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General Federation of Women's Clubs Pioneer Daughters Collection

Potter County

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Maiden Name
Married Name
(?), Christina Larson, Mrs. Ben
(?), Eda McLean, Mrs. John
(?), Emma Kempf, Mrs. Ven
(?), Emma Klein, Mrs. George
(?), Nellie Vail, Mrs. Al
(?), Olive Edson, Mrs. Homer
(?), Rosina Lout, Mrs. John
? Bevan, Mrs. James
Artz, Katie M. Simon, Mrs. Leo
Clark, Elizabeth  
Clark, Nellie (Nelle) M.  
Dufloth, Louise Grace Reinecke, Mrs. Adolph
Edmunds, Gertrude Flyte, Mrs. Fred
Eggers, Clementina Orman, Mrs. Riley
Erickson, Anna Todd, Mrs. Herbert
Gillpatrick, Cornelia Hall, Mrs. Charles R.
Herpel, Daisy Andover Potter, Mrs. Floyd
Hewitt, Hannah Provine, Mrs. Edward
Hoffman, Anna Arbach, Mrs. Mike
Hoss, Mary K. Lenssen, Mrs. Theodore
Jordeth, Mina Nold, Mrs. Florian
Jordeth, True Bluflod, Mrs. John Halvorson
Kale, LaVicie Marie George, Mrs. Brooks
Kammerer, Ella Stankey, Mrs. Andrew
Lucas, Margaret O'Brian, Mrs. Charles F.
McDonald, Alice Edmunds, Mrs. Andrew
Medbery, Mary Carr, Mrs. Robert M.
Napier, Jessie Sutton, Mrs. Edwin D.
Peckham, (?) Bates, Mrs. Scott
Provine, Ruth Emma  
Rafferty, Alice Bridget Klein, Mrs. Franklin
Ragatz, Lydia C. Munyon, Mrs. Harry
Rogers, Juanita Akers. Mrs. Ruben W.
Rogers, Marguerite Ethylin Fawcett, Mrs. Sam H.
Searle, Belle Davidson, Mrs. James W.
Sevesind, Julie George, Mrs. William A.
Simon (Simon), Anna Nylander, Mrs. (?)
Smith, Hattie Alvina Knickerbocker, Mrs. Andrus
Stotz, Elizabeth Buechler, Mrs. Fred
Sutton, Emma Louise Kempf, Mrs. Benjamin M.
Titgen, Mary Goebel, Mrs. Matthew
Wentworth, Jennie Steele, Mrs. F. G.
Westlund, Mae Kelly, Mrs. Guy
Zuber, Katherine Breene, Mrs. Patrick

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