Harris, Ramon
Hart Lynn
Hart, Mary
Hartman, Adrienne
Hartman, Brother Andrew S. J.
Hartman, Gene
Hartwich, Ethelyn Miller
Hauk, Joy Keve
Harvey, Alexander
Harvey, Guy H.
Harvey, Dr. L. A.
Hassell, Robert B.
Hasselstrom, Linda M.
Hasvold, Myrtle
Hatai, Thomas
Hauffe, Albert C.
Haug, Mary Alice
Haug, Margaret
Hauge, Rev. Louis Jorgensen
Hawk, Kenneth
Hawk, Marvin
Hawk Wing / Mesteth Family
Hawkins, Clyde Family
Hawley, Cameron
Hayenga, Olive
Hayes, Charles
Hayes, Clara
Hayes, Dr. Robert H.
Hayes, John
Hazeltine, Joyce
Hearst, Greorge
Hebron, James S.
Hedger, Howard Roy
Heck, Leo D.
Hegglund, Edward & Albert
Heidepriem, Scott Nelson
Heilman, Oscar
Heim, Anthony "Tony"
Heins, Christopher
Heintz, Henery
Helgeland, Les
Hellmann, Ethel
Hellman, Mrs. Walter
Helms, Jerry
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, Judge Frank E.
Hengel, Albert
Hengel, Tony and Family
Henkins, Sylvia
Hennesey, Paul
Hensey, Alice Ferrin
Hepper, Carol
Hernes, Kathryn Svaren
Herreid, Charles
Herrick, Roy Leslie
Herseth, Gov. Ralph
Herseth, Lorna
Herseth, Stephanie
Hertz, Rev. Rudolph
Hertzman, Dr. Joseph
Hess, Lucy Welcome
Heston, Chelsea Raymond
Heston, Lela Alberta Coulter
Hetrick, Martin Luther
Heynen, James
Hickman, J. H.
Hickok, Wild Bill
Hieb, Jacob S.
Higdon Family
Highland Family
Hilda Smith, Josephine
Hildenbrandt, Al
Hill, Albert
Hill, James, J.
Hillard, Lt. Gov. Carole
Hillman Family
Hildebrandt, Al
Hinderaker, Dagny
Hinders Family
Hindman, Oren S.
Hinman, Rev. Samuel D.
Hinsey, Kathryn
Hipple, John
Hipple, Lois
Hipple, Ruth Bowman
Hitchcock, Abner
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hoagland, Monica
Hoard, Joan A.
Hoard, Lyon J.
Hoard, Willis
Hocking, Albert E.
Hodgkiss Family
Hoecken, Father Christian
Hoel, Pearl
Hoffman Family
Hoffman, George
Hoffman, Onalee J.
Hogen, Marvis
Holden, David J.
Holding Eagle, James
Holgate, Ronald
Holland, John
Holland, Lutie B. Cunningham
Hollenbeck, Yvonne
Hollow Horn Bear
Holloway, Charles
Holm, James
Holmes, Charles Elmer
Holp, Philip E.
Holst, Vernon Sanford
Holsworth, Dan
Holzhueter, Ann M.
Homan, Lucille S. Whitley
Honerkamp, John R.
Hood, James
Hoover, Herbert T.
Hopkins, Boyd
Hopkins, Dr. Cyril George
Hopkins, Ruth
Horn, Pearl
Horn Cloud, Daniel
Horning, Harriet
Horton, Arthur Gotzian
Houck Family
Houck, L. R. (Roy)
Hovland, Howard & Eunice
Howard, Charley "C. K."
Howard, Harold P.
Howard, Samuel Meek
Howard, Gov. William
Howe, Dottie
Howe, E. P.
Howe, Frank Stewart
Howe, Judge Isaac
Howe, Oscar
Howe, Page
Howie, Edith
Howie, Gordon
Howie, James Andrew
Hoy, Carl B.
Hoyler, Beulah
Hoyne, Dr. Andrew H.
Hoyt, Cassie Rozelle
Hoyt, Rev. Melancthon
Hubbard, Doc Ralph
Hubbard, Earle R.
Hueston, Ethel
Huffman, Tom
Hughes, Frank W.
Hughes, Maj. Everett
Hump, Chief
Humphrey, Sen. Hubert
Hunkins, Ralph Valentine
Hunsley, Roger
Hunt, D. W.
Hunter, Merril
Huntington, Mrs. M. L.
Hurlbut, Robert
Hurt, Wesley Robert
Huseboe, Arthur
Hustead, Bill
Hustead, Ted
Huston, John
Hutchinson, John (Secretary of Dakota Territory)
Hyde, Charles Leavitt
Hyde, Charlotte
Hyde, Dayton
Hyde, Franklin
Hyde, William J.
Hynes, Mary
Haberman, Thomas
Hackett, Charles F.
Hackworth, Harvey
Hafnor, John
Hagerty, Marilyn
Hague, Frank O.
Haines, Maj. T.
Haire, Father Robert
Haisch, Curley & Rose
Hale, John Dickenson
Haley, Patrick
Hall, Bert Leroy
Hall, Cleveland T.
Hall, Frank I.
Hall, George A.
Hall, Rev. C. L.
Halla, Evelyn Ruth
Halladay, J. F.
Halley, James Sr.
Halligan, Ken
Halligan, Ruth
Halpin, Father Joseph P.
Halter, Vern
Halverson, Anna M.
Halverson, Harold W.
Halvorson, Mark
Hamilton, (Gabriel) Family
Hamilton, Henry
Hamilton, Mort
Hammer, Kenneth
Hammerquist, Earl V.
Hammitt, Deecort
Hamre, Dr. James
Hancock, Laurine
Hand, George H.
Hannah, William S.
Hans, Fred
Hansen, Joseph
Hansen, Leo
Hansen, Niels E.
Hansen, Niels Ebbesen
Hansmeier, Henry F.
Hanson, Ella
Hanson, Howard
Hanson, John L.
Hanson, Joseph Mills
Hanson, Joseph R.
Hanson, Myrle George
Hanson, Virginia
Hanten, Sen. John B.
Hanthorn, Melvin
Harder, Sarah
Harding, Guy
Harding, Homer
Harding, Neva Marie Whaley
Hardt, Melba Blount
Hardwick, Thomas W.
Hardy, Caroll
Hare, Rev. William Hobart
Hargreaves, Mrs. Arthur
Harkness, Richard
Harlow, Dana D.
Harmon, Tom
Harms, Sylvia G.
Harney, William S.
Harper, Jean
Harrington, David D.
Harrington, Elbert W.
Harris, E. Cecil
Harris, Forrest J.
Harris, Kennett
Harris, Ramon
Hart Lynn
Hart, Mary
Hartman, Adrienne
Hartman, Brother Andrew S. J.
Hartman, Gene
Hartwich, Ethelyn Miller
Hauk, Joy Keve
Harvey, Alexander
Harvey, Guy H.
Harvey, Dr. L. A.
Hassell, Robert B.
Hasselstrom, Linda M.
Hasvold, Myrtle
Hatai, Thomas
Hauffe, Albert C.
Haug, Mary Alice
Haug, Margaret
Hauge, Rev. Louis Jorgensen
Hawk, Kenneth
Hawk, Marvin
Hawk Wing / Mesteth Family
Hawkins, Clyde Family
Hawley, Cameron
Hayenga, Olive
Hayes, Charles
Hayes, Clara
Hayes, Dr. Robert H.
Hayes, John
Hazeltine, Joyce
Hearst, Greorge
Hebron, James S.
Hedger, Howard Roy
Heck, Leo D.
Hegglund, Edward & Albert
Heidepriem, Scott Nelson
Heilman, Oscar
Heim, Anthony "Tony"
Heins, Christopher
Heintz, Henery
Helgeland, Les
Hellmann, Ethel
Hellman, Mrs. Walter
Helms, Jerry
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, Judge Frank E.
Hengel, Albert
Hengel, Tony and Family
Henkins, Sylvia
Hennesey, Paul
Hensey, Alice Ferrin
Hepper, Carol
Hernes, Kathryn Svaren
Herreid, Charles
Herrick, Roy Leslie
Herseth, Gov. Ralph
Herseth, Lorna
Herseth, Stephanie
Hertz, Rev. Rudolph
Hertzman, Dr. Joseph
Hess, Lucy Welcome
Heston, Chelsea Raymond
Heston, Lela Alberta Coulter
Hetrick, Martin Luther
Heynen, James
Hickman, J. H.
Hickok, Wild Bill
Hieb, Jacob S.
Higdon Family
Highland Family
Hilda Smith, Josephine
Hildenbrandt, Al
Hill, Albert
Hill, James, J.
Hillard, Lt. Gov. Carole
Hillman Family
Hildebrandt, Al
Hinderaker, Dagny
Hinders Family
Hindman, Oren S.
Hinman, Rev. Samuel D.
Hinsey, Kathryn
Hipple, John
Hipple, Lois
Hipple, Ruth Bowman
Hitchcock, Abner
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hoagland, Monica
Hoard, Joan A.
Hoard, Lyon J.
Hoard, Willis
Hocking, Albert E.
Hodgkiss Family
Hoecken, Father Christian
Hoel, Pearl
Hoffman Family
Hoffman, George
Hoffman, Onalee J.
Hogen, Marvis
Holden, David J.
Holding Eagle, James
Holgate, Ronald
Holland, John
Holland, Lutie B. Cunningham
Hollenbeck, Yvonne
Hollow Horn Bear
Holloway, Charles
Holm, James
Holmes, Charles Elmer
Holp, Philip E.
Holst, Vernon Sanford
Holsworth, Dan
Holzhueter, Ann M.
Homan, Lucille S. Whitley
Honerkamp, John R.
Hood, James
Hoover, Herbert T.
Hopkins, Boyd
Hopkins, Dr. Cyril George
Hopkins, Ruth
Horn, Pearl
Horn Cloud, Daniel
Horning, Harriet
Horton, Arthur Gotzian
Houck Family
Houck, L. R. (Roy)
Hovland, Howard & Eunice
Howard, Charley "C. K."
Howard, Harold P.
Howard, Samuel Meek
Howard, Gov. William
Howe, Dottie
Howe, E. P.
Howe, Frank Stewart
Howe, Judge Isaac
Howe, Oscar
Howe, Page
Howie, Edith
Howie, Gordon
Howie, James Andrew
Hoy, Carl B.
Hoyler, Beulah
Hoyne, Dr. Andrew H.
Hoyt, Cassie Rozelle
Hoyt, Rev. Melancthon
Hubbard, Doc Ralph
Hubbard, Earle R.
Hueston, Ethel
Huffman, Tom
Hughes, Frank W.
Hughes, Maj. Everett
Hump, Chief
Humphrey, Sen. Hubert
Hunkins, Ralph Valentine
Hunsley, Roger
Hunt, D. W.
Hunter, Merril
Huntington, Mrs. M. L.
Hurlbut, Robert
Hurt, Wesley Robert
Huseboe, Arthur
Hustead, Bill
Hustead, Ted
Huston, John
Hutchinson, John (Secretary of Dakota Territory)
Hyde, Charles Leavitt
Hyde, Charlotte
Hyde, Dayton
Hyde, Franklin
Hyde, William J.
Hynes, Mary
Ice, Clyde
Idso, Torval
Illingsworth, W. H.
Indseth, Berger A.
Ingalls, Carrie
Inman, Darwin
Iron Hail, Dewey
Iron Shell, Peter
Iron Tail
Isenberg, Dr. Hayes Michael
Isenberg, Maxine
Isenberg, Mike
Idso, Torval
Illingsworth, W. H.
Indseth, Berger A.
Ingalls, Carrie
Inman, Darwin
Iron Hail, Dewey
Iron Shell, Peter
Iron Tail
Isenberg, Dr. Hayes Michael
Isenberg, Maxine
Isenberg, Mike
J - Miscellaneous
Jackley, A. M.
Jackson, Rev. Sheldon
Jacobs, Emma
Jacobsen, Elias
Jacobson, Eric
Jacobsen, Fee
Jacobsen, Henry
Jacobson Family
Jacobson, Jacob Anton
Jacobson, Rev. Abraham
Jacobson, Verlyss F.
Jahraus, Nicholas
James, Jesse
Jance, J. A.
Janes, George Edward (Ed)
Janklow, Gov. William
Janklow, Gov. William (manslaughter case)
Janousek, Louis
Janousek, S. D.
Janssen, Larry
Jarvis, Dr. Abbie
Jayne, William
Jeffries, George
Jeffries, Johnston
Jeffries, Zay
Jenkins, Dr. Park B.
Jenks, Ann
Jenks, Leon W.
Jennewein, Leonard
Jenney, Adeline M.
Jenney, Walter P.
Jennings, Clayton
Jennings, Dana Close
Jennings, Ted
Jensen Family
Jensen, Jens
Jensen, Leonel M.
Jensen, Leslie
Jensen, Louis
Jensen, Murman Evelyn
Jensen, Robert
Jerke, Gary Lee
Jerred Family
Jeschke, Reuben Peter
Jewett, Harvey C.
Jewett, Lillie
Jewett, Lea N.
Jibben, Johanna
Johnson, Alex
Johnson, Alex C. I.
Johnson, Charles "Rick"
Johnson, Donald O.
Johnson, Ernest L.
Johnson, George
Johnson, Gustave
Johnson, Janet Hovey
Johnson, Jimmy
Johnson, Lucille Linstad
Johnson, Pres. Lyndon B.
Johnson, Mrs. Royal C.
Johnson, Norma
Johnson, Ronald E.
Johnson, Royal C.
Johnson, Sigward
Johnson, Tim
Johnson, W. Fletcher
Johnson, Walter D.
Johnson, William E.
Johnson, Willis E.
Johnston Family
Johnston, Jeremiah
Johnston, Ralph E.
Johnston, William Cameron
Jonas, Dr. Russell E.
Jones, Art
Jones, Beverly
Jones, Bishop Harold
Jones, Buell
Jones, Elbert "Eb"
Jones, Granville
Jones, Henry Lewis
Jones, Howard
Jones, James
Jones, January
Jones, Jean Gannon
Jones, Mildred Mcewen
Jones, Stephen Vandiver
Jones, Sylvia
Jones, Thelma Foght
Jones, Tom
Jones, Dr. Warren
Jordan, Charles P.
Jordan, Harold M.
Jordan, William
Jorgenson, Gladys Whitehorn
Jorgenson, Glenn
Jorgenson, Kay
Jorgenson, Lloyd
Judy, Morris
Judy, Sherman S.
Julin, Suzanne
Jungeman, Glendae L.
Jackley, A. M.
Jackson, Rev. Sheldon
Jacobs, Emma
Jacobsen, Elias
Jacobson, Eric
Jacobsen, Fee
Jacobsen, Henry
Jacobson Family
Jacobson, Jacob Anton
Jacobson, Rev. Abraham
Jacobson, Verlyss F.
Jahraus, Nicholas
James, Jesse
Jance, J. A.
Janes, George Edward (Ed)
Janklow, Gov. William
Janklow, Gov. William (manslaughter case)
Janousek, Louis
Janousek, S. D.
Janssen, Larry
Jarvis, Dr. Abbie
Jayne, William
Jeffries, George
Jeffries, Johnston
Jeffries, Zay
Jenkins, Dr. Park B.
Jenks, Ann
Jenks, Leon W.
Jennewein, Leonard
Jenney, Adeline M.
Jenney, Walter P.
Jennings, Clayton
Jennings, Dana Close
Jennings, Ted
Jensen Family
Jensen, Jens
Jensen, Leonel M.
Jensen, Leslie
Jensen, Louis
Jensen, Murman Evelyn
Jensen, Robert
Jerke, Gary Lee
Jerred Family
Jeschke, Reuben Peter
Jewett, Harvey C.
Jewett, Lillie
Jewett, Lea N.
Jibben, Johanna
Johnson, Alex
Johnson, Alex C. I.
Johnson, Charles "Rick"
Johnson, Donald O.
Johnson, Ernest L.
Johnson, George
Johnson, Gustave
Johnson, Janet Hovey
Johnson, Jimmy
Johnson, Lucille Linstad
Johnson, Pres. Lyndon B.
Johnson, Mrs. Royal C.
Johnson, Norma
Johnson, Ronald E.
Johnson, Royal C.
Johnson, Sigward
Johnson, Tim
Johnson, W. Fletcher
Johnson, Walter D.
Johnson, William E.
Johnson, Willis E.
Johnston Family
Johnston, Jeremiah
Johnston, Ralph E.
Johnston, William Cameron
Jonas, Dr. Russell E.
Jones, Art
Jones, Beverly
Jones, Bishop Harold
Jones, Buell
Jones, Elbert "Eb"
Jones, Granville
Jones, Henry Lewis
Jones, Howard
Jones, James
Jones, January
Jones, Jean Gannon
Jones, Mildred Mcewen
Jones, Stephen Vandiver
Jones, Sylvia
Jones, Thelma Foght
Jones, Tom
Jones, Dr. Warren
Jordan, Charles P.
Jordan, Harold M.
Jordan, William
Jorgenson, Gladys Whitehorn
Jorgenson, Glenn
Jorgenson, Kay
Jorgenson, Lloyd
Judy, Morris
Judy, Sherman S.
Julin, Suzanne
Jungeman, Glendae L.
K - Miscellaneous
Kane, George
Kant, Joanita
Kantack, Dr. Ben
Karcher, Henry
Karim, Mansour
Karkow, Ervin
Karolevitz, Robert
Karolevitz, Robert Francis
Karolevitz, Ann Ross
Kary, Ann Ross (Anderson)
Kaufman, Fred
Kclaird, James David
Kebach, Rol
Keeble, Woodrow ("Woody") Wilson
Keeler, David D.
Keenan, Peggy
Keiper, Walter William
Kellam, Alonzo G.
Kellar, Kenneth Chambers
Kelley, John E.
Kellogg, P. H.
Kelly Family
Kelly, Fanny
Kelly, Robert L.
Kelly, Rod
Kemp, David
Kenaston, Jean Mckee
Kendall Family
Kennedy, Pres. John F.
Kennedy, Robert
Kennefick, Coralynn
Kennigton, Smith
Kenobbie, Mary
Kerman, Maj. Gen. Francis J.
Kerr, Robert Floyd
Ketchum, Lester
Kicking Bear
Kidder, Judge Jefferson P.
Kidder, Lyman S.
Killian, Dr. Thomas
Kilpatrick, Andrew G.
Kim, Bang Ja
Kind, Ezra
King, Della Robinson
King, Harold
King, Irma E.
Kingman, Newton
Kingman, Violet
Kingsbury, George W.
Kinna, Charles
Kiplinger, Doris A.
Kirby, Joe
Kirby, Steve T.
Kirby, Thomas D.
Kirk, Dr. Edwin
Kirk, Murray Ketchum
Kirley, Joseph
Kittredge, Sen. Alfred B.
Klaudt, Raymond Charles
Kleinsasser, Joseph A.
Klock, Irma H.
Knapp Family (See also Seely)
Kluth, Edwin C.
Knecht, Henry
Knecht, Karl Kae
Kneip, Gov. Richard
Knight, Claude
Knight, Nick E.
Knight, Wiley W.
Knippking, Joe
Knott, Verna
Knowles, Freeman
Knutson, Emma (Canutson)
Kohl, Edith Eudora
Kolbrek, Loyal
Koren, Patricia
Korkow, Ervin
Korkow, Kenneth
Koskan, Milo
Kostizky, Carl Reinold Gustav
Kotrba, Mary E.
Koupal, Nancy Tystad
Kramer, Horace
Kramer, J. Howard
Kranz Family
Krause, Herbert
Kraushaar, Rudolph William
Krautschun, Harvey C.
Krebs, Harold
Kreitzer, Jack
Kretchman, Charles
Kristensen, Elmer C.
Krueger, Ruth Caroline
Kumlien, Wendell F.
Kundert, Alice
Kunnecke case
Kurtenbock, Al
Kurtz, Rudolph
Kuykendall, William Littlebury
Kyle, James
Kane, George
Kant, Joanita
Kantack, Dr. Ben
Karcher, Henry
Karim, Mansour
Karkow, Ervin
Karolevitz, Robert
Karolevitz, Robert Francis
Karolevitz, Ann Ross
Kary, Ann Ross (Anderson)
Kaufman, Fred
Kclaird, James David
Kebach, Rol
Keeble, Woodrow ("Woody") Wilson
Keeler, David D.
Keenan, Peggy
Keiper, Walter William
Kellam, Alonzo G.
Kellar, Kenneth Chambers
Kelley, John E.
Kellogg, P. H.
Kelly Family
Kelly, Fanny
Kelly, Robert L.
Kelly, Rod
Kemp, David
Kenaston, Jean Mckee
Kendall Family
Kennedy, Pres. John F.
Kennedy, Robert
Kennefick, Coralynn
Kennigton, Smith
Kenobbie, Mary
Kerman, Maj. Gen. Francis J.
Kerr, Robert Floyd
Ketchum, Lester
Kicking Bear
Kidder, Judge Jefferson P.
Kidder, Lyman S.
Killian, Dr. Thomas
Kilpatrick, Andrew G.
Kim, Bang Ja
Kind, Ezra
King, Della Robinson
King, Harold
King, Irma E.
Kingman, Newton
Kingman, Violet
Kingsbury, George W.
Kinna, Charles
Kiplinger, Doris A.
Kirby, Joe
Kirby, Steve T.
Kirby, Thomas D.
Kirk, Dr. Edwin
Kirk, Murray Ketchum
Kirley, Joseph
Kittredge, Sen. Alfred B.
Klaudt, Raymond Charles
Kleinsasser, Joseph A.
Klock, Irma H.
Knapp Family (See also Seely)
Kluth, Edwin C.
Knecht, Henry
Knecht, Karl Kae
Kneip, Gov. Richard
Knight, Claude
Knight, Nick E.
Knight, Wiley W.
Knippking, Joe
Knott, Verna
Knowles, Freeman
Knutson, Emma (Canutson)
Kohl, Edith Eudora
Kolbrek, Loyal
Koren, Patricia
Korkow, Ervin
Korkow, Kenneth
Koskan, Milo
Kostizky, Carl Reinold Gustav
Kotrba, Mary E.
Koupal, Nancy Tystad
Kramer, Horace
Kramer, J. Howard
Kranz Family
Krause, Herbert
Kraushaar, Rudolph William
Krautschun, Harvey C.
Krebs, Harold
Kreitzer, Jack
Kretchman, Charles
Kristensen, Elmer C.
Krueger, Ruth Caroline
Kumlien, Wendell F.
Kundert, Alice
Kunnecke case
Kurtenbock, Al
Kurtz, Rudolph
Kuykendall, William Littlebury
Kyle, James
L - Miscellaneous
Labarge, Capt. J.
Labrie, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred
Labuff, Zohy
Ladner Brothers, Carl and Frank
Ladd, Cheryl
LaFramboise, Joseph
LaGuardia Family
Laidlow, William
Lamar, Ella
Lamb, Jane Hoyt
Lambert, Daryl
Lamberton, C. E.
Lambertson, Floyd W.
Lame Deer
Lame, William / Buffalo Lays Down
Lamont, Peg / William
Lampe, William
Lamphere, Dale
Lancaster, Ena
Lancaster, Martha
Landon, Phillip R. "Person Bob"
Lane, Rose Wilder
Lange, Gerry
Lansing, L. W.
Laplant, Babe
Laplant, George
Laplant, Louis
Lapointe, Rick
Larkin, Vernon
Laroche, Paul (Brule)
Larson, Alma
Larson, Arthur
Larson, Florence N.
Larson, Gilbert
Larson, Mina
Larson - Syvertsen Family
Larson, Vern
Larson, Wallace
Lass, William E.
Laughlin, Elsie
Laughlin, John. W.
Lautenschlager, Virginia Irene
Law, S. R.
Lawler, John / Ella
Lawrence Family
Lawrence, Carl Gustavus
Lawrence, Ernest
Lawrence, John H.
Lawton, Charles Bracy
Lazy White Bull
Lea, Samuel Hill
Leader Charge, Doris
Leary, John "Hooky Jack"
Lebeau, Jerilyn
Lebow, Ella Clyde
Lecompte, Joseph
Lee, Andrew
Lee, Cordelia
Lee, K. O.
Lee, Robert Henry
Lee, Wayne
Leedom, Boyd
Leedy, Carl H.
Leeland, O. S.
Leeper, William / Francis
Legner, Gustav
Leighton, James
Leih, Grace Janet
Lemmon, Ed
Lemon, Calvin
Levitt Family
Levitt (Glendenning)
Levitt, John
Lewis, Dale
Lewis, Don Cameron
Lewis, Emily H.
Lewis, Faye Cashatt
Lewis, Henry
Lewis, Joseph DeSmet
Lewis, Martin J.
Lewis, Russell Franklin
Liegal, Dorothy
Lien, Peter
Lilibridge, Will Otis
Lilley, George
Lillibridge, Will
Lilly, Orin
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Francis Church
Lind, Hilding
Lindberg, J. C.
Lindbergh, Charles
Linde, Martha
Linn, John "Bernard"
Linstad, Otto
Linster, Barthel and Elizabeth
Little Crow
Little Sky, Dawn
Little Turtle
Little Wounded, Nathan James
Littleton, Herbert A.
Livermore, Doris
Livingston, Dr. Henry F.
Livingston, Grace S.
Locke, H. R. (Henry)
Locke, Kevin
Lockhart, A. F.
Logan, John E.
Lohr, Jerry
Loitwood, Howard
Long, Mamie
Long Rock, Charlie
Long Wolf
Long Wolf, Tony Jr.
Loocke, Carl H.
Lopez, John
Loriks, Emil
Lotze, Marie
Loucks, Henry Langford
Lounsbury, Charles
Lovo, Neller S.
Lovre, Harold O.
Lowe, Richard Barrett
Lowry, Vayne Arnold
Luce, Julius Ceasar
Ludeman, Walter William
Luden, Charles
Lund, N. T.
Lundeen, Ardelle A.
Lusk, Daniel
Lusk, Robert Davies
Luxton, Clarence
Lyckholm Family History
Lyman, Maj. William Penn
Lyman, Richard
Lyon, Will H.
Labarge, Capt. J.
Labrie, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred
Labuff, Zohy
Ladner Brothers, Carl and Frank
Ladd, Cheryl
LaFramboise, Joseph
LaGuardia Family
Laidlow, William
Lamar, Ella
Lamb, Jane Hoyt
Lambert, Daryl
Lamberton, C. E.
Lambertson, Floyd W.
Lame Deer
Lame, William / Buffalo Lays Down
Lamont, Peg / William
Lampe, William
Lamphere, Dale
Lancaster, Ena
Lancaster, Martha
Landon, Phillip R. "Person Bob"
Lane, Rose Wilder
Lange, Gerry
Lansing, L. W.
Laplant, Babe
Laplant, George
Laplant, Louis
Lapointe, Rick
Larkin, Vernon
Laroche, Paul (Brule)
Larson, Alma
Larson, Arthur
Larson, Florence N.
Larson, Gilbert
Larson, Mina
Larson - Syvertsen Family
Larson, Vern
Larson, Wallace
Lass, William E.
Laughlin, Elsie
Laughlin, John. W.
Lautenschlager, Virginia Irene
Law, S. R.
Lawler, John / Ella
Lawrence Family
Lawrence, Carl Gustavus
Lawrence, Ernest
Lawrence, John H.
Lawton, Charles Bracy
Lazy White Bull
Lea, Samuel Hill
Leader Charge, Doris
Leary, John "Hooky Jack"
Lebeau, Jerilyn
Lebow, Ella Clyde
Lecompte, Joseph
Lee, Andrew
Lee, Cordelia
Lee, K. O.
Lee, Robert Henry
Lee, Wayne
Leedom, Boyd
Leedy, Carl H.
Leeland, O. S.
Leeper, William / Francis
Legner, Gustav
Leighton, James
Leih, Grace Janet
Lemmon, Ed
Lemon, Calvin
Levitt Family
Levitt (Glendenning)
Levitt, John
Lewis, Dale
Lewis, Don Cameron
Lewis, Emily H.
Lewis, Faye Cashatt
Lewis, Henry
Lewis, Joseph DeSmet
Lewis, Martin J.
Lewis, Russell Franklin
Liegal, Dorothy
Lien, Peter
Lilibridge, Will Otis
Lilley, George
Lillibridge, Will
Lilly, Orin
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Francis Church
Lind, Hilding
Lindberg, J. C.
Lindbergh, Charles
Linde, Martha
Linn, John "Bernard"
Linstad, Otto
Linster, Barthel and Elizabeth
Little Crow
Little Sky, Dawn
Little Turtle
Little Wounded, Nathan James
Littleton, Herbert A.
Livermore, Doris
Livingston, Dr. Henry F.
Livingston, Grace S.
Locke, H. R. (Henry)
Locke, Kevin
Lockhart, A. F.
Logan, John E.
Lohr, Jerry
Loitwood, Howard
Long, Mamie
Long Rock, Charlie
Long Wolf
Long Wolf, Tony Jr.
Loocke, Carl H.
Lopez, John
Loriks, Emil
Lotze, Marie
Loucks, Henry Langford
Lounsbury, Charles
Lovo, Neller S.
Lovre, Harold O.
Lowe, Richard Barrett
Lowry, Vayne Arnold
Luce, Julius Ceasar
Ludeman, Walter William
Luden, Charles
Lund, N. T.
Lundeen, Ardelle A.
Lusk, Daniel
Lusk, Robert Davies
Luxton, Clarence
Lyckholm Family History
Lyman, Maj. William Penn
Lyman, Richard
Lyon, Will H.
M - Miscellaneous
MacGowen, E. S.
MacGregor, James H.
MacKay, Eldredge
MacKay, Mercedes
MacKintosh, Donald P.
Macksam, William G.
Macmillan Family
Mad Bear, Chief
Madill, Hazel Granger
Maher, Tom
Mahone, Hazel
Mahoney, Margaret
Mallery, John E.
Mallett, Ida
Malone, Thomas F.
Manfred, Frederick
Manfred, Marya
Manhart, Paul
Mankey, Art
Mann, Herbert T.
Marchant, George Washington
Marqulis, George W.
Manuel, Lisa
Manuel, Moses
March, Guy E.
Marendahl Family
Marion, Hormidas
Marion, Virginia
Marken, Jack Walter
Markve, Arthur
Marquis, George Henry
Marriott Family
Marrs, James David
Marsh, Dr. Elies
Marsh, Grant
Marshall, R. R.
Martens, Glenn
Martin, Andrew
Martin, John
Martin, Mary Frances
Martin, Robert
Marty, Bishop Martin
Maule, Robert Jones
Marvin, Francis
Mason, Adolph
Mason, Betty
Massie, William B. "Mountain Steamboat"
Mathews, George A.
Mathieson, Dick
Mathieson, George & Kate
Mathieson, Hans
Mathieson, R. W. "Bob"
Matthews, Tommy (Tommy Matthews Orchestra)
Maudlin, Fr. Stanislaus
Mauksch, Adolf
Maupin, A. J.
Maus, Col. L. W.
Mauser, Mable
May, Bill B.
May, George
May, Hubert
Maynard, Emma L.
Mcallister, Laura Kirley
McBride, C. C. (Charles)
McCain, Lynn Paley
McCain, Willi & Susanna
McCall, Jack
McCarriar, Elane
McCaughey, Robert H.
McCaughlin, Major James
McClaskey, Beryl Rogers
McClintock, John S.
McClure, Jake
McClure, Mrs. James
McClure, Pattison Francis
McCook, Edwin
McCoy, James H.
McCrossan, Melinda (Boys Ranch)
McDermott, William
McDonald, Dr. C. J.
McDowell, Robert E.
McEwen, Mildren Jones
McFadden Family
McGaa, M. E.
McGillicuddy, Dr. V.
McGlumphy, Dr. S. B.
McGovern, Sen. George
McGregor, James
McGregor, Nella
McGruder, Cecil
McGuire, Msgr. Paul
McIntire, James J.
McKay, Alexander
McKechnie, Archie
McKeever, Elliott B.
McKeever, Patrick
McKellips, Roger D.
McKenzie, Alex
McKichan, Hugh
McKie, Dr. John F.
McKinney, Sarah
McKnight, William L.
McKoy Family
McLaird, James
McLaughlin, Major James
McManus, Mabel
McMaster, William
McMillan, J. Michael
McMullen, John
McMurty, Dr. W. D.
McMurty, William J.
McNamara, Lee
McNeely, Marian Hurd
McNeil, Ida
McNeil, Washington S.
McNeill, Mary Ann
McNeill, Thomas
McNenny, James
McNickle, Marvin / Melvin
McPetrie, Frank
McPhail, Col. Sam
McReynolds, Camilla
Mead, Dr. L. C.
Means, Russell
Medicine, Beatrice Garner
Meeker, Frank
Meier, Joseph (Black Hills Passion Play)
Meierhenry, Mark
Meistrik, Emma
Melby, Gustav
Meleen, E. E.
Mellette, Arther
Melmer Family
Melville, Americus B.
Menard, Nellie Star Boy
Mendel, Jacob J.
Mendel, Smokey Joe
Meneil, Washington S.
Menniga, Fred
Meredith Family
Merritt Brothers
Metter, Lavonne Hein
Metzger Family
Meyer, Hugo
Micheaux, Oscar
Mickelson, Gov. George T.
Mickelson, Gov. George S.
Mickelson, Madge
Middleton, "Doc"
Milek, John T.
Miles, Gen. Nelson
Miller, Alfred Jacob
Miller, David
Miller, E. W. "Roy"
Miller, Evelyn
Miller, F. J.
Miller Family
Miller, Helen
Miller, Henry
Miller, John
Miller, Lois
Miller, Mabel Endresen
Miller, Marilyn
Miller, Mike
Miller, Myra
Miller, Robert
Miller, Steve B.
Miller, Tarrel R.
Miller, Walter Dale
Mills, Anson
Mills, Billy
Mills, Frank Moody
Mills, George W.
Mills, Rick W.
Millspaugh, Dr. J.
Milton, John R.
Miner, Charles
Miner Nelson
Miner, William
Mintener, Ben
Mischke, Gladys
Mitchell, Arthur S.
Mitchell, F. M.
Moisan, John
Molee, Elias
Molstad, George
Monroe, Col. John
Montgomery, Marion
Moodie, Dr. W. M.
Moody, Gideon C.
Moore, Archie
Moran, Dennis
Morehouse, Dr. D. W.
Mores, Marquis de
Mores, S. Margus
Morgan, Ruth
Morgan, Walt
Morganti, Helen
Morris, Judy K.
Morris, Ralph
Morrison, E. B.
Morrison, Sidney E.
Morrissey, Dr. Michael M.
Morrow, Stanley J.
Morrow, Honore
Morse, Corbin
Mortenson, Clarence
Mortenson, Clint
Mortimel, George
Mortvedt, Jacob and Inger Marie
Moser Leslie Wills
Moses, James H.
Moses, Maj. Gen. Lloyd
Mossing, Mrs. G. W.
Mossman, Capt.
Mostow, Randolph
Mudge, Verne D.
Muenster, Ted
Muggli, Jacob
Muir, John
Mulcrone, Margaret
Munck, Art
Mundt, Edna
Mundt Capital Club
Mundt, Karl, Library Dedication
Munsterman, Scott
Murdy, Robert L.
Murphy, John Francis
Murphy, Marion
Murphy, Maurice
Murphy, William
Murray, James Henry
Murray, Raymond H.
Mustache Maude
Myers, Francis
Myers, Frank
Myers, Irvin H.
Myers, Jerry
Myers, Leo "Myers Wire"
MacGowen, E. S.
MacGregor, James H.
MacKay, Eldredge
MacKay, Mercedes
MacKintosh, Donald P.
Macksam, William G.
Macmillan Family
Mad Bear, Chief
Madill, Hazel Granger
Maher, Tom
Mahone, Hazel
Mahoney, Margaret
Mallery, John E.
Mallett, Ida
Malone, Thomas F.
Manfred, Frederick
Manfred, Marya
Manhart, Paul
Mankey, Art
Mann, Herbert T.
Marchant, George Washington
Marqulis, George W.
Manuel, Lisa
Manuel, Moses
March, Guy E.
Marendahl Family
Marion, Hormidas
Marion, Virginia
Marken, Jack Walter
Markve, Arthur
Marquis, George Henry
Marriott Family
Marrs, James David
Marsh, Dr. Elies
Marsh, Grant
Marshall, R. R.
Martens, Glenn
Martin, Andrew
Martin, John
Martin, Mary Frances
Martin, Robert
Marty, Bishop Martin
Maule, Robert Jones
Marvin, Francis
Mason, Adolph
Mason, Betty
Massie, William B. "Mountain Steamboat"
Mathews, George A.
Mathieson, Dick
Mathieson, George & Kate
Mathieson, Hans
Mathieson, R. W. "Bob"
Matthews, Tommy (Tommy Matthews Orchestra)
Maudlin, Fr. Stanislaus
Mauksch, Adolf
Maupin, A. J.
Maus, Col. L. W.
Mauser, Mable
May, Bill B.
May, George
May, Hubert
Maynard, Emma L.
Mcallister, Laura Kirley
McBride, C. C. (Charles)
McCain, Lynn Paley
McCain, Willi & Susanna
McCall, Jack
McCarriar, Elane
McCaughey, Robert H.
McCaughlin, Major James
McClaskey, Beryl Rogers
McClintock, John S.
McClure, Jake
McClure, Mrs. James
McClure, Pattison Francis
McCook, Edwin
McCoy, James H.
McCrossan, Melinda (Boys Ranch)
McDermott, William
McDonald, Dr. C. J.
McDowell, Robert E.
McEwen, Mildren Jones
McFadden Family
McGaa, M. E.
McGillicuddy, Dr. V.
McGlumphy, Dr. S. B.
McGovern, Sen. George
McGregor, James
McGregor, Nella
McGruder, Cecil
McGuire, Msgr. Paul
McIntire, James J.
McKay, Alexander
McKechnie, Archie
McKeever, Elliott B.
McKeever, Patrick
McKellips, Roger D.
McKenzie, Alex
McKichan, Hugh
McKie, Dr. John F.
McKinney, Sarah
McKnight, William L.
McKoy Family
McLaird, James
McLaughlin, Major James
McManus, Mabel
McMaster, William
McMillan, J. Michael
McMullen, John
McMurty, Dr. W. D.
McMurty, William J.
McNamara, Lee
McNeely, Marian Hurd
McNeil, Ida
McNeil, Washington S.
McNeill, Mary Ann
McNeill, Thomas
McNenny, James
McNickle, Marvin / Melvin
McPetrie, Frank
McPhail, Col. Sam
McReynolds, Camilla
Mead, Dr. L. C.
Means, Russell
Medicine, Beatrice Garner
Meeker, Frank
Meier, Joseph (Black Hills Passion Play)
Meierhenry, Mark
Meistrik, Emma
Melby, Gustav
Meleen, E. E.
Mellette, Arther
Melmer Family
Melville, Americus B.
Menard, Nellie Star Boy
Mendel, Jacob J.
Mendel, Smokey Joe
Meneil, Washington S.
Menniga, Fred
Meredith Family
Merritt Brothers
Metter, Lavonne Hein
Metzger Family
Meyer, Hugo
Micheaux, Oscar
Mickelson, Gov. George T.
Mickelson, Gov. George S.
Mickelson, Madge
Middleton, "Doc"
Milek, John T.
Miles, Gen. Nelson
Miller, Alfred Jacob
Miller, David
Miller, E. W. "Roy"
Miller, Evelyn
Miller, F. J.
Miller Family
Miller, Helen
Miller, Henry
Miller, John
Miller, Lois
Miller, Mabel Endresen
Miller, Marilyn
Miller, Mike
Miller, Myra
Miller, Robert
Miller, Steve B.
Miller, Tarrel R.
Miller, Walter Dale
Mills, Anson
Mills, Billy
Mills, Frank Moody
Mills, George W.
Mills, Rick W.
Millspaugh, Dr. J.
Milton, John R.
Miner, Charles
Miner Nelson
Miner, William
Mintener, Ben
Mischke, Gladys
Mitchell, Arthur S.
Mitchell, F. M.
Moisan, John
Molee, Elias
Molstad, George
Monroe, Col. John
Montgomery, Marion
Moodie, Dr. W. M.
Moody, Gideon C.
Moore, Archie
Moran, Dennis
Morehouse, Dr. D. W.
Mores, Marquis de
Mores, S. Margus
Morgan, Ruth
Morgan, Walt
Morganti, Helen
Morris, Judy K.
Morris, Ralph
Morrison, E. B.
Morrison, Sidney E.
Morrissey, Dr. Michael M.
Morrow, Stanley J.
Morrow, Honore
Morse, Corbin
Mortenson, Clarence
Mortenson, Clint
Mortimel, George
Mortvedt, Jacob and Inger Marie
Moser Leslie Wills
Moses, James H.
Moses, Maj. Gen. Lloyd
Mossing, Mrs. G. W.
Mossman, Capt.
Mostow, Randolph
Mudge, Verne D.
Muenster, Ted
Muggli, Jacob
Muir, John
Mulcrone, Margaret
Munck, Art
Mundt, Edna
Mundt Capital Club
Mundt, Karl, Library Dedication
Munsterman, Scott
Murdy, Robert L.
Murphy, John Francis
Murphy, Marion
Murphy, Maurice
Murphy, William
Murray, James Henry
Murray, Raymond H.
Mustache Maude
Myers, Francis
Myers, Frank
Myers, Irvin H.
Myers, Jerry
Myers, Leo "Myers Wire"
N - Miscellaneous
Naber, Emily
Narcelle, Joe
Nash Family
Nash, George W.
Nash, Newman Curtis
Nauman, Dean S.
Neal, David George
Neihardt, John G.
Neilan, Norman
Nelson, Dorothy Peterson
Nelson, Jim
Nelson, John S.
Nelson, Klondy
Nelson, Larry
Nelson, Lawrence Emerson
Nelson, Louis Sander
Nelson, Martha
Nelson, Matthew "Battling"
Nelson, Robert "Goldbug"
Nelson, Selmer
Nelson, Wilmar D.
Nerger, Edwin L.
Neuharth, Allen
Newark, S. D.
Newcombe, Mattie Goff
Nicholson, Dr. Thomas
Nicohl, Fred
Nicolay, Janice K.
Nicollet, Joseph N.
Nist, Ted
Nixon, Patricia Ryan
Nixon, Richard (Pres.)
No Heart
Noem, Kristi (Governor)
Noem, Rollie
Nolin, Charles
Norz, Matt & Sylvia
Norbeck, Peter
Norbeck, Mrs. Peter
Nordby, Earl
Norderhaug, Linda (Paulson)
Nordness, Reinhart L.
Nordquist, Eugene "Gino"
Nordstrom, Paul E.
Noren, Alfred (Polly Nelson)
Norgaard, N. J.
Norman, Edith V. Roy
Norris, Kathleen
North, Harriet & Noah
Norton, Smith
Notmeyer, Henry Louis
Notson, G. T.
Nuttall, Thomas
Naber, Emily
Narcelle, Joe
Nash Family
Nash, George W.
Nash, Newman Curtis
Nauman, Dean S.
Neal, David George
Neihardt, John G.
Neilan, Norman
Nelson, Dorothy Peterson
Nelson, Jim
Nelson, John S.
Nelson, Klondy
Nelson, Larry
Nelson, Lawrence Emerson
Nelson, Louis Sander
Nelson, Martha
Nelson, Matthew "Battling"
Nelson, Robert "Goldbug"
Nelson, Selmer
Nelson, Wilmar D.
Nerger, Edwin L.
Neuharth, Allen
Newark, S. D.
Newcombe, Mattie Goff
Nicholson, Dr. Thomas
Nicohl, Fred
Nicolay, Janice K.
Nicollet, Joseph N.
Nist, Ted
Nixon, Patricia Ryan
Nixon, Richard (Pres.)
No Heart
Noem, Kristi (Governor)
Noem, Rollie
Nolin, Charles
Norz, Matt & Sylvia
Norbeck, Peter
Norbeck, Mrs. Peter
Nordby, Earl
Norderhaug, Linda (Paulson)
Nordness, Reinhart L.
Nordquist, Eugene "Gino"
Nordstrom, Paul E.
Noren, Alfred (Polly Nelson)
Norgaard, N. J.
Norman, Edith V. Roy
Norris, Kathleen
North, Harriet & Noah
Norton, Smith
Notmeyer, Henry Louis
Notson, G. T.
Nuttall, Thomas
O - Miscellaneous
Oaks, Barbara
O'Brien, Cornelia Wood Maddox
O'Brien, Dan
O'Brien, Francis Burke
O'Brien, Pat Adam
Obama, Pres. Barack
Ochs, Ellen
Ochsner, Adam
Ochsner, Dr. Alton
Odell, Thomas Edward
O'Donnell, Bernard Joseph
O’Flaherty, Coleman E.
O'Gorman, Bishop Thomas
O'Harra, Cleophas C.
O'Hern, Jennie M.
O'Holland, Chief
Oihduze, Chief
Old Man Afraid Of His Horse
Oldaker, Lynn
Oligmueller, Joe and Sharon
Oliver, Henry W.
Olseth, O. H.
Olsgaard, John Newman
Olsen, O. H.
Olson Family
Olson, Arlo L.
Olson, Dr. Edward
Olson, Gary D.
Olson, Ole Sr.
O'Meara, Ellen Nora
One Bull
O'Neal, Leo O.
Opp Family
Orcutt, I. H.
Ordway, Col. George
Ordway, Gov. Nehemiah
Ortez Bicente
Osborn, Campbell
Osborn, Henry Fairfield
Oschenreiter, Louis G.
Osmun Family
Ostenso, Martha
Ostrander, Maj. A. B.
Otey, Louis
Otherday, John
Over, Dr. W. H.
Over, W. H.
Overgard, Zeta
Ovesen, Ellis
Owens, Gary
Oxtoby, Frederic B.
Oyan, Ethel Ranney
Oaks, Barbara
O'Brien, Cornelia Wood Maddox
O'Brien, Dan
O'Brien, Francis Burke
O'Brien, Pat Adam
Obama, Pres. Barack
Ochs, Ellen
Ochsner, Adam
Ochsner, Dr. Alton
Odell, Thomas Edward
O'Donnell, Bernard Joseph
O’Flaherty, Coleman E.
O'Gorman, Bishop Thomas
O'Harra, Cleophas C.
O'Hern, Jennie M.
O'Holland, Chief
Oihduze, Chief
Old Man Afraid Of His Horse
Oldaker, Lynn
Oligmueller, Joe and Sharon
Oliver, Henry W.
Olseth, O. H.
Olsgaard, John Newman
Olsen, O. H.
Olson Family
Olson, Arlo L.
Olson, Dr. Edward
Olson, Gary D.
Olson, Ole Sr.
O'Meara, Ellen Nora
One Bull
O'Neal, Leo O.
Opp Family
Orcutt, I. H.
Ordway, Col. George
Ordway, Gov. Nehemiah
Ortez Bicente
Osborn, Campbell
Osborn, Henry Fairfield
Oschenreiter, Louis G.
Osmun Family
Ostenso, Martha
Ostrander, Maj. A. B.
Otey, Louis
Otherday, John
Over, Dr. W. H.
Over, W. H.
Overgard, Zeta
Ovesen, Ellis
Owens, Gary
Oxtoby, Frederic B.
Oyan, Ethel Ranney
P - Miscellaneous
Packard, Samuel Ware
Page, Dan
Pallardie, Lean
Palmer, Ralph
Palmer, Roy A.
Pangburn, Jessie
Pankow, Adolph
Pardis Family
Parke, Society
Parker, Bob
Parker, Cynthia Ann
Parker, Donald Dean
Parker, Sterlins L.
Parker, Watson
Parkin, Chaske
Parkin, Mrs. Alma J.
Parmelee, Gertrude
Parmley, Joseph W.
Parrott, G. John
Parson Bob (Philip R. Landon)
Patch, Harry L.
Paterson, Beulah
Pates, Fr. Richard
Pates, John Lavern
Pattee, John
Patten, Darryl
Patten, Maj. George W.
Patton, Don
Paulsen, Cecelia
Paulson, Elvin F.
Paulson, Marvin
Paulson, Vernon
Pavel, Bill
Pawnee Bill
Payne, Byron S.
Pease, Henry R.
Pechan, Ben
Pechota, Gary
Pederson Family
Peets, Eliza
Peltier, Leonard
Pelton, Charles L.
Pengra, Lilah
Penn Family
Penn, Robert
Penne, John C.
Pennington, John L.
Perisho, Ellwood Chappell
Perrett, John E. "Potato Creek Johnny"
Perrigone, Neil
Perrine Family
Perry, Frank
Perry, Herbert A.
Perry, Robert
Pesicka, Romaine Thomas
Peskey, Annie
Peterson, Hazel V.
Petersen, Henrik J.
Peterson, Grace, Mayor
Peterson, H. C.
Peterson, Helen White
Peterson, Marlyce Haug
Peterson, Mons B.
Peterson, Purl Dewey
Peterson, Raymond
Peterson, Lt. Gov. Robert Sr.
Peterson, Reuben
Peterson, Walter T.
Petne, John
Petrosky, Lt. Lawrence
Pettigrew, Richard Franklin
Pew, James
Pfaller, Father Louis
Pfeiffer, Claudia
Pfeiffer, John Edward
Phares, Edward J.
Philip Family, Hattie / Doc
Philip George Sr.
Philip, Posey Moran
Philip, Scotty
Phillips, George Howard
Pickler, Family
Pickler, John / Alice
Picotte, Agnes
Picotte, Charles F.
Picotte, Family
Pierce, Ellis T.
Pierce, Gilbert Ashville
Pierre School
Pikerine, Edna West
Pilcher, Joshua
Pinckney, F. M.
Plowman, Adoniram J.
Plut, Joseph
Pohl, R. A. & Irma
Poker Alice
Poler, Mrs. Catherine
Polley, Judge Samuel C.
Pollock Family
Pollock, James
Pollock, Jim
Poor Bear
Popowski, Bert
Popowski, Harriet Seymour
Popp, Richard
Poppen, Caryl Lynn Meyer
Porch, George
Porter, Grace Reed
Potato Creek Johnny [See Perrett, John E.]
Potter, Archie
Potter, Henry A.
Pottratz, Louis
Pourier, Big Bat
Powers, Robert Merrill
Powers, William Howard
Prairie Chicken, Paul
Prairie Edge - Rapid City
(See Little Wounded, Nathan James)
Pratts, Emily
Pressler, Sen. Larry
Prestbo, Donald L.
Price Family
Price, Marjorie Yates
Price, Sameule Goodale
Priest, James Monroe
Primeau, Charles
Princess Chinquilla
Pritchett, Kintzing
Prouty, E.
Provine, Dorothy (Mrs. Robert Day)
Pugsley, Dr. C. W.
Pulford, Linda
Pulles, Alma
Pummel, George Gilbert
Putman Family
Putnam, Warner C. "Everlastingly-at-it Put"
Putney, Effie
Putney, Ida Mae
Putz, Paul
Pyatt, John C.
Pyle, Gladys
Pyle, Howard
Packard, Samuel Ware
Page, Dan
Pallardie, Lean
Palmer, Ralph
Palmer, Roy A.
Pangburn, Jessie
Pankow, Adolph
Pardis Family
Parke, Society
Parker, Bob
Parker, Cynthia Ann
Parker, Donald Dean
Parker, Sterlins L.
Parker, Watson
Parkin, Chaske
Parkin, Mrs. Alma J.
Parmelee, Gertrude
Parmley, Joseph W.
Parrott, G. John
Parson Bob (Philip R. Landon)
Patch, Harry L.
Paterson, Beulah
Pates, Fr. Richard
Pates, John Lavern
Pattee, John
Patten, Darryl
Patten, Maj. George W.
Patton, Don
Paulsen, Cecelia
Paulson, Elvin F.
Paulson, Marvin
Paulson, Vernon
Pavel, Bill
Pawnee Bill
Payne, Byron S.
Pease, Henry R.
Pechan, Ben
Pechota, Gary
Pederson Family
Peets, Eliza
Peltier, Leonard
Pelton, Charles L.
Pengra, Lilah
Penn Family
Penn, Robert
Penne, John C.
Pennington, John L.
Perisho, Ellwood Chappell
Perrett, John E. "Potato Creek Johnny"
Perrigone, Neil
Perrine Family
Perry, Frank
Perry, Herbert A.
Perry, Robert
Pesicka, Romaine Thomas
Peskey, Annie
Peterson, Hazel V.
Petersen, Henrik J.
Peterson, Grace, Mayor
Peterson, H. C.
Peterson, Helen White
Peterson, Marlyce Haug
Peterson, Mons B.
Peterson, Purl Dewey
Peterson, Raymond
Peterson, Lt. Gov. Robert Sr.
Peterson, Reuben
Peterson, Walter T.
Petne, John
Petrosky, Lt. Lawrence
Pettigrew, Richard Franklin
Pew, James
Pfaller, Father Louis
Pfeiffer, Claudia
Pfeiffer, John Edward
Phares, Edward J.
Philip Family, Hattie / Doc
Philip George Sr.
Philip, Posey Moran
Philip, Scotty
Phillips, George Howard
Pickler, Family
Pickler, John / Alice
Picotte, Agnes
Picotte, Charles F.
Picotte, Family
Pierce, Ellis T.
Pierce, Gilbert Ashville
Pierre School
Pikerine, Edna West
Pilcher, Joshua
Pinckney, F. M.
Plowman, Adoniram J.
Plut, Joseph
Pohl, R. A. & Irma
Poker Alice
Poler, Mrs. Catherine
Polley, Judge Samuel C.
Pollock Family
Pollock, James
Pollock, Jim
Poor Bear
Popowski, Bert
Popowski, Harriet Seymour
Popp, Richard
Poppen, Caryl Lynn Meyer
Porch, George
Porter, Grace Reed
Potato Creek Johnny [See Perrett, John E.]
Potter, Archie
Potter, Henry A.
Pottratz, Louis
Pourier, Big Bat
Powers, Robert Merrill
Powers, William Howard
Prairie Chicken, Paul
Prairie Edge - Rapid City
(See Little Wounded, Nathan James)
Pratts, Emily
Pressler, Sen. Larry
Prestbo, Donald L.
Price Family
Price, Marjorie Yates
Price, Sameule Goodale
Priest, James Monroe
Primeau, Charles
Princess Chinquilla
Pritchett, Kintzing
Prouty, E.
Provine, Dorothy (Mrs. Robert Day)
Pugsley, Dr. C. W.
Pulford, Linda
Pulles, Alma
Pummel, George Gilbert
Putman Family
Putnam, Warner C. "Everlastingly-at-it Put"
Putney, Effie
Putney, Ida Mae
Putz, Paul
Pyatt, John C.
Pyle, Gladys
Pyle, Howard
Q - Miscellaneous
Quarnberg, A. J.
Quickstad, August / Martin
Quinn, Mike
Quinn, Robert
Quinn, William L.
Quintal, Authur (Joe)
Quarnberg, A. J.
Quickstad, August / Martin
Quinn, Mike
Quinn, Robert
Quinn, William L.
Quintal, Authur (Joe)
R - Miscellaneous
Raasch, Mary E.
Raap, John
Rademacher, Bernard
Raisch, Stella
Rankin, Col. W. G.
Ranney, Dr. Brooks
Ransom, Frank Leslie
Ransom, Ida Putney
Rasmussen, Odeore
Rasmussen, Wayne
Rattling - Wingswoman
Ravoux, Monsignor A.
Raymond, Spencer Family
Read, Olive E.
Reagan, Ronald
Red Cloud
Red Fox, Delphine
Red Iron
Red Tomahawk
Red Shirt, Delphene
Reddin, Gladys M.
Reder, Odo
Reder, Della (Donaldson)
Redfield, Maj. A.
Redlin, Terry
Redman, Kenneth
Reed Family, "John B."
Reed, Dr. Henry M.
Reed, Washington - see Sammons, John
Reedy, Robert E.
Reese, Sheldon
Reichert, Duane
Reifel, Ben
Reinard, William
Reinecke Family
Reinhold, Paul Ames
Reisen, Frank
Remde, Frank A.
Rencounte, Zephyr
Renken, Bernice (poet)
Reno, Col. M. A.
Rentschler, Jack
Renville, Gabriel
Renville, John B.
Renville, Joseph
Reppe Family
Reutter, Winifred
Rewman, Mable
Reymolds, Charles "Lonesome Charley"
Reynolds, Charles B.
Rezac, Lela / Henry
Rezatto, Helen
Rich, Rita
Richard, John
Richards, Marjorie Alice Benedict
Richards, Richard O.
Richardson, Arthur H.
Richardson, B. A.
Richardson, Mabel Kingsley
Richter, Anton H.
Riefel, Ben
Riggs Family
Riggs, Alfred Longley
Riggs, Lawrence
Riggs, Louisa Irvine
Riggs, Stephen Return
Riggs, Theodore Foster
Riggs, Thomas Lawrence
Riley, Marvin P.
Ringo, Johnny
Ringsrud, Amund
Ringsrud, Olive
Rinker, Dr. George C.
Ripple, Bill
Ripley Family – Sully & Potter Co.
Rise, Carl H.
Risinger, M. E.
Riswold, Gilbert
Ritz, Lawrence
Rivola, Flora
Robbie, Joseph
Robbins, "Joe"
Robbins, Bess
Robbins, Roger (Rick)
Roberts, Charles Duvae
Roberts, Clint
Roberts, Donus D.
Roberts, Henrietta & Godfrey
Roberts, Jim
Roberts, Judge E. D.
Robertson, Roy M
Robidoux, Joseph
Robins, E. W.
Robinson, Chris H.
Robinson, Delorme W.
Robinson, Doane
Robinson, Edward
Robinson, George L. F.
Robinson, Harvey
Robinson, Polly
Robinson, Ronald Lee
Robinson, Will G.
Robson, August "Rattlesnake Pete"
Rockboy, Clarence
Roche, Michael P.
Rodee, H. A.
Roesch, Fred
Rogers, Dilwyn John
Rohde, Helen Grover
Roller, William
Rolvaag, Ole
Ronald, W. R.
Rondelle, Francois
Ronin, Thomas S
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Fred
Rosalie, M.
Rosdhal, Robert
Rose, Edward
Rose, Lavera Roether
Rose, Marie
Rosenbrahn, Jennie and Nancy
Rosenthal, Herman
Roseth, Clara Josephine
Ross, Don
Ross, Horatio Nelson
Ross, John A.
Ross, Thomas Henry
Rothhammer, Siegmund [1840-1865]
Rothhammer, Siegmund [1855-1875]
Rothrock, Edgar Paul
Rottluff, Karl Moritz
Rounds, Don
Rounds, Glen
Rounds, M. Michael
Rouseau Family
Rowe, Ealsa
Royer, Dr. Dan F.
Rubert Family
Rubert, Victor
Rudel, Greg
Rudolph, Judge Herbert B.
Ruhlen, George
Ruleaux, Don
Running Bear
Russell, Charles
Russell, Scott
Russell, Tom
Ruste, Rudolph
Rutherford, "Buck"
Rutledge (Father to Son)
Rutledge Family
Ryan, Ed
Rypkema, Milo C.
Raasch, Mary E.
Raap, John
Rademacher, Bernard
Raisch, Stella
Rankin, Col. W. G.
Ranney, Dr. Brooks
Ransom, Frank Leslie
Ransom, Ida Putney
Rasmussen, Odeore
Rasmussen, Wayne
Rattling - Wingswoman
Ravoux, Monsignor A.
Raymond, Spencer Family
Read, Olive E.
Reagan, Ronald
Red Cloud
Red Fox, Delphine
Red Iron
Red Tomahawk
Red Shirt, Delphene
Reddin, Gladys M.
Reder, Odo
Reder, Della (Donaldson)
Redfield, Maj. A.
Redlin, Terry
Redman, Kenneth
Reed Family, "John B."
Reed, Dr. Henry M.
Reed, Washington - see Sammons, John
Reedy, Robert E.
Reese, Sheldon
Reichert, Duane
Reifel, Ben
Reinard, William
Reinecke Family
Reinhold, Paul Ames
Reisen, Frank
Remde, Frank A.
Rencounte, Zephyr
Renken, Bernice (poet)
Reno, Col. M. A.
Rentschler, Jack
Renville, Gabriel
Renville, John B.
Renville, Joseph
Reppe Family
Reutter, Winifred
Rewman, Mable
Reymolds, Charles "Lonesome Charley"
Reynolds, Charles B.
Rezac, Lela / Henry
Rezatto, Helen
Rich, Rita
Richard, John
Richards, Marjorie Alice Benedict
Richards, Richard O.
Richardson, Arthur H.
Richardson, B. A.
Richardson, Mabel Kingsley
Richter, Anton H.
Riefel, Ben
Riggs Family
Riggs, Alfred Longley
Riggs, Lawrence
Riggs, Louisa Irvine
Riggs, Stephen Return
Riggs, Theodore Foster
Riggs, Thomas Lawrence
Riley, Marvin P.
Ringo, Johnny
Ringsrud, Amund
Ringsrud, Olive
Rinker, Dr. George C.
Ripple, Bill
Ripley Family – Sully & Potter Co.
Rise, Carl H.
Risinger, M. E.
Riswold, Gilbert
Ritz, Lawrence
Rivola, Flora
Robbie, Joseph
Robbins, "Joe"
Robbins, Bess
Robbins, Roger (Rick)
Roberts, Charles Duvae
Roberts, Clint
Roberts, Donus D.
Roberts, Henrietta & Godfrey
Roberts, Jim
Roberts, Judge E. D.
Robertson, Roy M
Robidoux, Joseph
Robins, E. W.
Robinson, Chris H.
Robinson, Delorme W.
Robinson, Doane
Robinson, Edward
Robinson, George L. F.
Robinson, Harvey
Robinson, Polly
Robinson, Ronald Lee
Robinson, Will G.
Robson, August "Rattlesnake Pete"
Rockboy, Clarence
Roche, Michael P.
Rodee, H. A.
Roesch, Fred
Rogers, Dilwyn John
Rohde, Helen Grover
Roller, William
Rolvaag, Ole
Ronald, W. R.
Rondelle, Francois
Ronin, Thomas S
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Fred
Rosalie, M.
Rosdhal, Robert
Rose, Edward
Rose, Lavera Roether
Rose, Marie
Rosenbrahn, Jennie and Nancy
Rosenthal, Herman
Roseth, Clara Josephine
Ross, Don
Ross, Horatio Nelson
Ross, John A.
Ross, Thomas Henry
Rothhammer, Siegmund [1840-1865]
Rothhammer, Siegmund [1855-1875]
Rothrock, Edgar Paul
Rottluff, Karl Moritz
Rounds, Don
Rounds, Glen
Rounds, M. Michael
Rouseau Family
Rowe, Ealsa
Royer, Dr. Dan F.
Rubert Family
Rubert, Victor
Rudel, Greg
Rudolph, Judge Herbert B.
Ruhlen, George
Ruleaux, Don
Running Bear
Russell, Charles
Russell, Scott
Russell, Tom
Ruste, Rudolph
Rutherford, "Buck"
Rutledge (Father to Son)
Rutledge Family
Ryan, Ed
Rypkema, Milo C.
S - Miscellaneous
Sabor, Claudette
Sahr, Carla A.
Saka Kawea / Sakagewea
Sale, "Chic"
Salem, Rev. Harold
Sallet, F. W.
Salmon, Samuel Cecil
Saminsky, Lillian
Sammons, John P.
Samp, Srdyce
Sampson, June
Samuelson, Bob
Samuelson, Celia
Sanchez, "Mexican Ed"
Sanders, Jessie E.
Sanders, Mary F.
Sanders, W. W.
Sandoz, Mari
Sandro, Gustav O.
Sansom-Flood, Renee
Sarpy, Gregoire
Saul, John
Sand, Mary L. (Chapman)
Saunders, La Verne
Saunders, Phil
Savory Family
Sayer, Rose E. "Rose Of The Prairie"
Scallin, Beulah Windle
Schaefer, Tonya L.
Scheel, Elma
Schell, Herbert Samuel
Schetnam, E. L.
Schleusener, Richard A.
Schlueter, John H.
Schmidt, Cary & Shauna
Schmitz, John
Schnaidt Family
Scneider, George
Schock, Al
Schoenfelder, Laska
Schoenhand, Joe
Schofield, Matthew V. Jr.
Scholder, Fritz
Schomer, Joe
Schrempp, Mavis
Schrieber, Fredrick
Schroeder, Lyle E.
Schubert, Eleanor
Schubert, M. J.
Schuette, William
Schuknecht, Dr. Harold
Schuler, Harold H.
Schultz, Calvin
Schultz, Ray
Schultz, Theodore
Schumacher, Christian
Schumacher, Marie
Schuman, Don & Jack
Schuttler, Linfred Leroy
Schuyler, Remington
Schwarz, Joseph
Schwatka, Frederick
Schweitzer, Arlette
Scissons, Kenneth
Scott, Adam
Scott, Ernie / Maud
Scott, George Dewey
Scott, Samuel
Scurr, Kenneth Russell
Scutt, V. G.
Searless, Katie A.
Sears, Elijah Clark
Sears, Frank & Maybelle
Seely & Knapp Families
Sehnert, Keith
Selbert, Louis (Lou)
Sellers, Kenneth
Senechal, Edmond
Senn, Edward L.
Sewry, Charles Louis
Seymour, Forrest W.
Shade Family
Shade, Myron Lewis
Shaffer, Jessie S.
Shanafelt, Thomas M.
Shanard, Sen. George
Shanard, Mary (See Burke, Mary)
Shangreaux, John & Lillie
Shannon, Judge Peter C.
Sharp, Clarence
Sharpe Family
Sharpe, Merrell
Shaw Family
Shea, Morris
Sheafe, Col. Mark
Sheild, Rexford Monroe
Sheldon, Charles Monroe
Sheldon, Gov. Charles Henry
Sheldon, Stewart
Shepard, James H.
Sheppard, Don
Sheridan, Gen. Phil
Sherrard, Mrs. Elizabeth
Sherwood, Aubrey H.
Sherwood, Carl
Sherwood, K. K. / H. H.
Shoemaker, Lynn
Short Bull
Short Gun
Shoun, Billie
Shulenberger, Arvid
Shunk, Harrold
Sibert, John
Sibley, Gen. Henry
Siddons, Belle "Madame Vestal"
Siegrist, Edith B.
Sieh, Rep. Harrold
Siems Family
Sigler Family
Sigstad, John S.
Simon, Elaine
Simpson-Trow Family
Sinnett, Charles
Sitting Bull
Sitts, George S.
Skarsten, Dr. Malvin O.
Skaug, Julius
Slade, Myron Lewis (see Shade, M. L.)
Slagel, Lester
Slagle, Dr. Robert
Slaughter, Linda
Sleepy Eye, Chief
Sloan, Emily Eva
Slocum, Richard M.
Smemoe, John O.
Slocum, Robert
Smith, St. Clair
Smith, Alice Davis
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Frank
Smith, George Martin
Smith, Henry C.
Smith, Henry W.
Smith, Hugh
Smith, James L. "Whispering Smith"
Smith, James Richard
Smith, Jedediah S.
Smith, Judge Ellison G.
Smith, Leonard Kingsley
Smith, Matthew D.
Smith, Preacher H. W. (Henry Watson)
Smith, Preacher G. H.
Smith, Rex Alan
Smolenskin, Perez
Sneesby, Ann
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk
Snow, Lt. Gov. George W.
Snyder, J. Howard
Snyder, Leonard
Solberg, Winton
Solheim, Kraig M.
Soloday, Mildred
Sommer, Linda
Sorenson, Marie Thybo
Soukup, Ben
Spafford, Dr. Frederick A.
Spalding, Johnny "Buckskin Johnny"
Spaulding, Ted
Speece, Wyn
Spencer, Joseph C.
Spencer, Mrs. George E.
Spicer, Myra J.
Spindler, Will
Spink, Solomon L.
Spiry, Dr. Arthur
Spotted Eagle, Faith
Spotted Tail
St. Ange, Jean Baptiste
St. Pierre, John
Stacey, Ethel M. Notter Wilson
Stach, Robert L.
Stack, Philip L.
Standing Bear (Ponca Chief)
Standing Bear, Henry
Standing Bear, Luther
Standing Soldier, Andrew
Stands-On-His-Ear, Joe / John
Stanley, Dr. Carl
Stanley, John A.
Star, Sol
Stark, Frankle
Starr, V. M.
Stars, Ivan
State Football Team
Stavig, Andrew, Hans & Magnus
Stearns, Royal B.
Steckler, Doug
Steele, James P.
Steen, Elizabeth
Steen, Iver E.
Stenseth, Arnie
Stensland, Doris
Stenson, Halvor
Stephens, R. W.
Sterling, Brandon
Sterling, William B.
Stetter, John
Steuerwald, Kay Riordan
Stewart, Ken
Stewart, Robert
Stillwell, Ethel Richardson
Stillwell, L. W.
Stoddard Family
Stoddard, William Henry
Stofferahn, Ken
Stoick, James
Stokke, Vel
Stone, Irving I.
Stone, Jennie
Stone, Matila Woods
Stough, Nancy Samed
Stowitts, Hubert J.
Strader, Jesse
Straight (Strait) Family
Strain, David
Strain, Frank R.
Strand, Wilson E.
Strassmaier, Rev. Bernard
Straub, Theodore F.
Stringer, Samuel
Strong, D. D.
Strool, Ben
Stuart, Granville
Stuart, Joseph
Stubbins, Thomas A.
Sturtevant, Joseph
Sturgis, Brig. Samuel Davis
Stutenroth, Eugene
Stutenroth, Stella Marie
Stymiest, Ruth Anne
Sudlow, Lloyd
Sues, Otto L.
Sulentic, Joe
Sullivan, John L.
Sully, Gen. Alfred
Sully, Jack
Summerside, Georgia
Summerside, Patsy
Sumner, Maj. Gen. Samuel Storrow
Sun Rise
Sundling, Charles W.
Surbeck, L. Homer
Sutherland, John
Sutley, Zack
Sutton Family
Sutton, Billie
Sutton, Ernest
Sutton, James H. Sr.
Sutton, John Jr.
Sutton, John Sr.
Sutton, Mildred I. Kurtz
Swanberg, Ben
Swann, Carlee
Swanson, Mabel Eva Lange
Swearingen, E. A.
Sweeney, Marion Hopkins
Sweet, E. T.
Swenson, Luverne F.
Swenumson, Kate
Swift Family
Swift, Florence Thornton
Swift, Robert
Swope, Frank
Sylvester, Father
Symens, Paul
Szalay, Rev. Eugene
Sabor, Claudette
Sahr, Carla A.
Saka Kawea / Sakagewea
Sale, "Chic"
Salem, Rev. Harold
Sallet, F. W.
Salmon, Samuel Cecil
Saminsky, Lillian
Sammons, John P.
Samp, Srdyce
Sampson, June
Samuelson, Bob
Samuelson, Celia
Sanchez, "Mexican Ed"
Sanders, Jessie E.
Sanders, Mary F.
Sanders, W. W.
Sandoz, Mari
Sandro, Gustav O.
Sansom-Flood, Renee
Sarpy, Gregoire
Saul, John
Sand, Mary L. (Chapman)
Saunders, La Verne
Saunders, Phil
Savory Family
Sayer, Rose E. "Rose Of The Prairie"
Scallin, Beulah Windle
Schaefer, Tonya L.
Scheel, Elma
Schell, Herbert Samuel
Schetnam, E. L.
Schleusener, Richard A.
Schlueter, John H.
Schmidt, Cary & Shauna
Schmitz, John
Schnaidt Family
Scneider, George
Schock, Al
Schoenfelder, Laska
Schoenhand, Joe
Schofield, Matthew V. Jr.
Scholder, Fritz
Schomer, Joe
Schrempp, Mavis
Schrieber, Fredrick
Schroeder, Lyle E.
Schubert, Eleanor
Schubert, M. J.
Schuette, William
Schuknecht, Dr. Harold
Schuler, Harold H.
Schultz, Calvin
Schultz, Ray
Schultz, Theodore
Schumacher, Christian
Schumacher, Marie
Schuman, Don & Jack
Schuttler, Linfred Leroy
Schuyler, Remington
Schwarz, Joseph
Schwatka, Frederick
Schweitzer, Arlette
Scissons, Kenneth
Scott, Adam
Scott, Ernie / Maud
Scott, George Dewey
Scott, Samuel
Scurr, Kenneth Russell
Scutt, V. G.
Searless, Katie A.
Sears, Elijah Clark
Sears, Frank & Maybelle
Seely & Knapp Families
Sehnert, Keith
Selbert, Louis (Lou)
Sellers, Kenneth
Senechal, Edmond
Senn, Edward L.
Sewry, Charles Louis
Seymour, Forrest W.
Shade Family
Shade, Myron Lewis
Shaffer, Jessie S.
Shanafelt, Thomas M.
Shanard, Sen. George
Shanard, Mary (See Burke, Mary)
Shangreaux, John & Lillie
Shannon, Judge Peter C.
Sharp, Clarence
Sharpe Family
Sharpe, Merrell
Shaw Family
Shea, Morris
Sheafe, Col. Mark
Sheild, Rexford Monroe
Sheldon, Charles Monroe
Sheldon, Gov. Charles Henry
Sheldon, Stewart
Shepard, James H.
Sheppard, Don
Sheridan, Gen. Phil
Sherrard, Mrs. Elizabeth
Sherwood, Aubrey H.
Sherwood, Carl
Sherwood, K. K. / H. H.
Shoemaker, Lynn
Short Bull
Short Gun
Shoun, Billie
Shulenberger, Arvid
Shunk, Harrold
Sibert, John
Sibley, Gen. Henry
Siddons, Belle "Madame Vestal"
Siegrist, Edith B.
Sieh, Rep. Harrold
Siems Family
Sigler Family
Sigstad, John S.
Simon, Elaine
Simpson-Trow Family
Sinnett, Charles
Sitting Bull
Sitts, George S.
Skarsten, Dr. Malvin O.
Skaug, Julius
Slade, Myron Lewis (see Shade, M. L.)
Slagel, Lester
Slagle, Dr. Robert
Slaughter, Linda
Sleepy Eye, Chief
Sloan, Emily Eva
Slocum, Richard M.
Smemoe, John O.
Slocum, Robert
Smith, St. Clair
Smith, Alice Davis
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Frank
Smith, George Martin
Smith, Henry C.
Smith, Henry W.
Smith, Hugh
Smith, James L. "Whispering Smith"
Smith, James Richard
Smith, Jedediah S.
Smith, Judge Ellison G.
Smith, Leonard Kingsley
Smith, Matthew D.
Smith, Preacher H. W. (Henry Watson)
Smith, Preacher G. H.
Smith, Rex Alan
Smolenskin, Perez
Sneesby, Ann
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk
Snow, Lt. Gov. George W.
Snyder, J. Howard
Snyder, Leonard
Solberg, Winton
Solheim, Kraig M.
Soloday, Mildred
Sommer, Linda
Sorenson, Marie Thybo
Soukup, Ben
Spafford, Dr. Frederick A.
Spalding, Johnny "Buckskin Johnny"
Spaulding, Ted
Speece, Wyn
Spencer, Joseph C.
Spencer, Mrs. George E.
Spicer, Myra J.
Spindler, Will
Spink, Solomon L.
Spiry, Dr. Arthur
Spotted Eagle, Faith
Spotted Tail
St. Ange, Jean Baptiste
St. Pierre, John
Stacey, Ethel M. Notter Wilson
Stach, Robert L.
Stack, Philip L.
Standing Bear (Ponca Chief)
Standing Bear, Henry
Standing Bear, Luther
Standing Soldier, Andrew
Stands-On-His-Ear, Joe / John
Stanley, Dr. Carl
Stanley, John A.
Star, Sol
Stark, Frankle
Starr, V. M.
Stars, Ivan
State Football Team
Stavig, Andrew, Hans & Magnus
Stearns, Royal B.
Steckler, Doug
Steele, James P.
Steen, Elizabeth
Steen, Iver E.
Stenseth, Arnie
Stensland, Doris
Stenson, Halvor
Stephens, R. W.
Sterling, Brandon
Sterling, William B.
Stetter, John
Steuerwald, Kay Riordan
Stewart, Ken
Stewart, Robert
Stillwell, Ethel Richardson
Stillwell, L. W.
Stoddard Family
Stoddard, William Henry
Stofferahn, Ken
Stoick, James
Stokke, Vel
Stone, Irving I.
Stone, Jennie
Stone, Matila Woods
Stough, Nancy Samed
Stowitts, Hubert J.
Strader, Jesse
Straight (Strait) Family
Strain, David
Strain, Frank R.
Strand, Wilson E.
Strassmaier, Rev. Bernard
Straub, Theodore F.
Stringer, Samuel
Strong, D. D.
Strool, Ben
Stuart, Granville
Stuart, Joseph
Stubbins, Thomas A.
Sturtevant, Joseph
Sturgis, Brig. Samuel Davis
Stutenroth, Eugene
Stutenroth, Stella Marie
Stymiest, Ruth Anne
Sudlow, Lloyd
Sues, Otto L.
Sulentic, Joe
Sullivan, John L.
Sully, Gen. Alfred
Sully, Jack
Summerside, Georgia
Summerside, Patsy
Sumner, Maj. Gen. Samuel Storrow
Sun Rise
Sundling, Charles W.
Surbeck, L. Homer
Sutherland, John
Sutley, Zack
Sutton Family
Sutton, Billie
Sutton, Ernest
Sutton, James H. Sr.
Sutton, John Jr.
Sutton, John Sr.
Sutton, Mildred I. Kurtz
Swanberg, Ben
Swann, Carlee
Swanson, Mabel Eva Lange
Swearingen, E. A.
Sweeney, Marion Hopkins
Sweet, E. T.
Swenson, Luverne F.
Swenumson, Kate
Swift Family
Swift, Florence Thornton
Swift, Robert
Swope, Frank
Sylvester, Father
Symens, Paul
Szalay, Rev. Eugene
T - Miscellaneous
Taber, Clarence W.
Tacket, Charles
Taft, President W. H.
Tait, Frank
Tainter, Rev. Daniel
Tallent, Annie Donna
Tarbell Family
Tatro, May Phillips
Taubman, Edward
Taylor, Charlotte
Taylor, Edward
Taylor, Ellen Dupois
Taylor, Gilbert B.
Taylor, Joseph
Taylor, Katherine Sprague
Taylor, Kathleen
Taylor, W. W.
Tellinghuisen, Roger A.
Temmey, Leo A.
Templemann, J. N.
Terry, Rex
Termis, Dick
Tewksbury, George and Joanna
Theim, Emil
Theisz, R. D.
Thode. Earl
Thomas, Jess
Thomas, "Smokey"
Thomas, Richard H.
Thomas, Roger John
Thompson, A. A.
Thompson, Crozier
Thompson, Mary Bel
Thompson, Oskar
Thompson, Peter
Thoms, Craig S.
Thomsen, Gordon
Thomson, Frank Selee
Thorne, Charles E. VFW Post 203
Thorowgood Family
Thorpe, Cleata
Thorsness, Leo
Thrall, William Herbert
Throckmorton Family
Thune, Harrold
Thune, John
Thurlow / Krueger (Paul & Emma)
Thye, Gov. Edward J.
Tjaden, S. A.
Tibbs, Casey
Tidball, Rose Tomac
Tiffany, Burton Ellsworth
Tiggs, Theodore Foster
Tilden, Horace W.
Tilford, Joseph
Tilgner, Inez
Tilton, Horace G.
Tinan, Clate
Tingley, Kay
Tingley, Ralph Russell
Tipton, Mary
Tobin, Judy
Todd, Green D.
Todd, J. B. S.
Todd, James Edward
Torgerson, Jay
Torp, Thaddeus
Tostlebe, Milton F.
Towey, Thomas / Bridget
Towne, Marian Kleinsasser
Townley, A. C. (Arthur Charles)
Townsend, Delo
Townsend, Dr. Francis
Townsley, John Boyd
Tracy, Family
Tracy, George W.
Trask, Genevieve
Trask, Howard
Traversie Family
Travis, Walter "Speedy"
Tre Fethren, Eugene Byron
Trevillyan, John
Tripp, Bartlett
Tripp, Robert B.
Trobriand, Comte Regis de
Trudeau, John Baptiste
Trumbo, Frank
Trumbull Family
Trygstad, Carl O.
Tucker, Duane
Tufts, James
Tull, Jewel Bothwell
Tullis, Lucy Mary
Tupper, Frieda Batterman
Turchen, Lesta Vanderwert
Turman, Mary
Turnbbull, Susan
Turner, George
Turner, John Lewis
Turner, William
Two Bear, Basil
Two Hawk, Webster
Two Heart, Francis
Two Kettle
Two Sticks
Two Strike
Twomey, Katherine
Tyler, Bud
Taber, Clarence W.
Tacket, Charles
Taft, President W. H.
Tait, Frank
Tainter, Rev. Daniel
Tallent, Annie Donna
Tarbell Family
Tatro, May Phillips
Taubman, Edward
Taylor, Charlotte
Taylor, Edward
Taylor, Ellen Dupois
Taylor, Gilbert B.
Taylor, Joseph
Taylor, Katherine Sprague
Taylor, Kathleen
Taylor, W. W.
Tellinghuisen, Roger A.
Temmey, Leo A.
Templemann, J. N.
Terry, Rex
Termis, Dick
Tewksbury, George and Joanna
Theim, Emil
Theisz, R. D.
Thode. Earl
Thomas, Jess
Thomas, "Smokey"
Thomas, Richard H.
Thomas, Roger John
Thompson, A. A.
Thompson, Crozier
Thompson, Mary Bel
Thompson, Oskar
Thompson, Peter
Thoms, Craig S.
Thomsen, Gordon
Thomson, Frank Selee
Thorne, Charles E. VFW Post 203
Thorowgood Family
Thorpe, Cleata
Thorsness, Leo
Thrall, William Herbert
Throckmorton Family
Thune, Harrold
Thune, John
Thurlow / Krueger (Paul & Emma)
Thye, Gov. Edward J.
Tjaden, S. A.
Tibbs, Casey
Tidball, Rose Tomac
Tiffany, Burton Ellsworth
Tiggs, Theodore Foster
Tilden, Horace W.
Tilford, Joseph
Tilgner, Inez
Tilton, Horace G.
Tinan, Clate
Tingley, Kay
Tingley, Ralph Russell
Tipton, Mary
Tobin, Judy
Todd, Green D.
Todd, J. B. S.
Todd, James Edward
Torgerson, Jay
Torp, Thaddeus
Tostlebe, Milton F.
Towey, Thomas / Bridget
Towne, Marian Kleinsasser
Townley, A. C. (Arthur Charles)
Townsend, Delo
Townsend, Dr. Francis
Townsley, John Boyd
Tracy, Family
Tracy, George W.
Trask, Genevieve
Trask, Howard
Traversie Family
Travis, Walter "Speedy"
Tre Fethren, Eugene Byron
Trevillyan, John
Tripp, Bartlett
Tripp, Robert B.
Trobriand, Comte Regis de
Trudeau, John Baptiste
Trumbo, Frank
Trumbull Family
Trygstad, Carl O.
Tucker, Duane
Tufts, James
Tull, Jewel Bothwell
Tullis, Lucy Mary
Tupper, Frieda Batterman
Turchen, Lesta Vanderwert
Turman, Mary
Turnbbull, Susan
Turner, George
Turner, John Lewis
Turner, William
Two Bear, Basil
Two Hawk, Webster
Two Heart, Francis
Two Kettle
Two Sticks
Two Strike
Twomey, Katherine
Tyler, Bud
U - Miscellaneous
Uecker, Pauline (See Charlotte Hyde)
Uhl, F. E.
Ulrich, Hattie L.
Uncle Matt
Underwood Family
Unruh, John David Jr.
Unruh, John David Sr.
Updyke, Rev. Stephen G.
Urquhart, Joseph & Cenic
Ustrud, Hans A.
Uecker, Pauline (See Charlotte Hyde)
Uhl, F. E.
Ulrich, Hattie L.
Uncle Matt
Underwood Family
Unruh, John David Jr.
Unruh, John David Sr.
Updyke, Rev. Stephen G.
Urquhart, Joseph & Cenic
Ustrud, Hans A.
V - Miscellaneous
Van Broklin, Norm
Van Bruggen, Theodore
Van Camp, W. N.
Van Dalsem, Henry A.
Van Doren, Mamie
Van Genderen, Adeline
Van Loh, Joan
Van Loh, Muriel
Van Meter Family
Van Nuys, Kelvin
Van Nuys, Laura Bower
Van Osdel, A. L.
Van Ostrand, Dr. Henry
Van Riper, John / Dorothy
Van Zante, Helen Johnson
Vance, "Lanky" Earl
Vander Pol, Henry
Vanderbert, C. E.
Vandermark, Walter E.
Vangundy Family
Vaughn, J. A. "Tennesee"
Veglahn, Nancy Crary
Venegas, Hildreth Twostars
Venhaizen, Klaas / Ida
Verendrye brothers
Vessey, Robert
Vestal, Stanley
Vik, O. A.
Vilas, Loraine
Vinatieri, Felix Villiet
Visher, Julia Sargent
Visher, Stephen Sargent
Visser, Audrae E.
Vogt, Jay D.
Volk, Craig
Von Schrenk, Herman
Votruba, Stanley E.
Vucurevich, John T.
Van Broklin, Norm
Van Bruggen, Theodore
Van Camp, W. N.
Van Dalsem, Henry A.
Van Doren, Mamie
Van Genderen, Adeline
Van Loh, Joan
Van Loh, Muriel
Van Meter Family
Van Nuys, Kelvin
Van Nuys, Laura Bower
Van Osdel, A. L.
Van Ostrand, Dr. Henry
Van Riper, John / Dorothy
Van Zante, Helen Johnson
Vance, "Lanky" Earl
Vander Pol, Henry
Vanderbert, C. E.
Vandermark, Walter E.
Vangundy Family
Vaughn, J. A. "Tennesee"
Veglahn, Nancy Crary
Venegas, Hildreth Twostars
Venhaizen, Klaas / Ida
Verendrye brothers
Vessey, Robert
Vestal, Stanley
Vik, O. A.
Vilas, Loraine
Vinatieri, Felix Villiet
Visher, Julia Sargent
Visher, Stephen Sargent
Visser, Audrae E.
Vogt, Jay D.
Volk, Craig
Von Schrenk, Herman
Votruba, Stanley E.
Vucurevich, John T.
W - Miscellaneous
Wa Pas Ha
Wackerow, Frederick
Wade, "Kid"
Wagner, Dr. Robert
Wagner, Sally Roesch
Waldner, Marie
Waldo, Edna Lamoore
Waldron, Gordon R.
Waldron, Lt. Com. John C.
Walker, Bill / Alma
Walker, Frederick E.
Walking Bull, Gilbert Charles
Walking Bull, Tino W.
Walking Shield
Waln, Joseph "Bad"
Walsh, Maurice
Walsh, Thomas J.
Waltner, Emil J.
Wanamaker, Dix
Wansley, Mrs. T. J. L.
War Cloud, Paul
War Eagle
Warbonnet, Pete
Ward James A.
Ward, Freeman
Ward, Gen. A. B.
Ward, Joseph
Ward, Tater
Wandall, Alonzo
Ware, Harlan
Warner, Frances Larimer
Warnock, Jane
Warren, Gov. Kemble
Warren, Judge Frederick A.
Warren, Margaret
Washington, George
Wasmoen, Carol S.
Waterhouse, Alfred James
Way, Kenneth
Way, S. X.
Webb, Bernie
Webb, Diana (Loitwood)
Webb, Joyce
Webb, Mrs. Laura
Webb, Walter P.
Webster, Gertrude
Webster, H. D.
Webster, Loraine
Webster, Victor
Wedel, Dr. Waldo
Weeks, I. D.
Wegner, Dr. Karl H.
Wegner, Lottie
Wehrle, Rev. Vincent
Weiland, Jack
Weinkauf, Mary S.
Weinreis, Anna Marie
Weinreis, Eva Prouse
Weir, Susanna
Weischaar, Lynn
Welch Family
Welch, Capt. A. B.
Weldon, Mrs. C.
Welk, Lawrence
Weller, Frank
Wellington, Raynor Greenleaf
Wells, Goldie
Wells, Phillip E.
Wells, Rollin J.
Welt, Elly
Wendt, Lloyd M.
Wenzlaff, Gustav G.
Wesley, John
Wesner, Jolene S.
Westcott, Rockwell
Westerman, Floyd
Westin, Frederick C.
Whaley, Charles F.
Whaley, Neva Marie
Wheeler, Keith
Wheeler, Robert B.
Wherry, Hazel L.
Whipple, Henry Benjamin
Whirlwind Soldier (See Little Wounded File)
White Bull, "Mah-O-Nie"
White Eagle
White Hat, Albert
White Hawk
White Swan
White, Dr. Mathilda
Whitebird, Francis
Whitehouse, Benjamin Frank
Whiteside, Lowell E.
Whiting, Judge Charles
Whitley, Fred W.
Whitlock, Agnes B.
Whitlow, Claude J.
Whitney, O. K.
Whitney, Arther O'Dell
Wiedemer, Ila
Wik, Reynold
Wilcox, Duane
Wilder Society
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Wilder, W. R.
Willard, A. M.
Willey, E. H.
Willhite, Nellie Zabel
Williams & Ree
Williams, Bessie
Williams, Elizabeth
Williams, Fontella L.
Williams, Joseph A.
Williams, Leonard (Bud)
Williams, Libbie
Williams, Lida Myrtle
Williams, R. B. "Dick"
Williams, Vernon
Williamson, John P. / Thomas S.
Williamson, John Poage
Williamson, Myrna H.
Williamson, Warren
Williamson, William
Willson, Lydia French
Willy, Todd
Wilson, David
Wilson, Dolores Barnes
Wilson, Lemuel G.
Wilson, Richard A.
Windolph, Serg. Charles
Wingert, Donald
Wiseman, Hans
Wiseman, Maxine Schrader
Witherspoon, James
Withrow, Myrtle Davidson
Witzleben, E. C.
Wolcott, Peter Clark
Woley, Dr. Alice
Wolfe, Edgar
Wollman, Harvey
Wollman, Roger
Wong Family
Wood Family
Wood, Frances Gilchrist
Wooledge, Lucy Yakey
Woster Brothers
Wright Bros
Wright Family
Wright, James A. (Jim)
Wright, Dr. Paul
Wright, Franklin Lloyd
Wullweber, Marvin
Wyman, Judge A. Lee
Wynia, Florence
Wa Pas Ha
Wackerow, Frederick
Wade, "Kid"
Wagner, Dr. Robert
Wagner, Sally Roesch
Waldner, Marie
Waldo, Edna Lamoore
Waldron, Gordon R.
Waldron, Lt. Com. John C.
Walker, Bill / Alma
Walker, Frederick E.
Walking Bull, Gilbert Charles
Walking Bull, Tino W.
Walking Shield
Waln, Joseph "Bad"
Walsh, Maurice
Walsh, Thomas J.
Waltner, Emil J.
Wanamaker, Dix
Wansley, Mrs. T. J. L.
War Cloud, Paul
War Eagle
Warbonnet, Pete
Ward James A.
Ward, Freeman
Ward, Gen. A. B.
Ward, Joseph
Ward, Tater
Wandall, Alonzo
Ware, Harlan
Warner, Frances Larimer
Warnock, Jane
Warren, Gov. Kemble
Warren, Judge Frederick A.
Warren, Margaret
Washington, George
Wasmoen, Carol S.
Waterhouse, Alfred James
Way, Kenneth
Way, S. X.
Webb, Bernie
Webb, Diana (Loitwood)
Webb, Joyce
Webb, Mrs. Laura
Webb, Walter P.
Webster, Gertrude
Webster, H. D.
Webster, Loraine
Webster, Victor
Wedel, Dr. Waldo
Weeks, I. D.
Wegner, Dr. Karl H.
Wegner, Lottie
Wehrle, Rev. Vincent
Weiland, Jack
Weinkauf, Mary S.
Weinreis, Anna Marie
Weinreis, Eva Prouse
Weir, Susanna
Weischaar, Lynn
Welch Family
Welch, Capt. A. B.
Weldon, Mrs. C.
Welk, Lawrence
Weller, Frank
Wellington, Raynor Greenleaf
Wells, Goldie
Wells, Phillip E.
Wells, Rollin J.
Welt, Elly
Wendt, Lloyd M.
Wenzlaff, Gustav G.
Wesley, John
Wesner, Jolene S.
Westcott, Rockwell
Westerman, Floyd
Westin, Frederick C.
Whaley, Charles F.
Whaley, Neva Marie
Wheeler, Keith
Wheeler, Robert B.
Wherry, Hazel L.
Whipple, Henry Benjamin
Whirlwind Soldier (See Little Wounded File)
White Bull, "Mah-O-Nie"
White Eagle
White Hat, Albert
White Hawk
White Swan
White, Dr. Mathilda
Whitebird, Francis
Whitehouse, Benjamin Frank
Whiteside, Lowell E.
Whiting, Judge Charles
Whitley, Fred W.
Whitlock, Agnes B.
Whitlow, Claude J.
Whitney, O. K.
Whitney, Arther O'Dell
Wiedemer, Ila
Wik, Reynold
Wilcox, Duane
Wilder Society
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Wilder, W. R.
Willard, A. M.
Willey, E. H.
Willhite, Nellie Zabel
Williams & Ree
Williams, Bessie
Williams, Elizabeth
Williams, Fontella L.
Williams, Joseph A.
Williams, Leonard (Bud)
Williams, Libbie
Williams, Lida Myrtle
Williams, R. B. "Dick"
Williams, Vernon
Williamson, John P. / Thomas S.
Williamson, John Poage
Williamson, Myrna H.
Williamson, Warren
Williamson, William
Willson, Lydia French
Willy, Todd
Wilson, David
Wilson, Dolores Barnes
Wilson, Lemuel G.
Wilson, Richard A.
Windolph, Serg. Charles
Wingert, Donald
Wiseman, Hans
Wiseman, Maxine Schrader
Witherspoon, James
Withrow, Myrtle Davidson
Witzleben, E. C.
Wolcott, Peter Clark
Woley, Dr. Alice
Wolfe, Edgar
Wollman, Harvey
Wollman, Roger
Wong Family
Wood Family
Wood, Frances Gilchrist
Wooledge, Lucy Yakey
Woster Brothers
Wright Bros
Wright Family
Wright, James A. (Jim)
Wright, Dr. Paul
Wright, Franklin Lloyd
Wullweber, Marvin
Wyman, Judge A. Lee
Wynia, Florence
X, Y, Z - Miscellaneous
Xenakis, Alexei
Xenakis, Alexei
Yackley, Viola
Yakey, Lucy
Yaukey, James Vernon
Yeager, Anson
Yellow Horse’s Diary
Yellow Robe, Chauncey
Yellow Robe, Rosebud
Yokley, Ann
Yokum, Bob
Young Man Afraid Of His Horses
Young, Carol Anderson
Young, Clark Montgomery
Young, Donald E.
Young, Durand
Young, Gertrude Stickney
Young, Marshall
Younger, James
Younger, John
Ysbrand, Paul & Gelke
Yuill, Camille Wilkinson
Yakey, Lucy
Yaukey, James Vernon
Yeager, Anson
Yellow Horse’s Diary
Yellow Robe, Chauncey
Yellow Robe, Rosebud
Yokley, Ann
Yokum, Bob
Young Man Afraid Of His Horses
Young, Carol Anderson
Young, Clark Montgomery
Young, Donald E.
Young, Durand
Young, Gertrude Stickney
Young, Marshall
Younger, James
Younger, John
Ysbrand, Paul & Gelke
Yuill, Camille Wilkinson
Zabel, Charlie
Zahl, Doc
Zahn, Frank
Zeitner, June Culp
Zeldes, Illya
Zephier, Mitch
Zephier, Ramona
Ziebach, F. M.
Ziemann, Flora
Zietlow, E. R.
Zimmerman Sisters (Tillie & Edith)
Ziolkowski, Korczak
Ziolkoswki, Ruth
Zivanovic, Judith
Zahl, Doc
Zahn, Frank
Zeitner, June Culp
Zeldes, Illya
Zephier, Mitch
Zephier, Ramona
Ziebach, F. M.
Ziemann, Flora
Zietlow, E. R.
Zimmerman Sisters (Tillie & Edith)
Ziolkowski, Korczak
Ziolkoswki, Ruth
Zivanovic, Judith