Military Records at the South Dakota State Archives
Forts and Posts
Dakota Territory
Anderson, Lt. Charles D. (H75-253)
Report, 1859. This is a thirteen page report written by Anderson describing a 20 day, 350 mile journey from Fort Laramie to Fort Randall in June and July 1859. The purpose of the journey was to determine the quality of the route in order to transport mail, troops, munitions of war and for purposes of emigration. Box 3544B
Atkins, Captain George. (MF 481)
Diary, 1864. Atkinson was with Company G of the 8th Minnesota Infantry. This is a microfilmed copy of his diary from Ft. Ridgley to Killdeer Mt. and on to Yellowstone and the return to Ft. Ridgely, June 2, 1864 to September 26, 1864. 3240 MF
Bear Necklace (H76-027)
Discharge Paper, 30 June 1877. Consists of the discharge papers from the United States Army as an Indian Scout. Box 3650A
Brennan, John R. (H72-002)
Family Papers, 1882-1972. Major Brennan was the Superintendent of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. This collection primarily contains correspondence, diaries, clippings and financial records pertaining to his role in this capacity as well as his ownership of Hotel Harney in Rapid City. Folder 1 of this collection contains a typescript copy of the 1877 Act of Congress to ratify the treaty of 1876. Box 3344B
Dakota Territorial Records (MF 1)
Records, 1861-1889. This collection contains microfilmed records of the Supreme Court, legislature, and governors and secretaries’ correspondence. (MF1313-1389)
Dakota Territory. Adjutant General
Annual and Biennial Reports, January 1887; September 1888; December 1889. Box 7253B
Dakota Territory. Militia. (SC 60)
First Dakota Cavalry Descriptive Book, 1863-1865. Company B of the First Dakota Cavalry was organized in 1863 and mustered out in 1865. This book contains a list of officers, a descriptive roll of the company, register of deaths and desertions, and some information on Company A. FB 44
Davison County. Register of Deeds (99-079, 99-88)
Military Duty Lists, 1889-1894. Information contains the names, ages, and hometowns of persons liable to perform military duty in Davison County. Box 7085B
DeWitt, Louis (H75-414)
Diary and newspaper articles, 1877 and 1917. DeWitt was an Indian Scout for General E.A. Carlington and he played a part in the surrender of the Cheyenne at Chardon Creek, Nebraska in 1878. This collection contains a newspaper article from the Pierre Capital Journal about the event. The collection also includes DeWitt’s diary from April 26 to August 10, 1877 describing army life on a trip up the Yellowstone River. Box 3553A
Edgerton, Alonzo Jay (H75-416)
Letter, 20 April 1863. This collection consists of a letter written by Edgerton, Captain of Company B, Tenth Minnesota Infantry, to the United State Quarter Master General. Box 3650A
First South Dakota Infantry (H92-081)
Photograph and General Orders, 1889. This collection consists of a photograph of one unknown soldier from the 1st South Dakota Infantry and General Orders #29. Box 5510B
General Photo Collection (H87-042)
Governor L.K. Church and 14 military officers, [1889]. The names of the officers are included with the photograph. MD 263
General Photo Collection (P104)
Military. Includes Sully Expedition photos; Carnahan’s Co. of the 12th Infantry marching, 1889; and Co. A 51st Iowa Infantry.
Illingworth, William H. (P176)
Photograph Collection. Photographer, Illingworth accompanied the Custer Expedition to the Black Hills in 1874. Among this collection are images of Custer’s camp at Hiddenwood; camp at Limestone Peak; Captain Smith, the Wagonmaster; Custer’s permanent camp at French Creek; camp on Castle Creek; Custer’s Wagon train on the prairie; wagon train through Castle Creek Valley; Custer with grizzly bear; and a group photo of the first Black Hills Expedition, 1874.
Luther, Conrad (H95-033)
U.S. Army Discharge Certificate, 1879.Luther was a first Sergeant in the First Infantry at the Rosebud Agency. This collection consists of one hand written discharge document. Box 6033A
Madison, T. C. (H75-191)
Letter, May 13, 1856. Surgeon Madison described the terrain around the Big Sioux River and his efforts to move his hospital due to a flood in a letter to the Office of the Surgeon General. Box 3543B
Military History of the Eleventh Kansas Volunteer Cavalry (H82-016)
Photocopy of the Official Military History of the 11th Kansas Cavalry, 1861-1865. This regiment fought in Indian Territory, Missouri, Arkansas and Kansas before being transferred to Dakota Territory in 1865. Box 3587A
Morrow, Stanley J. (P194-198)
Photograph Collection. Includes the following images: General Crook’s army in camp near Buffalo Gap, soldiers fighting over horse meat; army in camp on French Creek; 5th Cavalry leaving Custer City, and Lt. Crosby.
Niles, Frank William (H76-004)
Letters, 1863-1865. Niles was a trooper with the Iowa 6th Cavalry. This collection consists of copies of letters written by Niles on duty in Dakota to his family in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Box 3563B
Roach, George Henderson (H74-169)
Papers, 1873-1904. George Henderson Roach served with the 26th Illinois Infantry in the Civil War and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of the 17th Infantry and sent to Dakota Territory. He served at many of the army posts in Dakota and at one time served with General George A. Custer. This collection consists of five military commissions and a Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States certificate. MD 66
Robinson, Doane (H74-009)
Papers, 1880-1946. This collection combines South Dakota historian, Doane Robinson’s personal papers and the papers of the South Dakota State Department of History. This collection contains letters from A.M. English about the 1st Dakota Cavalry and a letter from William Brewster detailing his service with the cavalry in 1867. Folder 106 contains correspondence with George Kingsbury about the 1st Dakota Cavalry and a roster of Company B. Box 3361B
South Dakota. Governor Arthur C. Mellette (H94-041)
Records, 1862-1930. This collection includes military and other correspondence, letterbooks, manuscripts, and speeches. MF 3506
South Dakota. Governor William A. Howard (H75-004)
Records, 1862-1878. This collection includes correspondence concerning military discharges, the Secretary of Dakota Territory, and Howard’s appointment as governor. Box 3536A
South Dakota National Guard (H74-028)
Papers, 1885-1981. The South Dakota National Guard was organized in 1884 with two regiments of infantry and one of artillery. Several folders in this collection contain records that pertain to this early period in South Dakota National Guard history. The collection contains reports of the Adjutant General of Dakota Territory, Special Orders Book from the Territorial Adjutant General’s office, loose copies of special orders, General Order Book from Territorial Adjutant General’s office, roster of Dakota Territory National Guard for 1885-1889, militia pay warrants issued to South Dakotans, and copies of laws passed in 1885 and 1887. Boxes 3657A-3672
Taylor, John L. (H75-198)
Letter and Petition, 1874. John L. Taylor wrote a letter to the Acting Governor of Dakota Territory, Oscar Whitney, asking permission to form a militia for Clay County. This collection includes the handwritten letter, a typescript copy of the letter and the petition. Box 3543B
United States. Army. (H75-067)
Muster Roll and Pay roll, August 31, and October 31, 1856. This collection contains oversize sheets of muster roll and pay roll records for Company H of the 6th U.S. Infantry. The records contain the name, rank, enlistment and pay information and miscellaneous remarks on the soldiers. MD 067
United States. Army. (H74-002)
Signal Corps Weather Reports, 1877-1891. This collection consists of six volumes of weather records kept at Deadwood and Rapid City, Dakota Territory by the Signal Service and Signal Corps. Box 3351B
United States. War Department, Adjutant General. (H75-326)
Major Henry Martyn Lazelle Report, 1877. Lazelle describes his reconnaissance of the Little Missouri and the south fork of the Grand River in what is now Harding County. He mentions an encounter with Indians. Box 3550A
United States. War Department. Adjutant General’s Office (MF 13)
Annual Report, October 1, 1879. Department of Dakota Annual report, detailing troop locations and activities including action against a group of hostile Cheyenne Indians and the capture of Little Wolf. MF 1591
United States. War Department. Adjutant General’s Office. (MF 9)
Letters Received, 1861-1889. The Adjutant General’s Office kept records, orders and correspondence regarding the Army and the militia. These letters were sent by officers, enlisted men, the Secretary of State, the President, Governors, private persons, and other government officials. (MF1536-1581)
United States. War Department. Adjutant General’s Office. (97-083)
Letters Received, 1875-1880; 1886-1888. The Adjutant General’s Office kept records, orders and correspondence regarding the Army and the militia. These letters were sent by officers, enlisted men, the Secretary of State, the President, Governors, private persons, and other government officials. MF 5018-5025
United States. War Department. Adjutant General’s Office (97-083)
Returns from Regular Army Cavalry Regiments, 1874-1900. MF 5030-5033
United States. War Department. Adjutant General’s Office (97-083)
Returns from Regular Army Infantry Regiments, 1874-1882. MF 5017
United States. War Department. Adjutant General’s Office (97-083)
Returns from United States Military Posts, 1865-1891. MF 5026-5031
Adams, George Rollie. General William S. Harney : Prince of dragoons. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2001.
Ball, Durwood. Army regulars on the western frontier, 1848-1861. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 2001.
Bandel, Eugene. Frontier life in the Army, 1854-1861. Glendale, CA : The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1932.
Carroll, John M. The Black military experience in the American West. New York : Liveright, [1971].
Cox-Paul, Lori A. A frontier army Christmas. [Lincoln, NE ] : Nebraska State Historical Society, 1996.
Croghan, George. Army life on the western frontier; selections from the official reports made between 1826 and 1845. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press [1958].
Custer, Elizabeth (Bacon). Tenting on the plains; or General Custer in Kansas and Texas. New York: C.L.Webster, 1887.
Dakota Militia. South Dakota Historical Collections. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
Dawson, Joseph G. The late 19th Century U.S. Army, 1865-1898 : a research guide. New York : Greenwood Press, 1990.
Eales, Anne Bruner. Army wives on the American frontier : living by the bugles. Boulder : Johnson Books, 1996.
Fielder, Mildred. Captain Jack Crawford : poet and military scout. Deadwood, SD : Centennial Distributors,1983.
Hans, Frederic Malon. Scouting for the U.S. Army, 1876-1879 : the diary of Fred M. Hans. [Pierre] : South Dakota State Historical Society, 1981.
Fowler, Arlen L. The Black Infantry in the West, 1869-1891. Westport C.T. : Greenwood Pub. Corp., [1971].
Innis, Ben. How t’talk trooper : 267 frontier military words and phrases. Williston, N.D. : Sitting Bull Trading Post, 1984.
Kimball, Maria Porter Brace. A Soldier-doctor of our army; James P. Kimball, late colonel and assistantsurgeon-general, U.S. Army. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1917
Knight, Oliver. Life and manners in the frontier army. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1978.
Langellier, J. Phillip. Fix bayonets : the U.S. infantry from the American Civil War to the surrender of Japan. London: Greenhill Books; Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, 1998.
Letter of the Secretary of War, communicating in compliance with the resolution of the Senate of June 13, 1870, a copy of the report of Lieutenant Colonel Samuel B. Holabird, of a reconnaissance made by him in the Department of Dakota, in 1869. [Washington DC : Govt. Printing office, 1870]
Lowe, Percival Green. Five years a dragoon (’49 to ’54) and other adventures on the Great Plains. Kansas City, MO : The F. Hudson Publishing Co., 1906.
McChristian, Douglas C. The U.S. Army in the West, 1870-1880: uniforms, weapons, and equipment. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1995.
Mattes, Merrill J. Indians, infants and infantry; Andrew and Elizabeth Burt on the frontier. Denver, CO : Old West Publishing Co., 1960
Militia. South Dakota Historical Collections. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
Mills, Charles K. Harvest of barren regrets : the army career of Frederick William Benteen, 1834-1898. Glendale, CA : A.H. Clark Co., 1985.
Nacy, Michele J. Members of the regiment : Army officer’s wives on the western frontier, 1865-1890. Westport, CT., :Greenwood Press, 2000.
Prucha, Francis Paul. The Sword of the Republic: The United States Army on the Frontier, 1783-1846. Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press, 1987.
Report of the Secretary of War; being part of the message and documents communicated to the two houses of congress at the beginning of the third session of the forty-fifth Congress, vol. 2, part 3. Report of the chief of engineers, vol. 5, part 3. Washington DC : Government Printing Office, 1878.
Roe, Frances Marie Antoinette Mack. Army letters from an officer’s wife, 1871-1888. New York : D. Appleton,1909.
Soldiers West : Biographies from the military frontier. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1987.
South, Aloha. Data relating to Negro military personnel in the 19th century. Washington DC : National Archivesand Records Service, General Services Administration, 1973.
Tate, Michael L. The frontier army in the settlement of the West. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1999.
The Soldiers, by the editors of Time-Life Books with text by David Nevin. New York: Time-Life Books, 1973.
Tobriand, Philippe Regis Denis de Keredern, comte de. Army life in Dakota; selections from the Journal of Philippe Regis Denis de Keredern de Tobriand. Chicago : The Lakeside Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 1941.
-----. Military life in Dakota; the journal of Philippe Regis deTobriand. St. Paul, MN : Alvord Memorial Commission, [1951].
Van Balen, John. A Contribution to Andreas’ Atlas of Dakota-1884, and G.K. Warren’s military map of Nebraska and Dakota-1858 : Placename index & facsimile maps. Vermillion, S.D. : I.D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, 1997.
Whitman, Sidney Edgerton. The Troopers; an informal history of the Plains Cavalry, 1865-1890. New York:Hastings House Publishers, 1962
Historic Sites along the Missouri, undated. Forts, Indian villages, trading posts. (#701)
Lt. Warren’s Report….In the Dacota Country, 1855. Military reconnaissance of Dakota. (#2376)
Map of Lt. Warren’s Route, 1885. Dakota Territory. (#223)
Map of Lt. Warren’s Route, 1929.South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Montana. (#224)
Map of Nebraska & Dakota/ Parts of bordering states, 1867. Geography, Indian Tribes, forts. (#1867-1868)
March of Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition, August 4 to October 1874. MF 495 (1846 MF)
Military map of Nebraska and Dakota, 1855. U.S. War Department. Explorations made by G.K. Warren in 1855 in Dakota Territory. (#1863-1866)
Military map of Nebraska and Dakota, 1856. U.S. War Department. Military survey map by G.K. Warren. (#1951-1952)
Minnesota and Dakota, Route of Northwestern Indian Expedition, D.L. Kingsbury.1864 MF 495 (1846 MF)
Reconnaissance in the Dakota Country, 1855-1857. Dakota and Nebraska surveyed by Lt. G.K. Warren and others (#1954-1956)
Reconnaissance’s in Dacota Country, 1855. Warren, Long, Nicollet, Fremont and Stansbury routes (#264-266)
Route of Custer Expedition, Rand McNally & Co., 1875 MF 495 (1846 MF)
Route of Lt. Warren from Fort Laramie to Bear Butte, 1929. Dakota Territory. (#280)
Route of Sioux Expedition, Brig. Gen. H.H. Sibley, 1863 MF 495 (1846 MF)
Sites of Military Forts and Battles, undated. Sites in Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota. (#235)
The Military in South Dakota, 1823-1944. Expedition routes, battles with Indians. (#2082)
Vertical Files
Gatling gun
Gordon Stockade
Militia, Dakota 1862
American Indian Conflicts
General Brooks Camp near Pine Ridge, January 17, 1891 (Grabill)
Anderson, John (P184-P 185)
Photograph Collection, 1886-1902. Collection includes Crook Treaty Council, 1889; Fort Niobrara, 1886; Indian soldiers of Co. I 16th Infantry at Rosebud, 1890; council held to persuade Indians to sell Tripp and Gregory Counties, 1892; a funeral procession at Fort Niobrara; negro Infantry at Fort Niobrara, 1902; officers at Fort Niobrara, 1902; interior of the canteen at Fort Niobrara, 1886; and a regiment camped near Fort Niobrara, 1885.
Battle of Little Big Horn (H75-266)
Papers, 1877-1953. The collection contains various secondary source materials such as maps, letters, pamphlets and a newspaper account. Box 3544B
Brennan, John R. (H72-002)
Family Papers, 1882-1972. Major Brennan was the Superintendent of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. This collection primarily contains correspondence, diaries, clippings and financial records pertaining to his role in this capacity as well as his ownership of Hotel Harney in Rapid City. Folder 1 of this collection contains a typescript copy of the 1877 Act of Congress to ratify the treaty of 1876. Box 3344B
Burnside, Raymond (H88-026)
Manuscript, 1929. This manuscript describes the Battle of Slim Buttes and the battlefield when Burnside first visited it. He was instrumental in making the battlefield known in South Dakota. Box 3749B
Daughters of the American Revolution, Daniel Newcomb Chapter, Yankton (H41-001)
Radio Scripts, 1938-1941. This collection consists of radio scripts of programs that were broadcast over WNAX in Yankton. The program was sponsored by the Daniel Newcomb Chapter of the DAR. Folder 3 contains a radio script entitled, “The First Dakota Cavalry, Dakota’s First Soldiers,†by Harry A. Robinson, January 14, 1940.
DeWitt, Louis (H75-414)
Diary and newspaper articles, 1877 and 1917. DeWitt was an Indian Scout for General E.A. Carlington and he played a part in the surrender of the Cheyenne at Chardon Creek, Nebraska in 1878. This collection contains a newspaper article from the Pierre Capital Journal about the event. The collection also includes DeWitt’s diary from April 26 to August 10, 1877 describing army life on a trip up the Yellowstone River. Box 3553A
Doud, George W. (H78-053)
Diary, September 13, 1862-October 15, 1864. Doud was a private in Company F of the 8th Minnesota Infantry. His diary is a typescript copy that describes events during the Sioux Uprising in 1862. He wrote about military life, forts, social life and customs, and the atrocities of the uprising. Box 3573A
Film Collection (H2002-044) RESTRICTED
First in Battle: The True Story of the 7th Cavalry, 2002. This is a vhs video that was produced by Greystone Communications for use on the History Channel and describes the military actions of the 7th Cavalry in American military history. Several of the South Dakota State Archives photographs were used in this film.
General Photo Collection (P104)
Military. Image of Custer’s horse Comanche.
Gibbon, John (H75-312)
Articles, 1877. General John Gibbon wrote two articles that appeared in the American Catholic Quarterly Review in 1877. The first article describes the Sioux War of 1876 and the Battle of the Little Big Horn, while the second article describes the pursuit of Sitting Bull. Box 3549A
Gilbert, R.J. (H82-045)
Manuscript, 1951. The manuscript entitled “The Battle of the Little Big Horn: Reno’s Contribution to Disaster,†was written by Gilbert while he was a midshipman at the United States Naval Academy in 1951. Box 3539
Grabill, John C. (P191)
Photograph Collection, 1876-1891. In October of 1886, Grabill set up a studio in Sturgis, Dakota Territory, where he worked until early 1891. His most memorable photographs relating to Indian people are those taken at Pine Ridge Agency shortly after the Wounded Knee massacre in December 1890. Images in this collection include Company O, 3rd U.S. Infantry posed to take aim, 1890; Company C. 3rd U.S. Infantry; General Miles & staff viewing the largest Indian camp in the U.S. near Pine Ridge, 1891; General Taylor and 70 Indian scouts, 1891; U.S. officials viewing hostile Indian camp; Comanche, 1876; Paul Wernert & gunners of Battery E, 1st Artillery, 1891; officers of the 9th Cavalry,1891; Fighting 7th Officers formal portrait; Fort Meade, 1888; “Grand Review†of U.S. troops; officers quarters at Fort Meade, 1889; and Fort Meade with Bear Butte in the distance, 1888.
Ives, Francis Joseph (H84-038)
Notebook, 1890.This consists of a notebook that was kept by Captain Francis Joseph Ives, Assistant Surgeon, United States Army in South Dakota in 1890. The notebook is a register of Indians that were injured at Wounded Knee and treated by Captain Ives. Box 3616B
Kidder, Jefferson Parish (H1-001)
Papers, 1859-1868. Kidder served as associate justice of the Dakota Territorial Supreme Court from 1865 to 1876 at which time he became a United States Congressman. In 1880 he returned to South Dakota and resumed his position of associate justice. His papers contain biographical material, correspondence, political material, and papers concerning Lyman S. Kidder. Lyman, Jefferson’s son, served with the 2nd U.S. Cavalry in Dakota Territory. Lyman was killed by Indians near Beaver Creek, Kansas in 1867 and this collection contains correspondence by family about Lyman’s death as well as attempts by Jefferson to learn more about the incident. Also included are a list of the other men killed in this battle, a sketch of the country covered by the 7th U.S. Cavalry, and newspaper articles. Box 3649A and MD 63
McCloud, J.B. (H76-015)
Manuscript, n.d. J.B. McCloud, a rancher in Custer County, joined the Spring Creek Volunteers in 1890 during the Messiah War. This manuscript contains the activities the militia was involved in, comments on the Ghost Dance, and the cause of the Sioux troubles in 1890. McCloud and one of the militia companies quartered on his ranch also participated in a fight with the Sioux on his land. Box 3564A
Maynadier, Col. Henry E. (H75-445)
Reports, 1866. This collection consists of two reports to the U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs regarding Maynadier’s efforts to seek peace with the Sioux. Box 3650A
Morrow, Stanley J. (P193-198)
Photograph Collection. Includes images of graves on Custer’s battlefield; bones gathered on Custer’s hill before burial; Lt. Crittenden’s grave; supposed grave of Lt. Sturgis; bluff where some of Custer’s men were driven into the Little Horn; Captain Sanderson’s camp; and the monument on Custer’s battlefield.
North, Luther (H75-190)
Letters and Manuscript, 1923-1924. Captain Luther North commanded a company of Pawnee Scouts from 1864 to 1877 mostly in the Nebraska area. This collection contains four letters. The letters describe the Battle of Summit Springs and the death of Tall Bull. Box 3543B
Robinson, Doane (MF 481)
Article from Literary Digest, September 17, 1921. Microfilmed copy with information on the Custer Battle and Rain In The Face. MF 3240
Smith, Henry P. (H2005-052)
Wounded Knee Diary, October 1889-May 1891. Henry P. Smith was a rancher who lived on the White River across from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. His entries include ranch and homestead events, the winter of 1890-1891, literary quotes, and the events at Wounded Knee. 6653
South Dakota National Guard (H74-028)
Papers, 1885-1981. The Spring Creek Volunteers were a militia that was organized by Merritt H. Day in the southern Black Hills during the Messiah War of 1890-1891. The South Dakota National Guard papers contain two folders that pertain to this topic. The folders contain the rosters of the two Spring Creek companies and material regarding the efforts of Congressman Francis H. Case to obtain a pension for the Spring Creek Volunteers in 1940 and 1941. Boxes 3657A-3672; 7033A-7034B; FB 36-38; FB 57-58; MD 67 and 106
South Dakota National Guard (MF 40)
Rosters, 1885-1917. This includes a listing of the names, ranks, dates and locations of appointments for commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers. It also includes a register of men who transferred, were discharged or died. The register of enlisted men has an index and includes the name, rank, date of enlistment, age, occupation, address, discharge date and remarks. MF 1765
United States. War Department (H75-560)
Record of Engagements with Hostile Indians within the Military Division of the Missouri from 1868 to 1882. Lieutenant General P.H. Sheridan Commanding, 1882. This includes a narrative of activities as well as a break-down of the military divisions with commanders’ names, dates, and military posts. MF1913
United States. War Department (H75-722)
Special Report Relative to the Sioux Campaign, 1890-1891. Report of Colonel E. A. Carr, 6th Cavalry. Also includes returns for November 1890 through January 1891. MF 1938
United States. War Department. Adjutant General’s Office (MF 13)
Annual Report, October 1, 1879. Department of Dakota annual report detailing troop locations and activities including action against a group of hostile Cheyenne Indians and the capture of Little Wolf. MF 1591
Archer, Jules. Indian foe, Indian friend; the story of William S. Harney. [New York]: Crowell-Collier Press,[1970]
Bailey, John W. Pacifying the plains : General Alfred Terry and the decline of the Sioux, 1866-1890. Westport , C.T. : Greenwood Press, 1979.
Barnitz, Albert. Life in Custer’s cavalry : diaries and letters of Albert and Jennie Barnitz, 1867-1868. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1977.
Battles and skirmishes of the Great Sioux War, 1876-1877 : the military view. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, c1993.
Beck, Paul Norman. Soldier, settler, and Sioux : Fort Ridgely and the Minnesota River Valley, 1853-1867. Sioux Falls, S.D. : Center for Western Studies, Augustana College, 2000
Bland, Thomas Augustus. A brief history of the late military invasion of the home of the Sioux. Washington DC: National Indian Defense Association, 1891.
Bruce, Robert. The fighting Norths and Pawnee scouts; narratives and reminiscences of military service on theold frontier. Lincoln, NE : 1932.
Capron, Thaddeus Hurlbut. Marching with General Crook, or, the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition against hostile Indians in the summer of 1876 : including the battle of the Rosebud and the Black Hills march; being the diary of Thaddeus Hurlbut Capron. Douglas, A.K. : Cheechko Press, c 1983.
Cox, John E. Five years in the United States Army. New York: Sol Lewis, 1973
Cox, Kurt Hamilton. Custer and his commands : From West Point to Little Bighorn. London: Greengill Books;Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, 1999.
Custer, Elizabeth. Following the guidon. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1890.
Custer, Elizabeth (Bacon). Tenting on the plains; or General Custer in Kansas and Texas. New York: C.L.Webster, 1887.
Custer, George Armstrong. Nomad : George A. Custer in Turf, field and farm. Austin : University of Texas Press, 1980.
--------Boots and saddles; or Life in Dakota with General Custer. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, [1961].
Foreman, Grant. Advancing the frontier, 1830-1860. Norman : The University of Oklahoma Press, 1933.
Fougera, Katherine Gibson. With Custer’s cavalry. Caldwell, I.D.: The Caxton Printers, 1940.
Fowler, Arlen L. The Black Infantry in the West, 1869-1891. Westport C.T. : Greenwood Pub. Corp., [1971].
Freeman, Henry Blanchard. The Freeman Journal : the infantry in the Sioux Campaign of 1876. San Rafael, CA: Presidio Press, 1977.
Frost, Lawrence A. Arrest General Custer. Monroe, MI : Garry Owen Publishers, 1987.
Hafen, LeRoy Reuben. Relations with the Indians of the Plains, 1857-1861; a documentary account of the military campaigns, and negotiations of Indian agents, with reports and journals of P.G. Lowe, R.M. Peck, J.E. B. Stuart, S.D. Sturgis, and other official papers. Glendale, C.A. : Arthur H. Clark Co., 1959.
Hedren, Paul L. Traveler’s guide to the Great Sioux War : the battlefields, forts, and related sites of America’s greatest Indian war. Helena : Montana Historical Society Press, 1996.
Heitman, Francis Bernard. Historical Register and dictionary of the United States Army, from its organization, September 29, 1789 to March 2, 1903. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1903.
Hickman, George. History of Marshall County, Dakota : its topography and natural history and sketches of pioneer settlers, with the names of actual settlers, where they are from and where they live : also, the military and Sisseton reservations. Britton, Dakota : J.W. Banbury, 1886.
Indian War of the Outbreak.. Wi-Iyohi. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
Indian Wars of Minnesota. Wi-Iyohi. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
Ingham, Harvey. The Northern border brigade; a story of military beginnings. [Des Moines, I.A. : s.n., 1926]
Journals of the military expedition of Major General John Sullivan against the Six Nations of Indians in 1779; with records of
centennial celebrations. Auburn, NY : Knapp, Peck & Thomson, 1887.
King, Charles. A soldier’s secret : a story of the Sioux War of 1890, and an army Portia, two novels. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Co., 1909
Lakota recollections of the Custer fight : new sources of Indian-military history. Spokane, WA : A.H. Clark Co., 1991.
Lauderdale, John Vance. After Wounded Knee. East Lansing : Michigan State University Press, 1996.
Leckie, Shirley A. Elizabeth Bacon Custer and the making of a myth. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1993.
Leckie, William H. The military conquest of the southern plains. Norman : University of Oklahoma Pres, [1963].
Langellier, J. Phillip. Fix bayonets : the U.S. infantry from the American Civil War to the surrender of Japan. London: Greenhill Books; Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, 1998
McDermott, John D. Gold Rush: the Black Hills story. Pierre, S.D. : South Dakota State Historical SocietyPress, 2001.
Miles, Nelson Appleton. Nelson A. Miles, a documentary biography of his military career, 1861-1903.Glendale, C.A.: A.H. Clark Co., 1985
Miles, Nelson Appleton. Serving the Republic; memoirs of the civil and military life of Nelson A. Miles. New York: Harper and brothers, 1911.
Mills, Anson. My story, by Anson Mills. Washington D.C.: The author, 1918.
Mulford, Ami Frank. Fighting Indians in the Seventh United State Cavalry, Custer’s favorite regiment. Corning, NY : P.L. Mulford, [1879].
Nichols, Roger L. General Henry Atkinson, a western military career. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, [1965]
Ostrander, Alson Bowles. An army boy of the sixties; a story of the plains. Yonkers-on-Hudson NY : World Book Company, 1924.
Our Indian Question. New York: Military Institution of the U.S., 1881.
Panzeri, Peter F. Little Big Horn 1876 : Custer’s last stand. London : Reed International Books, 1995.
Pratt, Richard Henry. Battlefield and classroom : four decades with the American Indian, 1867-1904. Lincoln :University of Nebraska Press, 1964.
Prucha, Francis Paul. The Sword of the Republic: The United States Army on the Frontier, 1783-1846. Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press, 1987.
Reavis, Legan Uriah. The life and military services of General William Selby Harney. Saint Louis, MO : Bryan,Band & Co., 1878.
Record of engagement with hostile Indians within the Military division of the Missouri, from 1868 to 1882, Lieutenant General P.H. Sheridan, commanding. Washington DC : Government Printing Office, 1882.
Rickey, Don. Forty miles a day on beans and hay ; the enlisted soldier fighting the Indian Wars. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, [1963].
Rogers, Fred Blackburn. Soldiers of the overland; being some account of the services of General PatrickEdward Conner and his volunteers in the old west. San Francisco : The Grabhorn Press, 1938.
Russell, Don. Campaigning with King : Charles King, chronicler of the old army. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 1991.
Sand Creek Massacre: a documentary history. New York: Sol Lewis, 1973
Secoy, Frank Raymond. Changing military patterns on the Great Plains (17th century through early 19th centrury). Locust Valley NY : J.J. Augustin, [1953].
Smith, Sherry Lynn. The View from Officers’ row: Army perceptions of western Indians. Tucson : Universityof Arizona Press, 1990.
Soldier and brave; Indian and military affairs in the Trans-Mississippi west, including a guide to historic sites and landmarks. New York: Harper and Row, 1963.
Stallard, Patricia Y. Glittering misery : dependents of the Indian Fighting Army. San Rafael, CA : Presidio Press, 1978.
Thompson, Neil Baird. Crazy Horse called them walk-a-heaps : the story of the foot soldier in the prairie Indian Wars. Saint Cloud, MN : North Star Press, 1979.
Tobriand, Philippe Regis Denis de Keredern. Vie militaire dans le Dakota; notes et souvenirs (1867-1969). Paris: H. Champion, 1926.
Utley, Robert Marshall. Cavalier in buckskin : George Armstrong Custer and the western military. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1988.
---------. The contribution of the frontier to the American military tradition. [Colorado Springs] : U.S. Air Force Academy, 1977.
Waddel, William Sterling. The military relations between the Sioux Indians and the United States government in Dakota Territory, 1860-1891. University of South Dakota thesis, 1931
Wagner, Glendolin Damon. Old Neutriment. Boston : Ruth Hill, [1934].
White, Virgil D. Index to pension applications for Indian Wars service between 1817 and 1898. Waynesboro, TN : National Historical Pub. Co., 1997.
Wilkert, James. After Little Bighorn : 1876 campaign rosters. La Mirada, CA : J. Willert, 1985.
Wooster, Robert. The military and United State Indian policy, 1865-1903. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, [1995].
Title of the map; date, subject, map identification.
Area of Operation of the 6th U.S. Cavalry, December 1890. Messiah War (#238)
Cheyenne River Events, December 1890. Messiah War (#237)
Custer’s Battlefield, 1876. (#3051)
Custer Battlefield, 1908. Custer Battlefield in Montana (MD82)
Indian Scare of February 1879. Fort Meade, Rapid City to Cheyenne River. Shoun Fight, Cavalry Expedition. (#1536)
Indian Treaties, 1851-1878, undated. Forts, Treaties, Little Big Horn Battle. (#1717)
Map of Sioux of Dakotah Country, 1700 to 1950, undated. Tribes, facts, Indian Agencies, Battles. (#2180)
Map of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers, 1876. Military Expeditions; fights with Indians inclusive 1855-1890. (#1953, 1976-1990)
Minnesota and Dakota, Route of Northwestern Indian Expedition, D.L. Kingsbury, 1864. MF 495 (1846 MF)
North and South Dakota Land to Open by Treaty of 1889, 1890. MF 495 (1846 MF)
Proposed National Cemetery of Custer’s Battlefield, 1885. Little Big Horn, battlefield. (MD 82)
Route of 1st Dragoons in Indian Country, 1844. MF 495 (1846 MF)
Route of Custer Expedition, Rand McNally & Co., 1875. MF 495 (1846 MF)
Route of Sioux Expedition, Brig. Gen. H.H. Sibley, 1863. MF 495 (1846 MF)
Scene of Massacres and Depredations committed by Minnesota Annuity Sioux Indians, 1862-1863. MF 4 95 (1846 MF)
The Military in South Dakota, 1823-1944. Expedition routes, battles with Indians. (#2082)
Western South Dakota at the time of Messiah War, undated. (#189)
Vertical Files
Battle of Crow Buttes
Black Hills Treaty
Camp Clarke Bridge, NE
Camp Collier (Red Canyon Post)
Camp Crook
Camp Sheridan
Camp Sturgis
Camp Whitney
Crooks “Horse Meat†March
Custer Battlefield & historic Highway
Custer, George A.
Dull Knife’s raid, 1878
Indian Battles
War of the Outbreak
United States Civil War
Arnold, Ben (H75-017)
Oral Interview Notebooks, 1920. Arnold was a soldier, Indian trader, cowboy, scout, wood cutter, miner and mail courier. This collection consists of fourteen notebooks that were compiled by Josephine Waggoner. The notebooks contain Arnold’s reminiscences of his time as an army scout in Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, and the Dakotas from 1864 to1877. Box 6821A
Ball, Thomas A. (H93-073)
Civil War era Correspondence, 1864-1866. Ball was a private in Company K, 32nd Iowa Regiment Volunteers, 2nd Division, 16th Corps. The correspondence is between Thomas and his family, specifically his wife Serilda Ballard Ball, and concerns his war experiences and wounds. In 1894 Thomas and his wife moved to Fall River County. Box 5557B
Bare, William A. (H70-005)
Papers, 1865-1914. Bare was a private and corporal in the 92nd Ohio Infantry. This collection consists of promotion and discharge papers as well as pension papers. Box 3343B
Berry, Baxter and Lyndall (H91-006)
Civil War Letter by John Garrison, 1863. The letter was written by Lyndall Berry’s great grandfather, John Garrison to his wife Elizabeth. He references his duties at a hospital in Woodsonville, military engagements, slavery and a visit to the Mammoth Cave. Box 3998B
Bloodgood, Lewis E. (H75-036)
Letters and Manuscript, 1864. Bloodgood served in the Union forces during the Civil War until he was wounded in Mobile. His letters include description of duty, hospitalization and the reaction to Lincoln’s death. Box 3538A
Brinkley, Clara (H50-001)
Collection, 1949-1950. Daughters of Union Veterans War Roster and pamphlet. Box 3300A
Civil War Centennial Papers (H74-027)
Papers, 1961-1964. This collection consists of four boxes of brochures, newsletters, and pamphlets of other state commissions collected by the South Dakota State Civil War Centennial Commission. Box 3447A-3448BDakota Territory (H84-018)
Ag and Veteran Census, 1885. This collections consists of census record sheets recognizing Union Veterans living in Dakota Territory. FB 220
Dakota Territory (H82-018)
War Papers. Included with this collection is a typed manuscript entitled Dakota In the Civil War. The manuscript is undated and the author unknown. Box 3591A
Dollard, Robert (H20-001)
Family Papers, 1861-1918. Dollard was an army officer, attorney and politician. His papers contain records of his military career and his political career. Dollard served with Co. B. 4th Massachusetts Volunteers, and there are letters, military papers, and muster rolls in the collection. Box 3649A, FB 22, MD 63
English, Abner M. (H85-078)
Diaries, 1864. English served with Company A of the Dakota Cavalry Battalion. The two diaries describe the marches and movements of the Dakota Cavalry. A list of the sick in Company A is also included in the first diary. Box 3653A
Gardner, Captain C. V. (H75-172)
Diary, 1865. Gardner, Civil War Veteran, settled in Lawrence County after the war. The diary consists of 36 typescript pages containing succinct accounts. Box 3543A
General Photo Collection (P100)
Patriotic Photographs. Group photo of Civil War Veterans and Women’s Relief Corps of Lincoln County, undated.
General Photo Collection (P104)
Military. Miscellaneous Civil War uniforms.
Grand Army of the Republic (H77-021)
Descriptive Book. John A. Rawlins Post, No. 27. Department of Dakota. This book includes the name, age, birthplace, residence, occupation, date of entry into the service, and date of discharge. MF 1949
Grand Army of the Republic (H79-002)
John B. Wyman Post 115 Certificate, 1885. This collection consists of one certificate for the John B. Wyman post in Wessington. MD 66
Grand Army of the Republic (H98-106)
National Encampment Books, 1914-1949. This collection consists of Journals of the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic for the following years: 1914, 1915, 1916, 1924-1931, 1940-1945, and 1949. Box 6984B / 1933-1939 Box 6984C
Grand Army of the Republic, Department of South Dakota (H74-014)
Records, 1882-1941. This collection contains national and state records which include journals, encampment books, individual post records, quartermaster record books and reports, adjutant reports, orders and circulars, department rosters, correspondence, muster rolls, membership information, clippings, programs, photographs, and post applications. Post information is included in this collection for the following towns: Alexandria, Bangor, Belle Fourche, Beresford, Cavour, Chamberlain, Dell Rapids, Esmond, Fort Randall, Geddes, Harrold, Hot Springs, Iroquois, Lennox, Madison, Miller, Oelrichs, Pierre, Plankinton, Salem, Selby, Sioux Falls, Springfield, Volga, Watertown, Wessington Springs, White Lake, and Yankton. Boxes 3378B-3389, 3391, MD 66, FB 59-61, FB 104
South Dakota G.A.R. Deaths listed in Annual Journals
Irvine, Javan Bradley (H72-003, H75-016, H90-087, H90-088)
Letters, 1859-1902. Irvine, an army officer, served with the 1st Minnesota Volunteers in the Civil War and at Fort Rice, Fort Thompson and Fort Sully. This collection contains letters and clippings concerning the role of this unit. Boxes 3346A-3347B
Mellette, Arthur Calvin (H74-188)
Papers, 1889-1892. Arthur Calvin Mellette, the last Dakota Territory Governor and first Governor of South Dakota, served with Company H with the Ninth Indiana Volunteers from October 12, 1864 to September 28, 1865. This collection contains a typed copy of the diary that he kept during this military service. Box 3525B
Military History of the Eleventh Kansas Volunteer Cavalry (H82-016)
Photocopy of the Official Military History of the 11th Kansas Cavalry, 1861-1865. Originally organized ad the 11th Kansas Infantry it was changed to Cavalry in 1863. The regiments saw duty in Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri. In 1865 the regiment was sent to Fort Riley, Fort Kearney and Fort Laramie for service on the Plains. They were relieved by the 1st Michigan Cavalry later in 1865. Box 3587A
Miscellaneous Civil War Items (H75-221 and H80-013)
This open collection consists of an edition of Harper’s Pictorial History of the Civil War, 1894; Photographic History of the Civil War, 1910; a sketch showing the action of the Reserve Commanded by Major General W.H.T. Walker at the Battle of Chickamaugua, 1863; poster of President Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg; and Loan Bond certificates from the Confederate States for $100.00, 1864. MD 63 and 75
Morrow, Stanley J. (P194-198)
Photograph Collection. This collection includes numerous photographs from the Civil War, including the Federal prison for Confederate prisoners at Point Lookout, M.A.; Stanley J. Morrow of Co. F 7th Wisconsin Iron Brigade; General Grant at Lookout Mountain, 1863-64; General Hooker and staff at Lookout Valley, 1863-64; President Jefferson Davis; Brigadier General James Barnes; Major A.G. Brady; General Beauregard; Lt. John M. Foote; General U.S. Grant; the effects of Union shot and shell on Culp’s Hill; Col. Chapman at his headquarters in the field army of the Potomac; Capitol at Richmond; General Hatch’s headquarters; house used as headquarters at Yorktown, V.A.; construction corps quarters; headquarters of Gen. Patrick’s scouts; and U.S. Barracks at St. Augustine, Fl.
Pickler, Major John A. (H91-074)
Family Papers, 1888-1907. Major John Alfred Pickler served in the Civil War with the Third Iowa Cavalry and commanded the 138th Regiment of the United States Colored Infantry after the war. This collection contains Civil War pension correspondence and petitions. Box 6673A&B
Pierre Camp, Sons of Veterans (H88-046)
Minutes, 1912-1916. The Pierre Camp was organized in 1912 and was connected to the Grand Army of the Republic and composed of the sons of Union veterans. The Pierre Camp was eventually named the Sully Camp. Box 3752A
Piner, Jennie Bean Sanders (H74-101)
Papers, 1856-1913. Jennie Bean Sanders Piner’s father, John Stewart Bean, was with the 16th Wisconsin Infantry and the 47th U.S. Colored Infantry. The majority of the papers are from his time in the Civil War although there are some papers from his later life in Dakota. Box 3471B and MD 63
Potter County Historical Association (H92-038)
Record of Potter County Civil War Veterans, 1992. Box 4564
Reed, Henry Marion, Jr. (H74-107)
Papers, 1862-1954. Reed was a Pierre jeweler and optometrist. One folder in his collection pertains to his father’s service in the Civil War. Included are appointments, discharge papers, and two articles written by Reed Sr., “What I Remember of Chickamauga†and “History of Co. K. Fourth Kentucky Infantry.†Box 3650A
Redfield, A.H. (H75-341)
Letters, 1856-1861. Redfield was a U.S. Indian Agent for the Yankton Indian Agency. In the letters to his cousin, John D. Caton, Redfield notes the disruption at the Agency by the upcoming Civil War. Box 3550A
Rhoads Family Papers (H91-016)
Civil War letter from Frank B. Hunt, 1862. Hunt was stationed four miles north of Nashville, TN when he wrote this letter to his family. Hunt was the Chief of the Ordinance Division at the Headquarters of the Sixth Division of the 14th Army Corps. Box 5201A
Robinson, Doane (H74-009)
Papers, 1880-1946. Robinson was the Secretary of the State Dakota State Historical Society. This collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, and family genealogical notes. Folder 23 contains a Robinson letter dated November 17, 1922 which gives biographical sketches of three Civil War brigadier generals, Beadle, Campbell and McCook. Boxes 3356B; 3359A-3368B; MD 66 & 67; FB 31
Rothhammer, Siegmund (H92-34 and H92-39)
Papers, 1863-1865. Includes letters to his wife, Rosanah Permilia Rothhammer, 1863-1864 and a journal, 1864-1865. Rothhammer, serving as hospital steward and naturalist with the 6th Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, accompanied General Alfred Sully on the Northwestern Indian Expedition. He was left at Fort Rice because of illness, so much of the findings in his journal and reports contain descriptions of specimens found near that area in present-day North Dakota.
Seacat, Joseph (H51-002)
Letter, May 13, 1865. Seacat was a 1st Lt. Comdg. Co. D. with the 81st Indiana Volunteers. He wrote a letter to Brig. Gen. William D. Whipple requesting furlough for Sgt. Hough. Box 3300A
Smith, Joseph Howard (H75-523)
Papers, 1864-1916. Smith, a physician, served as a private in the Civil War. His papers include letters of recommendation, military orders and pension records for service with the 9th Michigan Infantry. Box 3650A
Soldier’s Letters (H75-206)
Letters, 1861-1867. The collection contains eight letters written by soldiers serving in Dakota during the Civil War. Although the letters are mostly personal some mention the conditions on the frontier. Box 3543B
Sons of Veterans, United States of America, South Dakota Division (H51-001)
Records, 1890-1902. This collection consists of an account book, 1890-1902 and a register of charter members, 1898-1902. Box 3300A
South Dakota State Library (S49-001)
Microfilm. Miscellaneous subjects included on microfilm including Civil War news and Civil War. MF 2049 and 2050.
Special Census of Confederate Veterans Living in Dakota Territory in 1885 (H80-007)
Special Census, 1885. This collection consists of census record sheets recognizing Confederate Veterans living in Dakota Territory in 1885. The collection lists the name, regiment, date of enlistment, state of nationality, date of termination of service, and the date the veteran came to Dakota. Box 3584A
Stewart, James H. (H78-017)
Civil War Letters, 1864. Stewart wrote four letters to his father or brother while serving with Co. A. 61st Reg. Penn. Volunteers. Box 3571A
Todd, John Blair Smith (H75-015)
Papers, 1848-1918. Todd came to Dakota under General Harney in 1855. In 1856 he returned to Dakota and became a post trader at Fort Randall. President Lincoln commissioned him a brigadier general during the Civil War. This collection contains clippings, manuscripts and correspondence as well as an untitled map of the area around Corinth, MS which shows the placement of troops during the Civil War. Box 3536B
Civil War maps, 1876-1877. U.S. Chief of Engineers. Battlefields, military reconnaissance. (MD 75)
Bowman, Samuel Millard. Sherman and his campaigns; a military biography. New York: C. B. Richardson, 1865.
Boyd, Cyrus F. The Civil War diary of Cyrus F. Boyd : Fifteenth Iowa Infantry, 1861-1863. Iowa City, IA : State Historical Society, 1953.
Brown, Dee Alexander. The galvanized Yankees. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1963.
Civil War. South Dakota Historical Collections. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
Connecticut military and naval leaders in the Civil War. [Hartford] : Connecticut Civil War Centennial Commission, [1961].
Dollard, Robert. Recollections of the civil war and going west to grow up with the country. Scotland, S.D.: Robert Dollard, 1906.
Fawcett, Winifred. Veterans of the Civil War who settled in Potter County, Dakota Territory. Gettysbury, S.D.: Winifred Fawcett and Thelma Hepper, 1993.
Grafton, Walter M. Memorial address delivered by Rev. Walter M. Grafton, Ph.d., Sunday morning, May 29, 1904 in the Baptist Church, Dell Rapids, South Dakota. Dell Rapids, S.D. : Tribune Job Print, 1904.
Hazen, William Babcock. A Narrative of military service, by General W.B. Hazen. Boston: Ticknor and Company, 1885.
Heitman, Francis Bernard. Historical Register and dictionary of the United States Army, from its organization, September 29, 1789 to March 2, 1903. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1903.
Illinois. Military and Naval Department. Report of the adjutant general of the state of Illinois. Springfield, IL : Phillips, Bros., State Printers, 1900-1902.
Jones County war veterans past and present : from the Civil War to the Persian Gulf War (1861-1991). Murdo, S.D. : Veterans Service Office, South Dakota Veterans Dept. [1995]
List of Pensioners on the roll January 1, 1883; giving the names of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the post-office address, the rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance, as called for by Senate resolution of December 8, 1882. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1970.
Langellier, J. Phillip. Fix bayonets : the U.S. infantry from the American Civil War to the surrender of Japan. London: Greenhill Books; Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, 1998.
Mellette, Arthur Calvin. The Civil War Diary of Arthur Calvin Mellette. Watertown, S.D. : Codington County Historical Society Inc., Kampeska Heritage Museum, 1983.
Mellette, Margaret Wylie. Maggie : The Civil War diary of Margaret Wylie Mellette. Watertown, S.D. : Codington County Historical Society Inc., Kampeska Heritage Museum, 1983.
Meyers, Augustus. Ten Years in the Ranks, U.S. Army. New York : The Stirling Press, 1914
McChristian, Douglas C. The U.S. Army in the West, 1870-1880: uniforms, weapons, and equipment. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1995.
Military Operations of the Civil War; a guide-index to the official records of the Union and Confederate Armies, 1861-1865. Washington DC: Govt. Printing off., 1968-1980.
Miller, Francis Trevelyan. The Photographic history of the Civil War. New York : The Review of Reviews Co., 1911.
Mills, Anson. Forty-first reunion of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland, Chattanooga, Tenn., September 15, 16, and 17, 1913. Address of Brigadier General Anson Mills, September 15, 1913. [S.I. : s.n.] 1913
Ohio Chickamauga and Chattanooga Battlefield Commission. Chickamauga. Record of the Ohio Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Park Commission. Cincinnati: Earhart & Richardson, 1896.
Pitzer, John E. The three days at Gettysburg, a complete handbook of the movements of both armies..and a guide to the position of each federal organization marked with a monument or tablet…with casualities of both Union and Confederate forces. [Gettysburg, PA, 1900]
Post, Marie Caroline de Trobriand. The life and memoirs of Comte Regis de Trobriand, major-general in the army of the United States. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1910.
Rosholt, Jerry. Ole goes to War: men from Norway who fought in America’s Civil War. Decorah, Iowa: Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, 2003.
Schutz, Wallace J. Abandoned by Lincoln : A Military biography of General John Pope. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990
South Dakota 1890 special census of veterans. North Salt Lake, Utah. Accelerated Indexing Systems International, 1985.
Steele, Matthew Forney. American campaigns. Washington DC: B.S. Adams, 1909
Whitney, J.J. Recollections of the war of the rebellion. Ft. Pierre, S.D., Fairplay Print, 1902.
Wright, Henry H. A history of the Sixth Iowa infantry. Iowa City, A : State Historical Society, 1923.
Vertical Files
Civil War Monument on Capital Grounds
Civil War Summary
Civil War TV
Confederate veterans in Dakota, 1885
Gatling gun
Spanish-American War
Spanish-American War
Active: 1st South Dakota Infantry
Co.F 1st South Dakota Volunteer Infantry, 1898, San Francisco
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-075)
Letterpress Books, March 1893-October 1903. Consists of copies of letters sent. V 1723-1725
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-075)
Furlough Register, 1890-1902. This indexed volume contains the name, residence at time of enlistment, date of enlistment, where discharged, date, name of captain or officer in charge, furlough dates, rank, company, regiment, state, arm, months of service, pension, pension certificate, age, nativity, occupation and social condition. V1722.
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-074)
Member Records Registers, 1891-1907. The volumes contain information on members admitted, readmitted, discharged, furloughed, absent with leave, deceased, lists of effects of deceased, pension accounts, and misconduct cases. V1726-1727
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-074)
Minutes, June 1889-February 1955. These volumes contain the names of the members of the commission, motions, resolutions, activities, and expenses. V1849-1853
Board of Charities and Corrections, State Soldiers Home
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1891-1954. Box 7226B
DeLand, Charles Edmund (H69-005)
Papers, 1890-1935. Deland was a prominent Pierre lawyer, politician, author and historian. This collection includes newspaper clippings about the Spanish American War and the role of the South Dakota National Guard. Box 3339B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Adjutant General
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1892-1982. Many missing issues. Boxes 7221B, 7187C, 7228A, 7182B, 7287C
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Adjutant General (H83-045)
South Dakota Military Service Lists, 1897-1900. Includes the counties of Aurora, Beadle, Bon Homme, Brookings, Butte, Day, Faulk, Hamlin, Marshall, Minnehaha, Robert, Turner, and Yankton. The lists include the name, address and age of those that are eligible for duty. Box 3614B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of National Guard.
Rosters, 1887-1917. MF 1765-1766
First South Dakota Infantry (H83-050)
The Roster of the Northwestern Association of Veterans of the 1st South Dakota Volunteer Infantry, 1939. This publication lists the companies and the names of each soldier that served as well as their current address. Box 3615A
First South Dakota Infantry (H95-039)
Northwest Association of Veterans of the 1st South Dakota Infantry Booklet, 1950. This collection consists on one booklet inviting the groups’ annual meeting in 1950. The booklet contains a memoriam list, a description of the meeting place, the 1950 roster and some brief notes. The items belonged to Robert Boyd Lambert who served with Company M in the Philippine Insurrection. Box 6033A
First South Dakota Infantry (H96-023)
Photographs and Correspondence, 1898 and 1971. One photograph of the South Dakota Volunteer Infantry Company M., and another smaller photo of the SD Volunteer Infantry showing more companies gathered in Lead. Also, included in this collection are three letters pertaining to the history of the South Dakota Volunteers written by Robert Boyd Lambert to Don Rickey Jr. at the U.S. Army Military History Research Collection. Box 6074A
First South Dakota Volunteer Infantry (H84-046)
Memorial Poster of Company F., First South Dakota Infantry, 1898-1899. This collection contains a memorial poster that lists the names of privates, officers, those discharged, transfers, and dead. MD 064
Frost, Alfred Sidney (H74-012)
Papers, 1898-1922. Frost entered the Army in 1881 and was sent to Fort Sully to teach school. He was transferred to Fort Snelling, Minnesota when he was commissioned a second Lieutenant in 1884. In 1891 he was promoted to first lieutenant and attended infantry and cavalry school in Fort Leavenworth. In 1893 he taught Military Science and Tactics at the South Dakota Agricultural College. At the start of the Spanish-American War Frost was commissioned colonel of the 1st South Dakota Infantry. The collection contains correspondence, military papers, newspaper clippings, and maps. Box 3649A and MD 64
General Photo Collection (H93-090)
Military Panorama, 1885-1951. Includes Co. H. 1st S.D. Infantry, and Camp Merritt, 1898. MD 262 and 263.
General Photo Collection (H96-063)
U.S.Griggs Locating Agency, Spanish American War, Pierre panoramic, Nebraska excursion, and Paddy Miller, 1898-1906. This collection contains 10 photographs pertaining to the Spanish American War. Ulysses S. Griggs was Sgt. of Troop C of the 3rd U.S. Vol. Cavalry in camp Thomas Chickamauga Park, GA. The images include Troop 3rd U.S. Vol. Cavalry, U.S. Griggs, Art Lincoln, J.B.Frisbee and non-commissioned officers of Troop C. FB 339
General Photo Collection (P104)
Military. Includes an identified image of the 1st S.D. Volunteers Band; and miscellaneous group photo including Co. A, Pierre, and Co. H. Spearfish.
General Photo Collection (P100)
Patriotic Photographs. Group photo of the members of the 1st South Dakota Infantry, 1898-1932.
Holman, John (H74-102)
Papers, 1898-1901, 1932. Holman was a second Lieutenant with the 1st South Dakota Infantry in the Spanish American War. This collection consists of military papers and newspaper clippings. Box 3649 and MD 63
Krueger, Herman F. (H92-006)
Spanish-American War Photographs and Papers, 1898-1940. Krueger enlisted in Company K of the first South Dakota Volunteer Infantry Regiment in May 1898. He served in the Philippines until he was wounded in 1899 and discharged. His collection consists of letters written by Krueger to his family, discharge, disability and pension records, military pamphlets, a photograph of Company K, newspaper clippings, photographs purchased in the Philippines, and United Spanish War Veteran’s records. Box 4547 and MD 263
Lee, Governor Andrew E. (H74-193)
Correspondence, 1896-1902. This collection consists of both the incoming and outgoing correspondence of Governor Andrew E. Lee. The incoming correspondence dates from 1896 to 1900 and relates to the following subjects: requests for appointments; lands for charitable and educational institutions; ordinance stores; South Dakota National Guard; state funds; costs of maintaining the insane; potential for war with Spain; Spanish-American War; State Militia; soldiers in the Philippines; and the Normal School in Aberdeen. The collection also contains copybooks of outgoing correspondence relating to the following subjects: appointments; legislation; Trans-Mississippi Exposition; military; war with Spain; pardons; and politics. Boxes 3533A-3534B; Box 5195C; MD 64 Folder 13
Lee, Governor Andrew E. (2006-014)
Records, 1895-1963. Governor's addresses, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and photographs from his term as Governor. Also includes personal papers, photographs and a scrapbook relating to Andrew and Myrtle Lee and Burl Anderson. Of particular interest is the list dated July 4, 1898 of all enlisted men of the First Regiment of South Dakota at Camp Merritt. Boxes 8844, MD 263 and FB 614
Newspapers and Journals
Spanish American War, 1898-1899. Philippine Veteran, Vol. 1 No.3, March 1901, St. Louis, MO; The Daily American, Vol. 1 No. 23, March 30, 1899, Havana, Cuba; The American Soldier, Vol. 1 No.4 October 1, 1898 and November 26, 1898, Manila, Philippine Islands; The American, Vol. 2 No. 101, May 8, 1898, Manila, Philippine Islands; The Times of Cuba, Vol. 1 No.32, December 22, 1898, Havana, Cuba; The Manila Times, November 28, 1898; Freedom, 1898-November 16, 19, 23, 26, 30; December 3,10, 17, 21, 24, 28, 31; 1899-January 7, 11; May 6, 9; September 4, 6, Manila Island of Luzon. MF 39
Photographs (H97-055)
Military, 1864-1953. This is a large collection of military photographs. The Charles Mott Daley, William C. Notmeyer, Howard estate photos, and the Rahskopf collection contain Spanish American War and Philippine Insurrection photos. Boxes 6823 -6827, FB 333 and MD263
Col. A. S. Frost's 1st S. Dakota Reg. "At Rest" Presidio, San Francisco, 1898
Photographs (H2000-014)
Spanish American War and World War I, 1898-1918. This collection consists of military photographs of the Spanish American War and World War I, including Colonel Frost and the 1st South Dakota Infantry in San Francisco. Box 8527 and MD262.
South Dakota Governor Andrew E. Lee (H74-193)
Records, 1896-1901. This collection includes correspondence concerning applications and appointments for office, lands for charitable and educational institutions, conduct of state officials, and the Spanish-American War. A major issue during his administration was the organization and return of the state militia which served in the Philippine during the Spanish-American War. MF 1750-1758
South Dakota National Guard (MF 40)
Rosters, 1885-1917. This includes a listing of the names, ranks, dates and locations of appointments for commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers. It also includes a register of men who transferred, were discharged or died. The register of enlisted men has an index and includes the name, rank, date of enlistment, age, occupation, address, discharge date and remarks. MF 1765
Spanish American War (H2001-034)
War Autographs Booklet and Photographs, 1898-1899. This collection contains an autograph book with the signatures of South Dakota soldiers and photocopied or digital photographs. The photographs contain images of Daniel Pratt, officers of the 1st South Dakota Infantry Regiment, Col. Alfred Sully Frost, Admiral Dewey and the battleship Maine. Box 6996
Spanish American War (H2001-055)
Photograph of Co. E. 1st South Dakota Infantry, [1898-1899]. This collection consists of two digital photographs of Co. E. 1st South Dakota Infantry. FB 359
State Auditor. Office of the State Auditor. (81-042)
Military Vouchers and Special Telegraph Tax Receipts, 1898-1917. This collection contains pay vouchers for Mexican Border Service, April 23-25, 1917; and warrants and vouchers for board, lodging and fare for soldiers awaiting orders, 1898. Box 2178B
United Spanish War Veterans (H74-059)
Sidney E. Morrison Auxiliary No. 4 records, 1934-1946. This collection consists of a minute book containing entries from February 7, 1934 through March 5, 1946, and a history of the auxiliary. Box 3450B
United Spanish War Veterans (H98-107)
Proceedings of the Stated Convention of the National Encampment of the United Spanish War Veterans, 1924-1955. (Some missing issues). Box 6990A&B
United Spanish War Veterans (H99-049)
Post 17, Aberdeen, History. This collection contains a history of the United Spanish War Veterans from Post 17 in Aberdeen. The history includes the names of those who attended a reunion in 1914. Box 6954A
United Spanish War Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary (H87-054)
Records, 1925-1972. This collection includes state encampment booklets, national encampment books, copies of the by-laws and constitution, minutes, history of the department, rosters, correspondence, and orders. See finding aid. Boxes 6781-6783A
United States. Chief of Military History (MF 505)
Official Lineage and Battle Honors Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 147th Field Artillery Group and 643d Field Artillery Battalion. Includes organization dates, reorganization dates, muster and demobilization dates, location of home station, and campaign streamers. MF 1848
Faust, Karl Irving. Campaigning in the Philippines. San Francisco, Hicks-Judd Co. 1899
Heitman, Francis Bernard. Historical Register and dictionary of the United States Army, from its organization, September 29, 1789 to March 2, 1903. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1903.
Jones County war veterans past and present : from the Civil War to the Persian Gulf War (1861-1991). Murdo, S.D. : Veterans Service Office, South Dakota Veterans Dept., [1995]
Kelly, Thomas E. The US Army and the Spanish-American War era, 1895-1910. Carlisle Barracks, PA., : U.S. Military History Research Colleciton, 1974.
Langellier, J. Phillip. Fix bayonets : the U.S. infantry from the American Civil War to the surrender of Japan. London: Greenhill Books; Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, 1998.
Manska, Jack. The dog robber goes to war. Lebanon, S.D. : J. Manska, [190?]
Notes on the Spanish-American war. Washington DC : GPO, 1899-1900.
Schubert, Frank N. Black Valor : Buffalo soldiers and the Medal of Honor, 1870-1898. Wilmington, Del. : SR Books, 1997
Sonstegard, Ansel P. South Dakota and the Spanish-American war. Vermillion, S.D. : University of South Dakota, 1943.
Spanish American War. South Dakota Historical Collections. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
Steffen, Randy. The horse soldier, 1776-1943 : the United States cavalryman, his uniforms, arms, accoutrements, and equipments. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1977.
Sues, Otto Louis. Grigsby’s cowboys. Third United States volunteer cavalry, Spanish-American war; a historical review of the regiment and compendium of biographies of the noted men comprising the same. Salem, S.D. : J.E. Patten, 1900.
Vertical Files
Mexican Border
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-075)
Letterpress Books, March 1893-October 1903. Consists of copies of letters sent. V 1723-1725
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-075)
Furlough Register, 1890-1902. This indexed volume contains the name, residence at time of enlistment, date of enlistment, where discharged, date, name of captain or officer in charge, furlough dates, rank, company, regiment, state, arm, months of service, pension, pension certificate, age, nativity, occupation and social condition. V1722.
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-074)
Member Records Registers, 1891-1907. The volumes contain information on members admitted, readmitted, discharged, furloughed, absent with leave, deceased, lists of effects of deceased, pension accounts, and misconduct cases. V1726-1727
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-074)
Minutes, June 1889-February 1955. These volumes contain the names of the members of the commission, motions, resolutions, activities, and expenses. V1849-1853
Board of Charities and Corrections, State Soldiers Home
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1891-1954. Box 7226B
Buschnell, Arthur J. (H75-309)
Letter, 19 March 1899. Bushnell was a musician in the 1st South Dakota Infantry serving in the Philippines. This letter describes living conditions, food and military action. Box 3650A
Daley, Charles Mott (H74-038)
Scrapbooks, 1898-1937. Daley was a minister in Willow Lake before joining the National Guard in Huron. He was commissioned a captain and became chaplain of Company K in 1898. The scrapbooks contain photographs and newspaper clippings collected and taken during his service in the Philippine Insurrection. FB 23-24
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Adjutant General
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1892-1982. Many missing issues. Boxes 7221B, 7187C, 7228A, 7182B, 7287C
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Adjutant General (H83-045)
South Dakota Military Service Lists, 1897-1900. Includes the counties of Aurora, Beadle, Bon Homme, Brookings, Butte, Day, Faulk, Hamlin, Marshall, Minnehaha, Robert, Turner, and Yankton. The lists include the name, address and age of those that are eligible for duty. Box 3614B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of National Guard.
Rosters, 1887-1917. MF 1765-1766
Englesby, Charles H. (H75-310)
Papers, 1897-1939. Englesby was Captain of Company H. of the South Dakota National Guard when they were called to duty in the Philippines. He also served as state adjutant general in the National Guard from 1905 to 1913. In 1917 he was colonel of the 1st Regiment of the South Dakota Cavalry when they were sent to Camp Cody during World War I. Englesby served with part of the 1st Army corps during the St. Mihiel and Argonne offenses. This collection contains correspondence, military papers, H.R. 2904 and related material, photographs, scrapbook, clippings, and an 1898 map of Manila. Boxes 3647B-3648B, MD 67
First South Dakota Infantry (H83-050)
The Roster of the Northwestern Association of Veterans of the 1st South Dakota Volunteer Infantry, 1939. This publication lists the companies and the names of each soldier that served as well as their current address. Box 3615A
First South Dakota Infantry (H95-039)
Northwest Association of Veterans of the 1st South Dakota Infantry Booklet, 1950. This collection consists on one booklet inviting the groups’ annual meeting in 1950. The booklet contains a memoriam list, a description of the meeting place, the 1950 roster and some brief notes. The items belonged to Robert Boyd Lambert who served with Company M in the Philippine Insurrection. Box 6033A
First South Dakota Infantry (H96-023)
Photographs and Correspondence, 1898 and 1971. One photograph of the South Dakota Volunteer Infantry Company M., and another smaller photo of the SD Volunteer Infantry showing more companies gathered in Lead. Also, included in this collection are three letters pertaining to the history of the South Dakota Volunteers written by Robert Boyd Lambert to Don Rickey Jr. at the U.S. Army Military History Research Collection. Box 6074A
First South Dakota Volunteer Infantry (H84-046)
Memorial Poster of Company F., First South Dakota Infantry, 1898-1899. This collection contains a memorial poster that lists the names of privates, officers, those discharged, transfers, and dead. MD 064
First South Dakota Volunteer Infantry (H87-005)
Manuscript, undated. This collection consists of a copy of a manuscript entitled, The First South Dakota Volunteer Organization of the Regiment, and a Sketch of its Services in the Philippines, which was written by Marion L. Fox. Box 3749A
General Photo Collection (P104)
Military. Includes an identified image of the 1st S.D. Volunteers Band; and miscellaneous group photo including Co. A, Pierre, and Co. H. Spearfish.
General Photo Collection (P100)
Patriotic Photographs. Group photo of the members of the 1st South Dakota Infantry, 1898-1932.
Krueger, Herman F. (H92-006)
Spanish-American War Photographs and Papers, 1898-1940. Krueger enlisted in Company K of the first South Dakota Volunteer Infantry Regiment in May 1898. He served in the Philippines until he was wounded in 1899 and discharged. His collection consists of letters written by Krueger to his family, discharge, disability and pension records, military pamphlets, a photograph of Company K, newspaper clippings, photographs purchased in the Philippines, and United Spanish War Veteran’s records. Box 4547 and MD 263
Merriam, Edna M. (H75-280)
Letters, 1898-1899. This collection consists of letters from and concerning Edna’s brother Fred E. Green who served in Company I of the 1st South Dakota Infantry in the Philippines. The letters concern activities and friends in Manila, Green’s death in February 1899 and his burial. Box 3651A
Photographs (H97-055)
Military, 1864-1953. This is a large collection of military photographs. The Charles Mott Daley, William C. Notmeyer, Howard estate photos, and the Rahskopf collection contain Spanish American War and Philippine Insurrection photos. Boxes 6823 -6827, FB 333 and MD263
Preacher, Charles B. (SC 74)
Letter, 2 February 1899. Preacher was first sergeant of Company M, 1st South Dakota Infantry in the Philippine Insurrection. This collection consists of one letter written by Preacher to a friend in Rapid City. The letter describes Preacher’s feelings about the war and several incidents. He died March 31, 1899 from wounds received in battle. MD63
South Dakota National Guard (MF 40)
Rosters, 1885-1917. This includes a listing of the names, ranks, dates and locations of appointments for commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers. It also includes a register of men who transferred, were discharged or died. The register of enlisted men has an index and includes the name, rank, date of enlistment, age, occupation, address, discharge date and remarks. MF 1765
Faust, Karl Irving. Campaigning in the Philippines. San Francisco, Hicks-Judd Co. 1899
Heitman, Francis Bernard. Historical Register and dictionary of the United States Army, from its organization, September 29, 1789 to March 2, 1903. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1903.
Jones County war veterans past and present : from the Civil War to the Persian Gulf War (1861-1991). Murdo, S.D. : Veterans Service Office, South Dakota Veteran Dept., [1995]
Kelly, Thomas E. The US Army and the Spanish-American War era, 1895-1910. Carlisle Barracks, PA., : U.S. Military History Research Colleciton, 1974.
Langellier, J. Phillip. Fix bayonets : the U.S. infantry from the American Civil War to the surrender of Japan. London: Greenhill Books; Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, 1998.
Manska, Jack. The dog robber goes to war. Lebanon, S.D. : J. Manska, [190?]
Roth, Russell. Muddy glory : America’s “Indian wars†in the Philippines, 1899-1935. W. Hanover MA : Christopher Pub. House, 1981
Schubert, Frank N. Black Valor : Buffalo soldiers and the Medal of Honor, 1870-1898. Wilmington, Del. : SR Books, 1997
Steffen, Randy. The horse soldier, 1776-1943 : the United States cavalryman, his uniforms, arms, accoutrements, and equipments. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1977
Vertical Files
South Dakota State Soldiers’ Home, Hot Springs.
Dakota Soldier’s Home in Hot Springs was established “in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Dakota, at its fifth annual encampment held at Redfield in March 1888.†Its purpose was to provide a home for all honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines who had served in the U.S. Army or Navy who were disabled in any way. The institution was controlled by the Board Commissioners selected by the Governor of the Territory. (Laws of Dakota, 1889 Ch 11, s.1,7) The Laws of 1895 include provisions for the wives or widows of disabled, honorably discharged veterans. (Session Laws, 1895, Ch. 169, s.3) In 1911 the control of the home was put under a state board of managers consisting of three members appointed by the governor for terms of six years (Session Laws, 1911, Ch 230, s. 1, 2) but the terms of office were changed to two years in 1917. (Session Laws, 1917, Ch. 345, s.2) The name was changed in 1967 to “South Dakota State Veterans Home.†(Session Laws, 1967, Ch. 176)
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1922, 1924-1930, 1935-1937, 1942-1944, 1981-1982. Box 7211C
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home
Board of Commission of Soldiers Home Report, 1892. Box 7211C
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-075)
Correspondence, 1917-1937. Collection consists of letters sent and received by the State Veterans Home. Box 2107-2108
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-075)
Letterpress Books, March 1893-October 1903. Consists of copies of letters sent. V 1723-1725
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home.
State Veterans’ Home, State Home News, 1979; 1980; 1981; 1982. Many missing issues. Box 7211C
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home.
State Veterans’ Home News, 1986, 1987, 1988. FB 481
Civilian Conservation Corps (89-88; 87-159; 88-150; 90-120; 93-97)
Records, 1934-1942. Includes regulations, service record cards, photographs, and discharge papers for Civilian Conservation Camps in South Dakota. Boxes 691-702; 486; 1779A; 2280Al; 3261A; 5683; and 5777B
Department of Executive Management. Gubernatorial Division. Governor George S. Mickelson (94-039)
General Files, 1987-1993. This collection contains a series of general office files arranged by subject matter that were collected during George S. Mickelson’s term as Governor. Of particular interest are the folders under the heading of Military and Veterans Affairs. There are sub-headings for Selective Service, Veterans Affairs, Veterans Home, National Guard, and Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Box 5794
Department of Legislative Audit. Auditor General (88-172)
Audit Reports, 1974-1988. Audit reports contain financial statements concerning receipts and expenditures; commentary on recordkeeping practices and suggestions for improving those procedures. The department of Military and Veterans Affairs is included in this collection. Box 3841
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of National Guard (96-093)
Photographs, 1926-1993. Photographs of Camp Rapid, Rapid City. Includes aerial photographs, encampments, building and training photos. Box 5976
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of National Guard (96-120)
Reports, 1968-1978. South Dakota National Guard Officer Directory, 1978; and National Guard Emergency Operations Manual, 1968-1970. Box 4613.
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of the Secretary
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1962-1970. Box 7287B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (83-064)
Grave Registrations, 1920-1970. Organized by county and listing the names of veterans in the cemeteries. Boxes 1063 and 1064.
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs
Northern Branch of the National Home, 1896. Box 7226B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (86-080; 88-041, H82-043)
Vet Letter, 1974-1992. Many missing issues. Newsletters with narratives on activities of veteran’s organizations and articles on issues of importance to veterans. Box 2324B, 3592A and 7304B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Office of Adjutant General (87-56)
Annual Report of the Adjutant General State of South Dakota, FY 1979,1980. Consists of a report of activities for the Adjutant General’s office, National Guard, Emergency Disaster Services Division and the Division of Veterans Affairs. Also contains a list of names and ranks of active members of the South Dakota Army and Air National Guard for that time period. Box 1866
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Office of Adjutant General (96-190)
Correspondence, 1983-1992. Box 4713
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Office of Adjutant General
MILAAC, 1973. (Military Ambulance Assistance to Communities) Box 7211C
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Office of Adjutant General
National Guard Museum Memorandum for Board Members, July 1999-August 2002. Box 7211C
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Office of Adjutant General
South Dakota National Guard, June 1, 1904. Box 7187C
General Photo (H93-090)
Military Panoramic photos and posters, 1885-1951. Includes Taft Inaugural, Washington, 1909, picturing the South Dakota National Guard Band. MD 8, 96, 262 and 263
General Photo Collection (P104)
Military. Includes images of miscellaneous military uniforms and unidentified groups of people.
General Photo Collection (P145)
Weapons. Photographs of the Colt Peacemaker .45 calibre; Colt Wells Fargo model .31 calibre; Colt Navy Model.36 calibre; Colt Texas Paterson .40 calibre; Colt Army Model .44 calibre and miscellaneous Colts, Smith & Wessons, Remingtons, and Derringers.
General Photo Collection (P100)
Patriotic Groups. Groups of people in pageants, reunions, celebrations, DAR, GAR, Red Cross.
Herreid, Charles N. (H74-192)
Papers, 1899-1905. Herreid was the governor of South Dakota from 1901 to 1905. This collection consists of correspondence, proclamations, bills and appointments from his years in office. There are folders of Quartermaster reports, 1902, 1903, 1904; South Dakota National Guard Reports, 1904; listings of Articles lost, militia, 1904; annual return of Quartermaster’s supplies, 1905; articles received, militia, 1905; and articles lost or destroyed, militia, 1904. Boxes 3531-3532 and MD 64
Land Patents (H95-016)
Military Patent belonging to Charles N. Cooper, 1868. This collection consists of one military patent granting bounty land to Charles N. Cooper in township 93 range 62 section 23. FB 165
Microfilm Collection (MF 505)
Contains Crow Creek Veterans of Korean War information, American Legion Caucus in St. Louis, 1919 information, World War I Bonus payroll and official Lineage of Battle Honors: 88th Division. MF 1848
Official Statement of Lineage and Battle Honors (MF 505)
147th Field Artillery and 643rd Field Artillery. Lists the history of both home station and campaign streamers. MF 1848
Patriotic Christian League, First South Dakota Infantry (H75-130)
Constitution and Minutes, 1898-1899. This collection consists of a hand-written constitution of a religious organization created by soldiers. Box 3452B
Paulson, Florence H. (H91-080)
Army Nurse Corps Records, 1918, 1919, 1922, 1932. This collection consists of Federal documents such as certificate of identity, list of installations where Paulson was stationed, worker’s permit, assignment to Nurses mobilization station in New York City, and discharge destination paper. Box 4543A
Pierre Military School (H74-163)
Records, 1909. This collection contains financial estimates, stock subscription list and floor plans for the proposed boys’ military school in Pierre. Box 3475A
Robinson, Doane (H74-009)
Papers,1880-1946. This collection combines South Dakota historian, Doane Robinson’s personal papers and the papers of the South Dakota State Department of History. This collection contains a letters dated 1924 listing South Dakota graduates of and enrolled students at Annapolis, 1897-1927 and West Point, 1900-1928. Folder 25, Box 3359B
Schuler, Harold H. (H95-010)
Papers, 1989-1992. This collection includes eighty-six photographs of Camp Rapid collected by the donor who used them for research purposes to write the book, “Camp Rapid, Home of the South Dakota National Guard†in 1995. Camp Rapid was created in 1932 and was the training area for the South Dakota National Guard. Box 5976
Aerial view of Camp Rapid, 1950
South Dakota. Governor Robert S. Vessey (H74-184)
Records, 1909-1927. Collection includes political and military correspondence, proclamations, and endorsements. Boxes 3486A-3498B
South Dakota. Governor Samuel Harrison Elrod (H74-187, 88-018)
Records, 1904-1907. Collection includes proclamations, general correspondence, correspondence concerning military affairs, state departments and agencies, federal agencies and officials, the Lewis and Clark Centennial and Ute Indians. Boxes 3523A-3524A; 3255B
South Dakota National Guard (H74-028)
Papers, 1885-1981. The 147th Army Band was organized as part of the 147th Field Artillery Regiment in 1921. The 1743rd Transportation Company was organized in 1968 and the lineage is included in this collection. The 196th Infantry Regiment was assigned to the South Dakota National Guard in 1946 as part of the 196th Regimental Combat Team. This collection contains history on the 196th Infantry and rosters of the component units. The 153rd Engineer Battalion was organized in 1956. The 147th Field Artillery Group-Headquarters and Headquarters Battery was reorganized and re-designated in 1978. The lineage for this group is included in this collection. Boxes 3657A-3672; 7033A-7034B; FB 36-38; 57-58; and MD 67 & 106
South Dakota National Guard Museum (H99-006)
Records, 1994. This collection consists of financial reports, listings of members of clubs, minutes and lists of projects. Box 6906A
State Employment Service (H82-042)
Veterans Employment Records, 1936-1941. This collection contains a manual outlining work opportunities for veterans, 1936; circulars; and Veteran’s Placement Service Monthly Newsletter, 1939-1941. Box 3591B
White Horse, George (H84-005)
Discharge Papers, 1927. White Horse served as a Private in the Second Infantry, Company I, U.S. Army from 1891 through 1894. This collection consists of one certificate of an Honorable Discharge date 1927. Box 3615B
A Census of pensioners for revolutionary or military services; with their names, ages, andplaces of residence, asreturned by the marshals of the several judicial districts, under the act for taking the sixth census.Washington : Blair and Rives, 1841.
Anderson, David G. Historic preservation planning on military bases : an example from Fort Polk, Louisiana. Atlanta: Interagency Archeological Services Div., NationalPark Service, 1989.
Borthick, David. Medals, military and civilian of the United States. Tulsa, O.K.: M.C.N.Press, 1984.
Brooks, Nathan Covington. A Complete history of the Mexican War (1865-1848), its causes, conduct Consequences. Comprising an account of the various military and naval operations, from its commencement to the treaty of peace. Chicago : Rio Grande Press, [1965]
Britton, Jack. Military shoulder patches of the United States armed forces. Tulsa : M.C.N.Press, 1985.
----- Uniform insignia of the United States military forces : U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, Civil Air Patrol.Tusla : M.C.N. Press, 1981.
Calkins, William Wirt. The Calkins memorial military roster. Chicago: M.A. Donohue &Company, 1903.
Campbell, James Duncan. American military insignia, 1800-1851. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution,1963.
Carter, William Giles Harding. Old army sketches. Baltimore, M.D.: Lord Baltimore Press, 1906
Chandler, Melbourne C. Of Garry Owen in glory; the history of the Seventh United States Cavalry Regiment. [Annandale V.A. : s.n., 1960].
Coffman, Edward M. The old army : a portrait of the American Army in peacetime, 1784-1898. New York :Oxford University Press, 1986.
Compiled service records of soldiers who served in the American Army during the Revolutionary War. Washington DC : National Archives Trust Fund Board, 1976.
Cross, Osborne. A report, in the form of a journal, to the quartermaster general, of the march of the regiment of mounted riflemen to Oregon, from May 18 to October 5, 1849, by Major O. Cross, quartermaster UnitedStates Army. Washington: Printed for the Senate, 1850.
Crow, Jewell Lofland. History of the family of Lofland in America and related families; their related settlements, migrations, marriages, [and] military achievements. [Dallas]: Crow, 1956.
Cullum, George Washington. Biographical register of the officers and graduates of the U.S. militaryacademy, at West Point, N.Y., from its establishment, March 16, 1802, to the army re-organization of 1866-67. New York: D. Van Nostrand, [1868].
Davis, Walter Bickford. An illustrated history of Missouri, comprising its early record, and civil, political, and military history from the first exploration to the present time, including…..biographical sketches ofprominent citizens. St. Louis : A.J.Hall and Company, 1876.
Delo, David Michael. Peddlers and post traders: the army sutler on the frontier. Salt LakeCity: University ofUtah Press, 1992.
De Peyster, John Watts. Personal and military history of Philip Kearny, major-general United States volunteers. New York: Rice and Gage, 1869.
Downey, Fairfax Davis. Fife, drum & bugle. [Ft. Collins, C.O.: Old Army Press, 1971]
Essays in some dimensions of military history. Carlisle Barracks, P.A.: US ArmyMilitary History Research Collection, 1972.
Headquarters heliogram. Arlington, V.A. : Council on America’s Military Past, 1981-.
Hemenway, Abby Maria. The history of Rutland county, Vermont; civil, ecclesiastical, biographical and military. White River Junction, V.T.: White River Paper Co., 1882.
Herr, John Knowles. The story of the U.S. Cavalry, 1775-1942. Boston: Little, Brown.[1953].
Hickenlooper, Frank. An illustrated history of Monroe County, Iowa; a complete civil, political, and militaryhistory of the county, from its earliest period of organization down to 1896. [Albia, I.A.], 1896.
Hicks, James Ernest. U.S. Military firearms, 1776-1956. La Canada, CA: J.E. Hicks, 1962.
History of federal agencies; Aberdeen, South Dakota, 1881-1981. [Aberdeen, S.D. :North Plains Press],1981.
History of Hardin County, Iowa, together with sketches of its towns, villages andtownships, educational, civil,military and political history, and biographies of representative citizens. History of Iowa, embracingaccounts of the prehistoric races, and a brief review of its civil political and military history.Springfield, I.L.: Union Publishing Co., 1883.
History of Kossuth, Hancock, and Winnebago counties, Iowa; together with sketches of their cities, villages,and townships, educational, civil, military, and political history; portraits of prominent persons, and biographies of representative citizens. History of Iowa, embracing accounts of the prehistoric races, anda brief review of its civil and military history. Springfield, I.L. : Union Publishing Co., 1884.
Jacobus, Donald Lines. List of officials, civil, military, and ecclesiastical of Connecticut colony, from March1636 through 11 October 1677, and of New Haven colony throughout its separate existence; also soldiers in the Pequot war who then or subsequently resided within the present bounds of Connecticut.New Haven :R.M. hooker, 1935.
Johnson, Richard S. How to locate anyone who is or has been in the military : armed forces locator directory. Ft. Sam Houston, T.X. : Military Information Enterprises,1991.
Keegan, John. Fields of battle: the wars for North America. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1996.
Landrum, Charles Hanford. Michigan in the world war; Military and naval honors of Michigan men and women. Congressional medal of honor. Distinguished service cross. Distinguished service medal. Naval decorations. Foreign decorations. [Lansing: Michigan Historical Commission], 1924.
Lyon, Nathaniel. Last political writings of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon: with a sketch of his life and military services.New York : Rudd & Carleton, 1861.
Marcy, Randolph Barnes. Thirty years of Army life on the border; comprising descriptionof the Indian nomadsof the plains; explorations of new territory; a trip across theRocky Mountains in the winter; descriptionof the habits of different animals found in the West, and the methods of hunting them; with incidents inthe life of different frontier men. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1866.
Maryland in the world war, 1917-1919; military and naval service records. Baltimore: War RecordsCommission, 1933.
McChristian, Douglas C. An army of marksmen : the development of United States armymarksmanship in the19th century. Fort Collins, C.O. : Old Army Press, 1981
McGovern, George S. A time of war, a time of peace, by George McGovern. New York,Vintage Books[1968].
MHQ: The quarterly journal of military history. [New York, N.Y.: MHQ, Inc.], 1988.
Military. South Dakota Historical Collections. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
Military minutes of the Council of appointment of the State of New York, 1783-1821.Albany, N.Y.: J.B.Lyon,1901-1902.
Mullan, John. Report on the construction of military road from Fort Walla-Walla to Fort Benton. WashingtonD.C. : GPO, 1863.
Nankivell, John Henry. History of the military organization of the state of Colorado, 1860-1935. [Denver: The W.H. Kistler Stationery Co., 1935].
National Archives Trust Fund Board. Military service records: a select catalog ofNational Archives microfilmpublications. Washington, D.C.: National ArchivesTrust Fund Board, National Archives and ServiceAdministration, 1985.
Nourse, Henry Stedman. The military annals of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1740-1865; including lists of soldiersserving in the colonial and revolutionary wars, for the Lancastrian towns: Berlin, Bolton, Harvard,Leominster, and Sterling. [ Clinton, M.A.; W.J. Coulter], 1889.
Official register of the United States: containing a list of officers and employees in the civil, military, and navalservice. Washington : GPO, 1879-1905. note: library has v.2 of 1883.
Peirce, Ebenezer Weaver. Peirce’s colonial lists : civil, military and professional lists of Plymouth and RhodeIsland colonies, comprising colonial, county and town officers, clergymen, physicians and lawyers. Withextracts from colonial laws defining their duties. Boston: A. Williams & Co., 1881.
Pennsylvania. Chickamauga-Chattanooga Battlefields Commission. Pennsylvania at Chickamauga and Chattanooga. Ceremonies at the dedication of the monuments erected by the commonwealth ofPennsylvania to mark the positions of the Pennsylvania commands engaged in the battles…1897. [Harrisburg, P.A.: W.S. Ray, 1901].
Pennsylvania. Gettysburg battlefield commission. Pennsylvania at Gettysburg. Ceremonies at the dedicationof the monuments erected by the commonwealth ofPennsylvania to Major-General George G. Meade,Major General Winfield S. Hancock, Major General John F. Reynolds and to mark the positions of the Pennsylvania commands engaged in the battle….[Harrisburg: W.S. Ray] 1914.
Railsback, Thomas C. The drums would roll: a pictorial history of US Army Bands on the American frontier, 1866-1900. New York: Sterling Pub. Co., 1987.
Ramsey-Palmer, Paige. Young Troopers: stories of army children on the frontier. Tucson: Southwest Parks and Monuments Association, 1997.
Register of officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, in the service of the United States, 1853-1877. Washington : GPO, 1853
Sawicki, James. Infantry regiments of the U.S. Army. [Dumfries VA]: Wyvern Publications, [1981]
Schubert, Frank N. Vanguard of Expansion : Army Engineers in the trans-Mississippi West, 1819-1879.Washington, D.C. : Historical Division, Office of Administrative Services, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1890.
Schuler, Harold H. South Dakota armories. Freeman, S.D. : Pine Hill Press, 1996.
Smith, Joseph Jencks. Civil and military list of Rhode Island; 1647-1850. A list of all officers elected by theGeneral assembly from 1800 to 1850. Also, all officers in revolutionary war, appointed by Continental Congress, and in the regular army and navy from Rhode Island, to 1850, including volunteer officers inWar of 1812 and Mexican War, and all officers in privateer service during colonial and revolutionarywars, and the War of 1812. Providence, R.I.: Preston and Rounds Co., 1901.
Smith, Walter Harold Black. Small arms of the world; a basic manual of military small arms. Harrisburg P.A. : Stackpole Books, [1966].
Statistical report on the sickness and morality in the Army of the United States: compiledfrom the records ofthe Surgeon General’s Office, embracing a period of five years, from January, 1855 to January, 1860. [s.l. : s.n.], 1860.
Steffen, Randy. United States Military Saddles, 1812-1943. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1973.
Swicher, Jacob Armstrong. Iowa in times of war. Iowa City, I.A. : The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1943.
The U.S. Army and the Negro. Carlisle Barracks PA : U.S. Army Military HistoryResearch Collection, 1971.
Thompson, Gilbert. Historical military powder-horns. [Harrisburg, P.A.: Harrisburg Pub.Co., 1901]
Tuttle, Charles Richard. An illustrated history of the state of Wisconsin. Being a complete civil, political, andmilitary history of the state, from its first exploration down to 1875. Boston, : B.B. Russell, 1875.
Uniforms, soldiers. Wi-Iyohi. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
United States. Congress. American state papers. Documents, legislative and executive, of the Congress of the United States….Selected and edited under the authority of Congress. Washington : Gales and Seaton, 1832-61.
United States. Dept. of the Army. Office of Military History. The Army lineage book. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1953.
United States. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the land-entry papers of the General Land office.Washington, 1949.
United States. National Archives and Records Service. Preliminary inventory of the records of United StatesArmy continental commands, 1821-1920. Washington : National Archives & Records Service, 1973.
United States. War Department. Letters from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the names, rank, andline, of every person placed on the pension list, in pursuance to the act of the 18th March, 1818, &January 20, 1820. Washington : Gales & Seaton, 1820.
United States Army Military History. Manuscript holdings of the Military HistoryResearch collection. Carlisle Barracks, P.A. : U.S. Army Military HistoryResearch Collection, 1972-1975.
Veterans in SD. Wi-Iyohi. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Ladies Auxiliary. Dept. of South Dakota. 1989 heritage publicity probe program. [s.l. :s.n. , 19--].
Watson, Winslow C. The military and civil history of the county of Essex, New York; and a general survey ofits physical geography, its mines and minerals, and industrial pursuits, embracing an account of the northern wilderness; and also the military annals of the fortresses of Crown Point and Ticonderoga.Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell, 1869.
Westrate, Edwin Victor. Those fatal generals. New York: Knight Publications, inc., 1936
World Army Uniforms since 1939. Poole: Blandford Press, 1981.
Year book of the Society, Sons of the Revolution, in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, 1894-1913, andcatalogue of military land warrants granted by the Commonwealth of Virginia to soldiers and sailors ofthe Revolution. Lexington K.Y.: [The Society], 1913.
Zogbaum, Rufus Fairchild. Horse, foot, and dragoons; sketches of army life at home andabroad. New York:Harper and brothers, 1887.
Johnson’s Nebraska, Dakota, Idaho and Montana, 1865. Showing military trails. (#2141)
Map of Early Trails, undated. Indian, Military and Pioneer trails. (#219)
Map of a Reconnaissance of the Black Hills, 1874. Rivers, hills, past military explorations, trails. (#2378)
Map of the route passed over by Co. “I†1st Dragoon, undated. Route of military. (MD 82)
Minuteman Missile Deployment Sites Near Ellsworth Air Force Base, 1991 (MD 98)
Historical Map of the United States, 1953. Including historic sites, highways and battlefields. National Geographic map (MD 79)
Vertical Files
Army Air Forces Technical School, Sioux Falls
Ellsworth Air Force Base
Military camps and assignments
Military History
Minuteman missile sites
State Veterans’ Home
Veterans Day
West Point graduates from South Dakota, 1890-1932
World War I
The National Guard was mobilized in 1917. The Home Guard was created in order to protect the state after the departure of the National Guard.
Active: American Expeditionary Force, 147th Field Artillery, 41st Infantry Division, 1st South Dakota Cavalry, 32nd Infantry Division, 66th Artillery Brigade
89th Infantry Division Pamphlets (H82-059)
Official Brief History 89th Division, 1917-1919. Company B 342 Machine Gun Battalion, 89th Division, Review of the World War and Company B 342 Machine Gun Battalion from Camp Funston, Kansas to Pfalzel, Germany, 1919. Box 3599B
American Legion, Pierre Post #8 (H74-171)
Biographical Sketches of Legionaires who served in World War I. Box 3475A
American Legion Auxiliary of South Dakota (H80-006, H95-041, H98-067, H99-024, H2000-025)
Collection, 1921-1997. The South Dakota American Legion Auxiliary, a women’s service organization, was created in 1921. This collection contains copies of the newsletters and publications, department histories, clippings, proceedings, yearbooks, and unit histories. The Gold Star Volume is a commemorative volume containing biographies and photographs honoring South Dakota’s WWI dead. Box 3716-3720, 5851-5856,6033A, 6888C, 6939-6940A, 6835, FB 381
American Legion Caucus, St Louis, 1919 (H75-579M or MF 505)
Proceedings and Committees, May 8,9,10 1919. This is a microfilmed copy of a 177 page booklet for the caucus held in St. Louis. It contains the names of the advance committee, lists of delegates from each state, minutes, names of various committees and members of those committees, and a list of the state officers. MF 1848
Anding, Ida M. (H75-202)
Manuscript, 1917. Anding discusses conscription, disbursement of South Dakota troops into the regular army and efforts at home during the first year of World War I in a four page manuscript. Box 3543B
Ausman, Leslie Vivian (H75-024)
Papers, 1917-1919. This collection consists of one folder of Ausman’s papers from his service with the 136th Infantry and the 267th Prisoner of War Escort Company in France during World War I. Box 3536B
Banks, William J. (H91-005 and H96-003)
U.S.S. South Dakota Veteran’s Association Reunion Flyer and Poster and postcards, 1917, 1951. Banks, born in Huron in 1896, enlisted in the Navy in 1917. He served on the U.S.S. South Dakota during World War I. This collection contains postcards and negatives of the U.S.S. South Dakota and a flyer and poster advertising the U.S.S. South Dakota Veteran’s Association Reunion. Box 3997A and M 263
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-075
Correspondence, 1917-1937. Collection consists of letters sent and received by the State Veterans Home. Box 2107-2108
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-074)
Minutes, June 1889-February 1955. These volumes contain the names of the members of the commission, motions, resolutions, activities, and expenses. V1849-1853
Board of Charities and Corrections, State Soldiers Home
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1891-1954. Box 7226B
Breeden, Jane Rooker Smith (H74-022)
Papers, 1874-1932. These are the papers of early Pierre, S.D. resident and woman suffragist, Jane Rooker Smith Breeden. This collection contains correspondence, woman suffrage material, temperance material, records of Pierre social clubs and one folder of World War I anti-German propaganda. Boxes 3646-3647A, MD 64
Camp Dodger, Overseas Edition (MF 505)
Friday, February 3, 1919; Volume 2 no. 1. Weekly publication published by the Eighty-Eighth Division.
Casper, Helmer E. (H94-030)
WWI Photographs and Papers, 1918. Helmer and his cousin Levi entered the Army in September 1918 and were stationed at the training camp in Rapid City. Both died one month later in October 1918. The collection contains a photograph of Helmer in uniform, and correspondence pertaining to Helmer’s death benefits. Box 5708A and FB 262.
DeLand, Charles Edmund Papers (H69-005)
Papers, 1890-1935. Deland, was a prominent Pierre lawyer, politician, author and historian. This collection includes newspaper clippings about World War I and the role of the South Dakota National Guard. Box 3339B
Department of History, State Historical Society (H82-060)
World War I Casuality Records, 1917-1918. This collection consists of newspaper clippings from the Sioux Falls Press from 1918 and 1919 listing information about South Dakota casualties during World War I. Also included are hand-written lists of South Dakota’s missing, killed, wounded or prisoners. Box 3600A
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Adjutant General
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1892-1982. Many missing issues. Boxes 7221B, 7187C, 7228A, 7182B, 7287C
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of National Guard.
Rosters, 1887-1917. MF 1765-1766
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs, (83-066) RESTRICTED
Original listing of World War I Paid Bonuses, 1925. Alphabetical listing of names with the total bonus amount received.
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (89-168) RESTRICTED
World War I Veterans Bonus Records, 1925. This collection contains confidential information on the veterans of World War I. Records in this collection include applications to the South Dakota Soldiers Compensation Board, Bonus claims listing, and certified forms from the County Treasurers office.
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, LA-SD-Okla Provisional Regiment (2005-038)
OKLASODAK newsletter, 1916-1917. Newspaper of the Louisiana, South Dakota and Oklahoma provisional brigade. Issues included in this microfilm start August 25, 1916 through February 7, 1917 with one missing issue, November 22, 1916. MF 5747
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, State Council of Defense
South Dakota on Duty, March 1918-August 1918; January-February 2003. FB 481
Devine, Thomas (H73-004)
Scrapbook, 1917-1918. One scrapbook containing magazine photographs, drawing, maps and cartoons. FB 48
Evans, John Harrison (H76-028)
Military registration cards, 1917, 1942. This collection consists of two draft tickets for John Harrison Evans for World War I and World War II. Box 3564A
Garver Family Papers (H91-072 and H88-052 which is RESTRICTED)
Harvie A. Garver Scrapbook, Photograph Album and autobiography, 1872-1945. Garver was born in Blunt, attended Creighton University, worked as a stenographer, and a secretary to a railroad engineer, served in the Army in World War I, and operated a general store in Blunt. This collection contains a scrapbook that documents all of these events in Garver’s life. FB 44
General Photo Collection (P104)
Military. Includes photos of Company E drilling at Madison; Co. E. leaving by train; Co. E’s mascot a coyote; and images of military vehicles, mess halls, a supply room and a “casino†taken in Europe.
General Photo Collection (H91-035)
Military Scenes, 1918. Three images including a military group captioned “Greenwood, S.D. July 4, 1918;†and a military group captioned “Fish Day in Lake Andes, 1918;†and the USS South Dakota. FB 165
General Photo Collection (H91-055)
World War I Naval Photographs, 1919. This collection consists of four photographs including Navy Secretary Daniels greeting the Navy’s Trans-Atlantic fliers, Navy Secretary Daniels congratulating Commander Read on Trans-Atlantic flight, six Navy personnel in front of a sea plane, and four Navy personnel standing on the deck of a ship. Box 5518B
General Photo Collection (H93-090)
Military Panoramic photos and posters, 1885-1951. Photos include: Reserve Officers Training Camp, Fort Snelling, 1917; 1st South Dakota Cavalry, Camp Cody, 1917; 2nd Training Battalion, 59th Depot Brigade; Officers 1st S.D. Cavalry, 1917; U.S. Navy Band at St. Louis, 1918; Major General Leonard J. Wood at Camp Funston, 1918; 36th U.S. Infantry assembled for Liberty Loan Celebration at Fort Snelling, 1918; Reveille Field Camp, 68th Infantry Brigade, 34th Div., 1918; 51st F.A. Band Camp, Texas, 1918; 8th Battalion, 163rd Depot Brigade, Camp Dodge, 1918; 136th Infantry, 3759 men and officers; Co B. 4th S.D. Infantry; Squadron E. Kelly Field; and Troop A. 1st Cavalry. MD 262 and 263
General Photo Collection (H94-002)
Photograph of the Student’s Army Training Corps, Section A, University of South Dakota, 1918. MD 262
General Photo Collection (H94-004)
Photographs of WWI flight instructor, Lt. Albert Haskell, 1919. This collection consists of five photos of Haskell flying his DeHaviland 4. MD 263
General Photo Collection (H95-055)
Photograph of the 41st Infantry, Co. I. during World War I, undated. MD 262.
General Photo Collection (P100)
Patriotic Photographs. World War I, Auxiliary and Barracks #2774 group of people in Pierre April 1977.
Hanson, Joseph Mills (H74-017) RESTRICTED
Papers, 1853-1939. Joseph Mills Hanson was born in Yankton in 1876. He served in the National Guard on the Mexican Border in 1916, and with the 147th AEF during World War I. He wrote for the publication, Stars and Stripes, and wrote the History of the American Combat Division, during his time in Europe. After returning to the United States he wrote for The Home Sector and The Independence. He was discharged in 1920. The South Dakota State Historical Society commissioned Hanson to write the book entitled South Dakota in the World War, 1917-1919. His manuscript of the book and correspondence regarding the book are in these papers. Also, included in the Hanson papers are 116th Supply Train Files, First South Dakota Cavalry Morning Reports, 1917; and Camp Cody Papers, 1917-1919.
Hardwick, Earl (H89-028 and H90-003)
Reminiscences of Military Experiences; South Dakota National Guard on the Mexican Border, 1916 and World War I. This collection consists of photographs and two cassette tape recordings. Hardwick made the recordings on his experiences on the Mexican Border and in World War I when he was about 90 years old. Box 5516B and MD 263.
Hengel, Mrs. Albert (H71-005)
Collection, 1918. The miscellaneous collection contains business cards, menus, and stationery all relating to Pierre and Fort Pierre. The army pay book dated 1918, for Albert Hengel, Pvt. 330 Aero Squadron is also included. Box 3344A
Hill, Charles Wyman (H75-249)
Diary and Memoranda, 1917-1919. Hill was a private in Battery F of the 147th Field Artillery and his 118 page typescript diary describes his two years of service as a radio and telegraph operator. Box 3544B
Hutchinson, William Boyne (H2001-057)
Papers, 1918-1998. Hutchinson joined the 82nd Field Artillery in 1918 along with three other Faulkton area boys, Joe Byrne, Hamlin Turner, and War Zuelke. He was stationed at Fort Bliss for basic and advanced training. The collection consists of a Service Book that was compiled by Hutchinson’s mother, Elzora; books on Fort Bliss, and information on the reunions. Box 6996
Ihli, Leo Alvin (H75-188)
Diary, 1917-1918. This collection consists of a typescript copy of the diary of Ihli, who was assigned to Battery C, 147th Field Artillery, of the 32nd Army Division. He served in France during his eighteen months of military duty. Box 3543B
Kelly, Ilma (H75-068)
Letter, 1918. In this letter Kelly, a nurse in the American Expeditionary Force, describes her experiences on the French and Belgium Fronts, as a member of a mobile hospital staff. Box 3538B
Kerr, Robert Floyd (H21-001)
Papers, 1879-1919. Kerr was a politician, historian, newspaper editor, and educator. This collection consists of correspondence, subject files, writings, scrapbooks, and newspaper clippings. There is some correspondence and numerous newspaper clippings on World War I. Box 3621-3623A.
Norbeck Papers (H90-045)
Letter from Mrs. Peter Norbeck to Oscar Boub, 1918. One four page letter written by Mrs. Lydia Norbeck to Oscar Boub who was stationed in France at that time. She mentions that “South Dakotans have not forgotten our boys over there..who have sacrificed and given their best.†Box 3861A
Photographs (H97-055)
Military, 1864-1953. This is a large collection of military photographs. Included in this collection are several folders pertaining to World War I. Of particular interest in this collection are 18 folders of American Expeditionary Forces photographs that were taken by the Signal Corps and the George Besendorf collection. Boxes 6823-6827, FB 333 and MD 263
Photographs (H2000-014)
Spanish American War and World War I, 1898-1918. This collection consists of military photographs of the Spanish American War and World War I, including Camp Cody, and images of a soldier in uniform. Box 8527 and MD262.
Pitsor, Harold (H2004-024)
WWI Letters, 1918-1919. Letters written by Pitsor to his family in Faith and Red Elm during his military service in New York and France. Box 7945B
Poster Collection (H91-042)
World War I Savings Bond Promotional Poster, 1917. One poster that reads “Women! Help America’s Sons Win the War, Buy U.S. Government Savings Bonds 2nd Liberty Loan of 1917.†MD 63
Poster Collection (H92-066)
World War I Battery C Roster Poster, 1918. One poster with the names of the servicemen in Battery C, 147th F.A., 66th Brigade, 41st Division. MD 263
Roth, Ernest F. (H83-004)
Diary, 1917-1919. Ernest Roth, from Columbia, South Dakota, enlisted with the South Dakota National Guard and served with the 151st Machine Gun Battalion, Co. D., 42nd Rainbow Division during World War I. This collection consists of a copy of his diary that he kept during his service. Box 3600B
Sorenson, James R. (H2004-011)
In World War I and World War II, 1917-1945. Sorenson, a South Dakota native, served in World War I and World War II. He kept journals during his tours and his descendants have copied these journals and combined them with his photographs. Box 3374B
Sachtjen, Herbert (H99-067) RESTRICTED
Letters, August 1918-January 1919. Herbert Sachtjen was stationed at Camp Funston in Kansas and wrote letters to his brother living in Jordan, South Dakota.
South Dakota. Adjutant General. (H82-049)
Selective Service Records, 1917-1918. Statistical sheets that list registrants, inductees, enlistments, exemptions, and rejections by county. Also included is a list of Tripp County citizens who either volunteered or were inducted into service in World War I. Box 3595A
South Dakota Fuel Administration (H82-050)
Report, 1919. W.G. Bickelhaupt, head of the Fuel Administration, reported on the activities of the Administration during World War I. Box 3592A
South Dakota. Governor Frank Byrne (H74-190)
Records, 1913-1916. Includes general correspondence, correspondence concerning military affairs, and proclamations. Boxes 3529A-3530A
South Dakota. Governor Peter Norbeck. (H74-185)
Records, 1917-1921. Includes correspondence relating to the State Council of Defense, local county exemption boards, State Coal Mine and State Coal Commission, highways and State Highway Commission, schools, legislative issues, and soldiers releases from military service; military applications and letters of endorsement; and nominating petitions for the governorship in 1918. Boxes 3499A-3502B
South Dakota National Guard (H74-028, H98-029)
Papers, 1885-1981. The 1st South Dakota Cavalry was organized in 1916 as the 5th South Dakota Infantry, but changed to cavalry in 1917. The 1st Cavalry was sent to Camp Cody, N.M. where it was split up. One folder in this collection contains a roster of the 1st South Dakota Cavalry. The 147th Field Artillery Regiment was organized in 1917 as part of the 41st Division until the regiment was sent to France. There are numerous folders in this collection pertaining to the 147th F.A. and World War I. The 3rd Bat. of the 4th Infantry was mobilized and charged with guarding parts of the state. South Dakota also organized a Home Guard to protect the state after the National Guard was mobilized. The History Commission was created after the war in order to compile an account of South Dakota during the war. There are several folders of information on the commission and correspondence with Joseph Mills Hanson, who was hired to write the history. The Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate General of the Army for January –March, 1918 is also included in this collection. An undated World War I roster broadside that contains the names of officers and enlisted men of Battery C, 147th F.A. 66th Brigade, 41st (Sunset) Div. is included with the oversize items. Boxes 3657A-3672, MD67
South Dakota National Guard (MF 40)
Rosters, 1885-1917. This includes a listing of the names, ranks, dates and locations of appointments for commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers. It also includes a register of men who transferred, were discharged or died. The register of enlisted men has an index and includes the name, rank, date of enlistment, age, occupation, address, discharge date and remarks. MF 1765
South Dakota National Guard (MF 40)
Rosters, 1908-1917. The roster includes the name, rank, date of enlistment, location of birth, maritial status, physical description, occupation, present address, discharge date, and remarks. Index is included. MF 1766
South Dakota World War I Book (H87-003)
Correspondence, 1935. Correspondence to and from Wright Tarbell regarding the South Dakota World War I book. Box 3749A
United States. Chief of Military History (MF 505)
Official Lineage and Battle Honors Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 147th Field Artillery Group and 643d Field Artillery Battalion. Includes organization dates, reorganization dates, muster and demobilization dates, location of home station, and campaign streamers. MF 1848
United War Work Campaign (H74-013)
World War I Activities Papers, 1917-1921. This collection consists of assorted papers and correspondence regarding the activities of the United War Work Campaign. Boxes 3377B-3378A
Young, Benjamin H. (H91-009)
Collection, 1919, 1921. This collection consists of documents relating to the Burial of the Unknown Soldier at Washington, 1921. Young was the official South Dakota Representative at the ceremony. Box 3997A and FB 373.
Wales, Boyd (H59-001)
Papers, 1916-1927. Wales served in the military during the Mexican Border affair and during World War I. These papers consist of letters, telegrams, certificates and citations, newsletters, pamphlets and newspaper clippings pertaining to his military service. Box 3649A and MD 63
Ward, Andy (H86-040)
Photograph Collection, 1907-1932. This collection consists of miscellaneous postcards, a booklet on Lemmon’s 25th Anniversary, articles on Indian Pete Culbertson, and a World War I draft card. Box 5719
Westover, Charles (H95-009)
Letters and Diary, 1917-1919. This collection consists of typewritten copies of letters and diaries belonging to Westover who was a private in Co. C, 117th Field Battalion Signal Corps, 42nd Rainbow Division. Box 5992A
Wiedemer, Ila (H90-040)
Collection, 1919. Consists of one postcard of Private Thomas Eugene Smith in uniform. Box 5516B
World War I (H2005-037)
“Where do we go from here?†booklet, 1919. This booklet was for discharged soldiers returning home after the war. It gives advice on disability compensation, back pay, allotments to dependents, uniforms, decorations and employment. Box 6957B
World War I (H74-013)
World War I State Activities Papers, 1917-1921. This collection consists of thirteen folders of correspondence relating to South Dakota’s contribution to the war effort. Box 3377B-3378A
World War I (H75-209)
Diary, 1918. This diary was written by an unknown soldier during World War I. The entries in the diary are brief and describe troop movements. Box 3543B
World War I (H75-581M or MF 505)
Bonus Payroll, undated. Includes a list of names and payroll numbers. MF 1848
World War I (H82-057)
Liberty Loan items, 1919. Consists of Liberty Loan Organization correspondence and a September 8, 1919 edition of The Liberty Bell. Box 3599B
World War I (H88-047)
Sheet Music, 1912-1919. Sheet music that was written during the war and published between 1912 and 1919. FB 68
World War I (H96-042)
Postcards,1919. The postcards contain views of the following: soldiers marching, on firing range, in groups posing, and resting; a panoramic view of the camp; and a view of a row of tents in camp. Box 6632B
World War I (H2002-018)
Company A., 30th Machine Gun Battalion Photograph, [1914-1919]. This panoramic photograph is undated and the location is unknown. The only soldier identified is Pete Froke. MD 262
World War I (H2003-010)
Pilots Association Photograph, 1972. This collection consists of five 3x4 photographs of World War I pilots and veterans. The location and date of the photographs is unknown. The only people identified are Emil Lorricks and A.M. Haskell. Box 8539A
World War I (MF 505)
Crow Creek Veterans, undated. Handwritten list of names of Crow Creek Veterans of World War I, World War II and the Korean War. MF1848
World War I (MF 505)
Scrapbook, 1916-1919. Microfilmed copy of a 188 page scrapbook created by Helen Sorensen of Oahe, South Dakota. The pages consist of newspaper clippings from Hughes County newspapers, which includes a draft list. MF 1848
World War I (SC 20)
Miscellaneous Material . This collection consists of The Home Sector, a pamphlet entitled “What Your Money is Doing for Your Boys,†and a blank certificate issued by the South Dakota State Council of Defense to the family and friends of a soldier who made the supreme sacrifice. MD 63
Britten, Thomas A. American Indians in World War I : at home and at war. Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 1999, c1997.
Huisdekoper, Frederic Louis. The history of the 33rd A.E.F. Springfield : Illinois State Historical Library, 1921.
Jones County war veterans past and present : from the Civil War to the Persian Gulf War (1861-1991). Murdo, S.D. : Veterans Service Office, South Dakota Veterans Dept., [1995]
Kludt, August. 50th Anniversary Veterans Salute. Wessington Springs, S.D. : Willman-Free Post 14, American Legion, 1968.
Langellier, J. Phillip. Fix bayonets : the U.S. infantry from the American Civil War to the surrender of Japan. London: Greenhill Books; Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, 1998.
Roster of the One Hundred and Sixteenth supply train ; forty-first division; formerly fourth South Dakota Infantry. Charlotte N.C. : Observer Printing House, 1917.
Roster of Maine in the military service of the United States and allies in the World War, 1917-1919. Augusta, ME : [s.n.], 1929.
Roster of Vermont men and women in the military and naval service of the United State and allies in the world war, 1917-1919.
Montpelier, VT : [Rutland : The Tuttle Co.], 1927.
World War I. South Dakota Historical Collections. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
World War I Pilots. Wi-Iyohi. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
Vertical Files
147th Field Artillery historical society
Armistice Day Programs, 1964, 1966-1967
Baltzer, United States vs. (anti draft WWI)
Camp Rapid
U.S.S. South Dakota
World War I
World War I pilots
World War II
SDNG Papers contain information on the following: WWII History Commission, the South Dakota Home Guard, 147th Field Artillery, 109th Engineer Regiment, 109th Engineer Battalion, 109th Quartermaster Regiment, 34th Signal Company, 34th Infantry Division, 260th Field Artillery Battalion, 132nd Engineer Battalion, 109th Engineer Battalion-Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 109th Engineer Group-Headquarters and Headquarters Company
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1922, 1924-1930, 1935-1937, 1942-1944, 1981-1982. Box 7211C
Board of Charities and Corrections, Division of Veterans’ Home (84-074)
Minutes, June 1889-February 1955. These volumes contain the names of the members of the commission, motions, resolutions, activities, and expenses. V1849-1853
Board of Charities and Corrections, State Soldiers Home
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1891-1954. Box 7226B
Boyd, John (H96-022) RESTRICTED
Photographs and Military Records, 1920-1990. John Boyd, a Rosebud Tribal member, lived on the Rosebud Reservation. Some of his children moved to the Seattle area to work in the World War II defense plants. This collection consists of scrapbooks that document the John Boyd family. A photograph and Vietnam Army records of Preston G. Boyd are also included in this collection.
Cihak, Steve (H2005-020)
Letters, December 1941-January 1946. Letters written by Steve A. Cihak to Mary Paul. The collection contains 558 letters that describe Steve’s military service including day to day activities, basic training, deployment to North Africa and Italy, and events in South Dakota. Cihak was from Tripp area and Mary was from the Tyndall area. After their marriage they farmed southeast of Tripp. 6654.
Danforth, Hugh (H2005-085)
World War II letters to Leora Danforth, 1943-1945. Includes 232 letters sent by Hugh Danforth to his wife Leora Danforth during his military service. The Danforth’s were residents of the Pierre area. His letters include descriptions of his basic training, transportation to Europe and time in Germany and France. 8547
Department of History (H84-052)
World War II Personnel Cards, 1941-1945. The cards are organized alphabetically and include the name, age, sex, color, address, education, birthplace, name and address of father and mother, present military address, branch of service, and rank. MF1790-1793
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Adjutant General
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1892-1982. Many missing issues. Boxes 7221B, 7187C, 7228A, 7182B, 7287C
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1944-1958; 1965-1970. Box 7228A
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs
Igloo Magazine, June 18, 1943 and February 14, 1947. Box 7187C
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (83-061)
South Dakota Veteran’s Commission Meeting Minutes, 1944-1977. Box 2186B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (89-166) RESTRICTED
World War II Veterans Bonus Records, 1949-1953. This collection contains confidential information on the veterans of World War II. Included are applications for Veterans Bonus and discharge papers.
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (89-167) RESTRICTED
World War II Veterans Roster A-L, 1950. This collection contains confidential information on the veterans of World War II.
Doolittle Raiders Rapid City Reunion (H93-101)
Cassette Tapes, 1978. This collection consists of eight cassette tapes of interviews conducted by Steve Nelson for American Legion Magazine at the Doolittle Raiders Reunion held in Rapid City in 1978. Persons interviewed include General James Doolittle, Henry Potter, Dick Cole, Father William J. Glynn, Richard Knobloch, Lt. Travis Hoover, and David Jones. Box 9290B
Evans, John Harrison (H76-008)
Military registration cards, 1917, 1942. This collection consists of two draft tickets for John Harrison Evans for World War I and World War II. Box 3564A
Feldhaus, James Gordon (H94-005)
Papers, 1942-1988. Lt. Col. Feldhaus was a member of the American defense counsel team representing General Tomoyuki Yamashita during his war crimes trial in 1945. Yamashita was charged with violating the law of war by permitting his troops to commit atrocities while trying to recapture the Philippines. This collection contains files, letters, clippings, legal briefs and military records. Box 5717 and MD 98
Fletcher, Hazel (H90-103)
Photographs and Manuscripts, 1937-1986. Fletcher operated the Green Door Brothel in Deadwood from the 1950s through 1980. This collection contains address books, correspondence, death records, marriage certificates, photographs and military records. The photographs are of various girls who worked for Fletcher as well as a collection of photographs taken in Alaska in the 1940s. The Alaska images include WWII Army-Air Force facilities, airplanes, camp buildings and military personnel. Boxes 3976A-3976C, FB 75
Fox-Mernaugh Collection (H89-059)
Photograph of Isabella Fox in her WAC uniform, 1943. Box 5516A
Froelich, William G. (H91-108)
World War II Documents and Photographs, 1942-1946. This collection consists of copies of photographs and negatives, letters, Italian postcards, military pamphlets, war ration books, and a photocopy of discharge papers. William Froelich served as a radio operator with the H.Q. 350th Fighter Group in Tunisia, Sicily, Naples-Foggia, Rome Arno and North Apennines. He was discharged in 1945. FB 102
Gable, Edgar Slaughter (H60-003)
Papers, 1941-1945. 1st Lt. Edgar Slaughter Gable was a prisoner of war of the Japanese at Cabanatuan, Philippine Islands from 1942-1944. He was aboard a Japanese freighter when it was bombed and destroyed by U.S. forces. Gable secretly kept a diary during his imprisonment and buried it. One of the surviving prisoners returned after the war and unearthed the diary. This collection contains a diary, notes to Gladys Savary, his aunt, newspaper clippings, postcards, and photographs. Box 3650B
General Photo Collection (H88-094)
1st WAVE Reunion at San Francisco, 1948. This collection consists of six photographs pertaining to the WAVE reunion held in San Francisco. Box 5719
General Photo Collection (H91-104)
Iwo Jima Photographs, 1945. This collection consists of 64 photographs that are arranged according to a picture index. The photos include images of Iwo Jima before, during, and after the Americans won the island. Box 5869A
General Photo Collection (H91-114)
Troop C. 4th Cavalry, Fort Meade, 1941. This collection consists of a negative and photocopies of the original print. The photo is of Troop C. 4th Cavalry in uniform at Fort Meade in July 1941. The name and rank of the soldiers pictured is listed on the reverse of the photo. Box 5483B
General Photo Collection (H93-090)
Military and other panorama, 1885-1951. This collection consists of panoramic photos of World War I and the Spanish American War. Also included are posters of Insignia’s Decorations and Medals of the U.S. Army from World War II. MD 262 and 263.
General Photo Collection (H98-045)
Solomon Islands during World War II, 1943. This collection contains various sized photographs of the Solomon Islands, American planes and buildings at Sansapor, and island landscapes. Box 6861B
General Photo Collection (P100)
Patriotic photos. Including a photo of a newsboy selling defense saving stamps, billboard signs, and presentation of colors in Pierre.
General Photo Collection (P104)
Military. Includes images of the canteen at the Milwaukee Depot in Aberdeen; 425nd Navy in uniform; Florence Tuma at the Black Hills Ordinance Depot; and 1st Lt. Marie L. Weaver from St. Lawrence receiving the Bronze Star.
Hogie, Leander A. (H2003-053)
Papers, 1931-1958. Hogie was the School Superintendent for the Parkston School from 1942 through 1948. During this time he also supervised the ration booklets for the community during the war. This collection contains WWII ration booklets and ration deposit slips. Box 3698
Holub, Anna K. (H2002-039)
World War II Rationing Scrapbook, 1942-1946. Mrs. Holub was employed by the Gregory County Local War Price and Rationing Office from 1942 to 1945. This scrapbook contains coupons, forms, supplies, a ration book, and letters. Of particular interest are the names of others who worked in the office, positions they held and specific events that were noted on the covers of the scrapbook. Box 6784
Horthy Collection (H91-043)
Family Papers, 1922-1974. Doctors Aladar and Klara Horthy worked in Germany for the International Relief Organization during WWII prior to immigrating to the United States. FB 86
Jensen, Leslie (H74-041)
Recording, 1944. This is a 78 rpm recording made by Leslie Jensen while he was stationed with the U.S. Army in Australia during WWII. FB 134
Jacobsen, Lt. Eric S. (H75-216)
Letter, 1944. Lt. Jacobsen wrote a short letter to his mother describing the voyage to England and the beauty of the English countryside. Box 3544A
Kasperson, Elmer (H94-078)
Bombing Squadron 109 Flight Log and Pictorial Record, 1941-1944. Kasperson joined the U.S. Navy in 1930 and received awards for his bravery and service. He was reported missing in action in 1944. This collection contains a photocopy of Kasperson’s flight log, a roster of enlisted personnel for the Bombing Squadron 109, photographs, and a Pictorial Record of the Combat Duty of Bombing Squadron One Hundred Nine in the Central Pacific, 1944. Box 7032A
Klein, JoAnn Kositzky (H94-063)
WAVE Photographs and manuals, 1944-1946. Klein enlisted in 1944 and received training at the Naval Training Station in New York and the aerographics training school in Lakehurst New Jersey. She was transferred to the Naval Communications Annex in Washington D.C., Corpus Christie, TX, Annapolis, MD and the NAMC Naval Base in Philadelphia, PA. She was an Aerographics Mate 2c at the end of her service. This collection consists of group photos, a 1944 Bluejacket’s Manual, a short history of the U.S. Naval Training School and a brochure of WAVE quarters ‘D’ in Washington, D.C. FB 127
Kleinsasser, Leo Charlie (H2000-040)
Military records and photographs, 1945-1990. Kleinsasser was a private in the 34th Infantry, D. Company, stationed in Sasebo, Kyushu, Japan. This collection contains orders to report for preinduction physical examination, order to report for induction, honorable discharge certificate, enlisted record and report of separation honorable discharge, and a photograph album. Box 8533B
McPherson Family Papers (H91-081)
Military Photographs and Papers, 1942-1967. This collection consists of photographs, documents and newspaper articles pertaining to Robert G. McPherson, Dennis McPherson and Stuart McPherson’s military activities. Items included in this collection are: code of conduct card, pay record, newspaper accounts of deaths, letter regarding posthumous awards, telegrams, certification of medals, list of Company C enlisted men, and a glossary of Australian terms. Box 4543A
Martin, Mary (H91-020)
Diaries, 1943-1945. Miss Mary Martin, a Pierre resident, created three diaries between 1943 and 1945. The diaries contain news clippings and entries on WWII, mention of the weather and her daily activities. Most notable are the newspaper clippings on Winston Churchill. Box 4010B
Miscellaneous Military Collection
Insignia, Posters and oversize materials, 1942-1951. Open collection. MD 263
Moen Family Papers (H93-032)
Scrapbook, 1942. Clara Moen Storley created this scrapbook which consists of newspaper articles from the Webster, S.D. area regarding WWII. Storley’s brother, Theodore Moen, enter the U.S. Army in 1942 and served with the 946 M.P. Battalion. FB 119
Pfeiffer, John Edward (H75-246)
Collection, 1969-1972. The majority of this collection pertains to Pfeiffer’s interest in the history of the German-Russians in South Dakota. There is a twenty five page account of Pfeiffer’s experiences with the 16th Armored Division in Europe during WWII. Box 3545A
Photographs (H97-055)
Military, 1864-1953. This is a large collection of military photographs. This collection includes WWII photos. Boxes 6823-6827, FB 333 and MD 263
Schuler, Harold H. (H95-010)
Papers, 1989-1992. This collection includes eighty six photographs of Camp Rapid collected by the donor who used them for research purposes to write the book, “Camp Rapid, Home of the South Dakota National Guard†in 1995. Camp Rapid was created in 1932 and was the training area for the South Dakota National Guard. Box 5976
Scurr, Kenneth (H97-016)
Papers, 1940s. Colonel Scurr’s collection consists primarily of WWII items including newspaper clippings, ration coupons, letters, and musical concert programs. See also H97-055 for photographs on Scurrs’ involvement in the Korean War. Box 6636B
Selective Service Historical Report for South Dakota (H75-155)
Report, 1940-1947. This report was submitted by Edward A. Beckwith, state director of the South Dakota Selective Service, to Lewis B. Hershey, director of the Selective Service, on March 31, 1947. The report is a record of the operation of the Selective Service in South Dakota. Box 3543A
Sherburne, Millie Stombaugh (H74-061)
Scrapbook, 1940-1945. Verlin E. Sherburne entered the Army in 1940. His mother kept a scrapbook for him while he was in the war. The scrapbook mostly contains information about the 147th Field Artillery. FB 26
Sherburne, Verlin E. (H82-048)
Diaries, 1941-1943. Sherburne was a member of the Headquarters Battery, 2nd Battalion of the 147th Field Artillery Regiment. This collection consists of three diaries detailing Sherburne’s involvement in WWII. The diaries start with November 1941 as the 147th left San Francisco and ended up in Australia, and end in 1943. Box 3594B and FB 26
Shober Family Papers (H93-093)
World War II Air Raid Poem, 1941-1945. This collection contains concert programs, news-clippings and photographs of the Shober family, particularly Bessie Stackpole Shober. The collection of concert programs contains a World War II era air raid poem. Box 5778
Sorenson, James R. (H2004-011)
In World War I and World War II, 1917-1945. Sorenson, a South Dakota native, served in World War I and World War II. He kept journals during his tours and his descendants have copied these journals and combined them with his photographs. Box 3374B
South Dakota National Guard (H74-028)
Papers, 1885-1981. The National Guard was reorganized after WWI. The 109th Engineer Battalion served in Italy during WWII, and lineage information on this battalion is in the collection. The 109th Engineer Regiment and 109th Quartermaster Regiment, assigned to South Dakota as part of the 34th Infantry Division, were mobilized for WWII but were split into different units. The 128th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion was activated in 1943 as the 128th Coast Artillery Battalion. The 132nd Engineer Battalion was one of the units created when the 109th Engineer Regiment split. The 132nd served in Italy during WWII. The 133rd Motor Transport Company and the 136th Engineer Regiment were units assigned to South Dakota after the reorganization after WWI. The 147th Field Artillery, assigned to Fort Ord, California, was sent to Australia in WWII. In 1943 the 147th was split into the 147th and 260th Field Artillery. The 158th Regimental Combat Team was active in New Guinea and the Philippines along with the 147th Field Artillery during WWII. The WWII History Commission was created shortly after the war in order to write a history of South Dakota in the War. This collection contains manuscripts, rosters and maps that were used by the commission. Boxes 3657A-3672
South Dakota National Guard (H90-113)
Papers Relating to the 147th Field Artillery, 1941-1945, 1989. This collection contains excerpts from the diary of Carl Bangert, Btry F 147th FA; excerpts from the Bill Daly collection, and a paper written by Robert G. Webb. Box 3998B
South Dakota Veterans of Foreign Wars Publications (H82-021)
The Veterans News, November 1944-December 1945 Box 3591A
South Dakota Overseas Veterans, April 1950-March 1955 FB 483
Spargur, Jack (H90-030)
Photographs, 1943. This collection consists of four prints of soldiers wearing the “Ike†uniforms. Box 5516B
Stephens, Ernest (H93-023)
Photographs and Scrapbooks, 1910-1936. Stephens was an attorney in the Pierre area. This collection consists of miscellaneous WWII materials along with photographs of people and communities in Stanley, Haakon and Jones Counties. Box 5682C
Thomson, Claudia (H98-041)
Collection, 1890-1958. This collection consists of scrapbooks, letters, photographs and papers that belonged to Claudia Thomson. Of particular interest is a manuscript written by Thomson describing a Northern European tour in 1934 in which she describes attitudes regarding Adolf Hitler and the political climate. Box 6885
USO Servicemen’s Committee of Pierre (H74-060)
Records, 1942-1945. This collection consists of incorporation records, by-laws, lists of members, minutes of meetings, and other papers. This group was the official representative of the USO in Pierre. Box 3451B
U.S.S. South Dakota Battleship (H84-042)
Records, 1930-1979. This collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, description of the ship, and reunion information. Box 3617A
U.S.S. South Dakota Battleship (H84-037)
Scrapbook, 1941-1969. Genevieve Trask kept a scrapbook of newsclippings, invitations and correspondence about the U.S.S. South Dakota. Genevieve and her husband donated the bottle of champagne that christened the battleship. FB 90
U.S.S. South Dakota Battleship (H75-244)
Transcription of the Launching, 1941. This collection consists of two phonograph recordings of Mrs. Harlan J. Bushfield’s christening of the U.S. battleship at the Navy Yard in New Jersey on June 7, 1942. Box 9384
United States. Chief of Military History (MF 505)
Official Lineage and Battle Honors Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 147th Field Artillery Group and 643d Field Artillery Battalion. Includes organization dates, reorganization dates, muster and demobilization dates, location of home station, and campaign streamers. MF 1848
United States Fifth Army (H2004-028)
Volumes on the Involvement in World War II. Included are Fifth Army History; The Winter Line; To Bizerte with the II Corps; Road to Rome; Volturno; Salerno; Mission Accomplished: Africa, Sicily, Italy; Finito! The Po Valley Campaign; The Advance on Rome; Engineer History, Mediterranean Theater: Fifth Army; and Bridging Operations: Italy. Box 6953 A&B
Waldron, Lt. Commander John C. (H75-217)
Citation, 1942. Lt. Commander Waldron of Fort Pierre, received the Navy Cross for leading the attack of Torpedo Squadron Eight against the Japanese during the Battle of Midway in 1942. He was killed in the action. This is a copy of the original citation. Box 3544A
Wohler, Glen (H92-065)
Papers, 1942-1944. Wohler was prisoner of the Japanese during WWII. He died when the prison ship he was on was bombed and sunk by U.S. forces. This collection contains letters from Wohler to his mother, a list of Codington County residents who died in WWII, and an introduction to the letters and a news-clipping on Wohler’s death. Box 5495A
World War II (MF 505)
Crow Creek Veterans, undated. Handwritten list of names of Crow Creek Veterans of World War I, World War II and the Korean War. (MF1848)
World War II (H220-033)
Ration Stamps, 1941-1945. This collection contains information pertaining to rationing. Included are: ration stamps, booklets, coupon sheets, registration papers, price lists for goods, and plans for mileage rationing. 6653
World War II (H2005-036)
Ration stamps, booklets and leather wallets, 1941-1945. Includes two ration wallets containing stamps and booklets. Both belonged to citizens from the Mitchell area. Box 6957B
World War II History Commission (H82-052)
Records, 1945-1949. The World War II History Commission was created in 1945 shortly after the war. The purpose of the commission was to write and publish the history of South Dakota’s part in World War II. This collection includes the files of the commission, material on the military units of South Dakota, records of the South Dakota Red Cross and U.S.O., war dead, medal winners, and war legislation. The collection is organized to correspond with the published volume. Boxes 3596-3599A, MD 64
World War II History Commission
Military Unit Histories, 1945-1949. This collection contains personnel rosters, photographs, maps and stories about the 147th Field Artillery, 196th Infantry, 196th Regimental Combat Team, 190th Engineers, 109th Quartermaster Master Company C, 196th Engineers and 200th Engineers. Box 1357 and MD 262
World War II History Commission (H2005-057)
Postcard. The postcard was printed by the Commission with a prepaid postal stamp worth two cents. 8535B
World War II Ration Books (H99-134)
Ration Books, 1941-1945. This collection consists of thirteen ration books that were issued to the King family of Pierre, S.D. Box 7018B
World War II Scrapbook (H96-071)
Scrapbook, 1942-1943. The scrapbook contains newspaper articles about the war. Also included in this collection are three publications: United Nations War Atlas, Teacher’s Handbook of War Maps, and America in World War II. FB 424
Garner, John S. World War II temporary military buildings : a brief history of the architecture and planning of cantonments and training stations in the United States. Champaign, IL : US Army Corps of Engineers, 1993.
Jones County war veterans past and present : from the Civil War to the Persian Gulf War (1861-1991). Murdo, S.D. : Veterans Service Office, South Dakota Veterans Dept., [1995]
Langellier, J. Phillip. Fix bayonets : the U.S. infantry from the American Civil War to the surrender of Japan. London: Greenhill Books; Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, 1998.
Official history of the Second Military Government Regiment. [s.l. : s.n., 1945]
Schock, Al. Al and Ozzie : brothers in war: an autobiographical narrative of Al and Ozzie Schock’s military service in World War II. [Sioux Falls, S.D.] , 1988
Schuler, Harold. Camp Rapid : Home of the South Dakota National Guard. Freeman, S.D. : Pine Hill Press, [1995].
Sladek, Karen. Lucky Stars and gold bars : a World War II odyssey. Seattle, Wash.: Penlyric Press, 2003
Small unit actions : France : 2d Ranger Battalion at Pointe du Hoe. Saipan : 27th Division on Tanapag Plain. Italy : 351st Infantry at Santa Maria Infante. France: 4th Armored Division at Singling. Washington DC : Historical Division, War Dept., 1982, c 1946.
The 34th Infantry Division : Louisiana to Pisa. [Rome] : Information and Education Section, MTOUSA, [1945].
Voyles, Jennifer R. comp. A Hero looks a lot like grandpa : their stories. [Belle Fourche, S.D. : Jennifer Voyles, 1994]
World War II. South Dakota Historical Collections. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
World War II and the American Dream. Washington D.C. : National Building Museum, 1995
World War II History. Wi-Iyohi. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
Theater of War in Europe, Africa and Western Asia, 1942. National Geographic maps (#26 and #27)
World War II, undated. (MD 76)
Vertical Files
Internment Camps
U.S.S. Brookings
U.S.S. South Dakota
World War II
World War II combat dead
Cold War
Cold War. South Dakota Historical Collections. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
The Cold War American West, 1945-1989. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 1998.
Coming in from the Cold: military heritage in the Cold War : report on the Department of Defense Legacy Cold War Project. [Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO, 1994]
Korean War
Active SDNG : 196th Infantry Regiment, 196th Regimental Combat Team, 147th Field Artillery, 200th Engineer Company, 109th Engineer Battalion, 43rd Army Band
Board of Charities and Corrections, State Soldiers Home
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1891-1954. Box 7226B
Bureau of Administration (2006-007)
Korean War Memorial Dedication, 2004. This collection contains the preparatory information gathered pertaining to the dedication event that was held on September 18, 2004 in Pierre, S.D. Box 1779B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Adjutant General
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1892-1982. Many missing issues. Boxes 7221B, 7187C, 7228A, 7182B, 7287C
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Adjutant General (H82-003)
South Dakota Selective Service Reports of Separation, 1952-1970. This collection consists of copies of the Selective Service Reports of Separation issued by the South Dakota Selective Service between December 1952 and December 1970. The reports include the name, address, and disposition for each person listed. Boxes 3588-3590.
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of National Guard.
Scrapbooks, 1946-1984. MF 1218-1219
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1944-1958; 1965-1970. Box 7228A
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (83-065)
Bonus Miscellaneous Files, 1949-1982. Contains vouchers, correspondence, minutes and reports. Boxes 1549-1551
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (89-164) RESTRICTED
Korean Conflict Veteran Bonus Records, 1955-1957. This restricted collection contains confidential information on the Korean War veterans and their applications for veterans’ bonus.
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs
Report of the South Dakota Veterans Bonus Board, January 2, 1951. Box 7304B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (83-061)
South Dakota Veteran’s Commission Meeting Minutes, 1944-1977. Box 2186B
Korean War (MF 505)
Crow Creek Veterans, undated. Handwritten list of names of Crow Creek Veterans of World War I, World War II and the Korean War. MF1848
Korean War (H2006-018)
List of Soldiers Killed in Action, 2006. This is a printout of names of South Dakota soldiers killed in action in the Korean War. Information includes names, hometown, date of birth, date of enlistment, rank, and date of casualty. 7028B
Military Affairs, Adjutant General (H82-003)
Reports of Separation, December 1952-December 1970. This collection consists of copies of the Selective Service Reports of Separation issued by the South Dakota Selective Service. The reports include the name, address, and disposition for each person listed. Boxes 3588-3589B
Miscellaneous Military Collection
Insignia, Posters and oversize materials, 1942-1951. Open collection. MD 263
Photographs (H97-055)
Military, 1864-1953. This is a large collection of military photographs. The Kenneth Scurr collection contains several folders of the 196th Regimental Combat Team while in training in Alaska prior to the Korean War. Boxes 6823-6827, FB 333 and MD 263
Schuler, Harold H. (H95-010)
Papers, 1989-1992. This collection includes eighty six photographs of Camp Rapid collected by the donor who used them for research purposes to write the book, “Camp Rapid, Home of the South Dakota National Guard†in 1995. Camp Rapid was created in 1932 and was the training area for the South Dakota National Guard. Box 5976
South Dakota National Guard (H74-028)
Papers, 1885-1981. The South Dakota National Guard papers contain information on the 43rd Army Band of the Nebraska National Guard, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment of the 139th Transportation Battalion, the 147th Field Artillery as part of the 196th RCT, 196th Regimental Combat Team, 200th Engineer Company, 196th Infantry Regiment, 1742nd Transportation Company. Boxes 3657A–3672.
South Dakota Veterans Bonus Board (H82-017)
Report, 1957. This collection contains one booklet entitled the Report of the South Dakota Veterans Bonus Board Korean War, January 2, 1957. This booklet contains an account of the boards’ activities from 1955 to 1956. Box 3587A
South Dakota Veterans of Foreign Wars Publications (H82-021)
The Veterans News, November 1944-December 1945 Box 3591A
South Dakota Overseas Veterans, April 1950-March 1955 FB 483
196th Regimental Combat Team. [S.I. : s.n., 1951?]
Carbonneau, Laura Schoen. South Dakota Korean War Memorial Book of Heroes : Biographies, photographs and stories of those who served between 1950-1955. Pierre: State Publishing, 2004
Davison, Daniel Paul. The Colombian army in Korea : A study of the integration of the Colombian battalion into the 31st United States Infantry Regiment based on the experience of Major General Lloyd R. Moses. [Vermillion : University of South Dakota], 1972
Field, James A. History of United States Naval Operations : Korea. Washington DC : [U.S. Govt. Print. Off.], 1962
Jones County war veterans past and present : from the Civil War to the Persian Gulf War (1861-1991). Murdo, S.D. : Veterans Service Office, South Dakota Veterans Dept., [1995]
Korean War. South Dakota Historical Collections. South Dakota State Historical Society: Pierre, S.D.
Rumer, Thomas A. The American Legion : An official history, 1919-1989. New York : M. Evans, 1990.
Schuler, Harold. Camp Rapid : Home of the South Dakota National Guard. Freeman, S.D. : Pine Hill Press, [1995].
Scurr, Kenneth R. Reflections of Service : 147th field artillery group, 1917-1977. [S.I. : Scurr, 1977?]
Stanton, Shelby L. U.S. Army uniforms of the Korean War. Harrisburg, PA : Stackpole Books, 1992
Vertical Files
109th Engineers, National Guard
Vietnam War
Colonel Paul P. Douglas, pilot and commander of the 388th Combat Support Wing, took the South Dakota flag with him on a mission over North Vietnam (1967 or 1968).
Boyd, John (H96-022)RESTRICTED
Photographs and Military Records, 1920-1990. John Boyd, a Rosebud Tribal member, lived on the Rosebud Reservation. Some of his children moved to the Seattle area to work in the World War II defense plants. This collection consists of scrapbooks that document the John Boyd family. A photograph and Vietnam Army records of Preston G. Boyd are also included in this collection.
Department of Education and Cultural Affairs. (96-007)
Records, 1908-1994. This collection includes architectural drawings, correspondence, minutes, publications, press releases, reports, and Vietnam Veteran oral histories. Box 6081 A&B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of National Guard.
Scrapbooks, 1946-1984. MF 1218-1219
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1944-1958; 1965-1970. Box 7228A
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs
Annual Reports, 1970-1979. Box 7221C
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (83-065)
Bonus Miscellaneous Files, 1949-1982. Contains vouchers, correspondence, minutes and reports. Boxes 1549-1551
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (83-063)
South Dakota Division of Veterans Affairs Conference Programs, 1966-1977. Box 2186B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (83-061)
South Dakota Veteran’s Commission Meeting Minutes, 1944-1977. Box 2186B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (86-080; 88-041, H82-043)
Vet Letter, 1974-1992. Many missing issues. Newsletters with narratives on activities of veteran’s organizations and articles on issues of importance to veterans. Box 2324B, 3592A and 7304B
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans Affairs (89-165) RESTRICTED
Vietnam Conflict Veterans Bonus Records, 1970-1976. This collection contains confidential information on veterans of the Vietnam War. The records include application for Veterans Bonus and discharge/transfer records.
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Office of Adjutant General. (94-036) RESTRICTED
Adjutant General, Homer Jensen’s files, 1959-1965. Consists of correspondence, photographs, pamphlets, convention materials, copies of orders and newsclippings.
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Office of Adjutant General
Annual and Biennial Reports, 1892-1982. Many missing issues. Boxes 7221B, 7187C, 7228A, 7182B, 7287C
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Office of Adjutant General
Manpower Study, 1956. Box 7187C
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Office of Adjutant General (H82-003)
South Dakota Selective Service Reports of Separation, 1952-1970. This collection consists of copies of the Selective Service Reports of Separation issued by the South Dakota Selective Service between December 1952 and December 1970. The reports include the name, address, and disposition for each person listed. Boxes 3588-3590.
Military. Includes one image of Col. Paul P. Douglas, Pilot and Commander of the 388th Combat Support Wing, holding the South Dakota State flag that he took with him on a mission over North Vietnam.
McPherson Family Papers (H91-081)
Military Photographs and Papers, 1942-1967. This collection consists of photographs, documents and newspaper articles pertaining to Robert G. McPherson, Dennis McPherson and Stuart McPherson’s military activities. Dennis McPherson was killed in Vietnam. Items included in this collection are: code of conduct card, pay record, newspaper accounts of deaths, letter regarding posthumous awards, telegrams, certification of medals, list of Company C enlisted men, and a glossary of Australian terms. Box 4543A
Military Affairs, Adjutant General (H82-003)
Reports of Separation, December 1952-December 1970. This collection consists of copies of the Selective Service Reports of Separation issued by the South Dakota Selective Service. The reports include the name, address, and disposition for each person listed. Boxes 3588-3589A
South Dakota National Guard (H74-028)
Papers, 1885-1981. The Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment of the 137th Engineer Battalion was organized in the South Dakota National Guard in 1955 as Company A of the 196th Infantry Regiment, but it became an engineer unit in 1956. Boxes 3657A-3672; 7033A-7034B; FB 36-38; 57-58; MF 67 and 106
United Service Organization Saigon (H73-005)
Register Book, 1969-1972. Register book for South Dakota servicemen at the USO club in Saigon, South Vietnam. Box 3350C.
Vietnam Era Veterans Association (H84-025)
Newsletters, 1984-1985. Box 3616B
Goldman, Peter Louis. Charlie Company : What Vietnam did to us. New York : Morrow, 1983.
Jones County war veterans past and present : from the Civil War to the Persian Gulf War (1861-1991). Murdo, S.D. : Veterans Service Office, South Dakota Veterans Dept., [1995]
Rumer, Thomas A. The American Legion : An Official History, 1919-1989. New York: M.Evans, 1990
South Dakotans in Vietnam : Excerpts from the South Dakota Vietnam Veterans Oral History Project, Pierre Area. Pierre, S.D. : The Association, 1986.
Stanton, Shelby L. U.S. Army uniforms of the Vietnam War. Harrisburg, PA : Stackpole Books, 1989.
Thompson, Leroy. Uniforms of the Indo-China and Vietnam Wars. Poole, Dorset: Blandford Press; New York: 1984.
Vertical Files
Vietnam South Dakota war dead
Desert Storm
Department of Executive Management. Gubernatorial Division. Governor George S. Mickelson (94-039)
General Files, 1987-1993. This collection contains a series of general office files arranged by subject matter that were collected during George S. Mickelson’s term as Governor. Of particular interest are the folders under the heading of Military and Veterans Affairs. There are sub-headings for Selective Service, Veterans Affairs, Veterans Home, National Guard, and Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Box 5794
Miller, Marshall C. Jr. (H95-052)
Interviews, 1991-1992. This collection consists of three audio cassette tapes of interviews with Marshall Miller. One interview was broadcast on BBC radio while the other interview was conducted by Marshall’s brother Patrick. Box 3438B
Operation Desert Storm (H91-050)
Letter from “Desert Storm†Participant, 1991. This collection consists of an eight page letter written by a soldier describing the weather, military tactics and operations in the Persian Gulf War. Box 4054A
This is an exerpt from a letter written on March 6, 1991
Schuler, Harold H. (H95-010)
Papers, 1989-1992. This collection includes eighty- six photographs of Camp Rapid collected by the donor who used them for research purposes to write the book, “Camp Rapid, Home of the South Dakota National Guard†in 1995. Camp Rapid was created in 1932 and was the training area for the South Dakota National Guard. Box 5976
Jones County war veterans past and present : from the Civil War to the Persian Gulf War (1861-1991). Murdo, S.D. : Veterans Service Office, South Dakota Veterans Dept., [1995]
Schuler, Harold. Camp Rapid : Home of the South Dakota National Guard. Freeman, S.D. : Pine Hill Press, [1995].
Vertical Files
U.S.S. Rushmore
Iraqi Freedom
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, State Council of Defense.
South Dakota on Duty, March 1918-August 1918; January-February 2003. FB 481
Vertical Files
Iraqi Freedom War
Military Law, Military Code, Trials
South Dakota National Guard (H74-028) Papers, 1885-1981. The South Dakota National Guard Papers contain several folders relating to military law and regulations including the following topics: National Guard Regulations, 1970 and 1971; Adjutant General’s File, “Enactment of Laws Affecting the National Guard,†and “National Guard-Laws and Regulations Governing;†regulations issued by the U.S. War Department in World War I; South Dakota Military Code, 1970; copies of legislation to amend the military code 1885, 1887, 1890; and the Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate General, 1918. Boxes 3657A-3672, 7033-7034
United States. War Department. Judge Advocate General’s Office (MF 11) Proceedings, 1878-1879. Record of the proceedings of the court of inquiry concerning the conduct of Major Marcus A. Reno at the Battle of the Little Big Horn River on June 25 and 26, 1876. Reel 1 November 25, 1878-January 21, 1879 MF 1583 Reel 2 February 1, 1879 to February 11, 1879 MF 1584
Other Organizations
Abild, Ethel Dowdell (H92-095 through H92-097)
Papers, 1913-1988. This collection consists of personal papers, manuscripts, and an audio recording of the Watertown American Legion Auxiliary Chorus. Boxes 491B and 493 A&B
American Legion (H75-229)
Post Application, 1933. This collection consists of an application and petition for an American Legion post named Swift Horse-Clown Post at the Cheyenne River Agency. Box 3544A
American Legion (H75-053)
General Files, 1929-1930. Lawrence K. Fox was the state historian of the American Legion and this collection consists of one folder of his notes and correspondence. Box 3554A
American Legion (85-034)
Records, 1920-1968. This collection consists of State Convention Proceedings, 1920-1944; State programs, 1920-1964; and issues of the South Dakota Legionaire and the National Legionaire. Box 3725-3726A
American Legion, Pierre Post #8 (H74-171)
Biographical Sketches of Legionaires who served in World War I. Box 3475A
American Legion, Pierre Post #8 (H2001-060)
Publication, 2001. This collection consists of one edition of The Bugle, March 2001. Box 6991B
American Legion Auxiliary (H2003-025)
Records of the Petit Salon No. 745 (Eight & Forty), 1971-2003. Consists of club records such as minutes, reports, scrapbooks and correspondence. Box 7049B and FB34
American Legion Auxiliary of South Dakota (H80-006, H95-041, H98-067, H99-024, H2000-025)
Collection, 1921-1997. The South Dakota American Legion Auxiliary, a women’s service organization, was created in 1921. This collection contains copies of the newsletters and publications, department histories, clippings, proceedings, yearbooks, and unit histories. The Gold Star Volume is a commemorative volume containing biographies and photographs honoring South Dakota’s WWI dead. Box 3716-3720, 5851-5856,6033A, 6888C, 6939-6940A, 6835, FB 381
American Legion Caucus, St Louis, 1919 (H75-579M or MF 505)
Proceedings and Committees, May 8,9,10 1919. This is a microfilmed copy of a 177 page booklet for the caucus held in St. Louis. It contains the names of the advance committee, lists of delegates from each state, minutes, names of various committees and members of those committees, and a list of the state officers. MF 1848
Dollard, Robert (H20-001)
Family Papers, 1861-1918. Dollard was an army officer, attorney and politician. His papers contain records of his military career and his political career. Dollard served with Co. B. 4th Massachusetts Volunteers, and there are letters, military papers, and muster rolls in the collection as well as information on his association with the Dakota Department of the Grand Army of the Republic. Box 3649A, FB 22, MD 63
Grand Army of the Republic (H77-021)
Descriptive Book. Department of Dakota. John A. Rawlins Post, No. 27, Plankinton, 1885-1914. This book includes the name, age, birthplace, residence, occupation, date of entry into the service, date of discharge, and names of soldiers buried in Plankinton. MF 1949
Grand Army of the Republic (H79-002)
John B. Wyman Post 115 Certificate, 1885. This collection consists of one certificate for the John B. Wyman post in Wessington. MD 66
Grand Army of the Republic (H98-106)
National Encampment Books, 1914-1949. This collection consists of Journals of the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic for the following years: 1914, 1915, 1916, 1924-1931, 1940-1945, and 1949. Box 6984B
Grand Army of the Republic, Department of South Dakota (H74-014)
Records, 1882-1941. This collection contains national and state records which include journals, encampment books, individual post records, quartermaster record books and reports, adjutant reports, orders and circulars, department rosters, correspondence, muster rolls, membership information, clippings, programs, photographs, and post applications. Post information is included in this collection for the following towns: Alexandria, Bangor, Belle Fourche, Beresford, Cavour, Chamberlain, Dell Rapids, Esmond, Fort Randall, Geddes, Harrold, Hot Springs, Iroquois, Lennox, Madison, Miller, Oelrichs, Pierre, Plankinton, Salem, Selby, Sioux Falls, Springfield, Volga, Watertown, Wessington Springs, White Lake, and Yankton. Boxes 3378B-3389, 3391, MD 66, FB 59-61, FB 104
Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic (H77-003)
Records, 1932-1935. General George A. Custer Circle No. 6, Chamberlain. Records include correspondence, lists of members and officers, rituals, special programs, rules and regulations, order of meetings, and the proceedings of the 48th Annual National Convention. Box 3569A
Lake Madison Veteran Association (H74-045)
Ledger, 1887-1916. This ledger contains the constitution, by-laws and members present at the first through twenty-seventh annual encampments of the association. The ledger also contains meeting minutes for all of the encampments except for the eleventh and thirteenth. The rosters of the Womens’ Relief Corps for the twenty-sixth and twenty- seventh encampments is also included. FB 45.
Pierre Camp, Sons of Veterans (H88-046)
Minutes, 1912-1916. The Pierre Camp was organized in 1912 and was connected to the Grand Army of the Republic and composed of the sons of Union veterans. The Pierre Camp was eventually named the Sully Camp. Box 3752A
Sons of Veterans, South Dakota Division (H51-001)
Records, 1898-1912. This collection contains a register of charter members of the South Dakota Division, 1898-1902; an account book, 1890-1902; Address to the grand Army of the Republic, 1894, 1895 and 1897; circulars and General Orders, 1887, 1889, and 1895; Ritual and Ceremonials of the Sons of Veterans, 1911; a list of Sons of Veterans of Pierre, S.D., 1912; and a Horstmann Brothers & Co. Manufacturers of Sons of Veterans supplies catalog. Box 3300A
United Spanish War Veterans (H85-039)
John W. Laughlin Auxiliary #9 Records, 1931-1957. This collection consists of a meeting minute book, 1931-1947; receipt books, convention proceedings of the National Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans, 1943; General Order, 1951-1956; and miscellaneous chapter correspondence and reports, 1955-1957. Box 3618B and 3619
United Spanish War Veterans (H74-059)
Sidney E. Morrison Auxiliary No. 4 records, 1934-1946. This collection consists of a minute book containing entries from February 7, 1934 through March 5, 1946, and a history of the auxiliary. Box 3450B
United Spanish War Veterans (H98-107)
Proceedings of the State Convention of the National Encampment of the United Spanish War Veterans, 1924-1955. (Some missing issues). Box 6990A&B
United Spanish War Veterans (H99-049)
Post 17, Aberdeen, History. This collection contains a history of the United Spanish War Veterans from Post 17 in Aberdeen. The history includes the names of those who attended a reunion in 1914. Box 6954A
United Spanish War Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary (H87-054)
Records, 1925-1972. This collection includes state encampment booklets, national encampment books, copies of the by-laws and constitution, minutes, history of the department, rosters, correspondence, and orders. See finding aid. Boxes 6781-6783A
Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary (H95-023)
Department of South Dakota’s hospital book, 1939-1964. Members and friends of the Auxiliary signed their names in the book and paid one cent per letter for the privilege. The project was started in 1939 and ended in 1964. The book contains about 15,000 names and raised about $1800.00 for the men at the Battle Mountain Sanitarium, State Soldiers’ Home in Hot Springs, Royal C. Johnson Hospital, the Fort Meade Hospital, and the veterans at the State Hospital in Yankton. FB 148
Kludt, August. 50th Anniversary veterans salute. Wessington Springs, S.D. : Willman-Fee Post 14, American Legion, 1968.
Murphy, John Linn. The American Legion in South Dakota, first quarter century. [S.I. : American Legion, Dept. of SD, 1949].
Rumer, Thomas A. The American Legion : An official history, 1919-1989. New York : M. Evans, 1990.
Van Loh, Muriel. God did it! : [the story of the Christian Servicemen’s Centers founded by E.W. Crockett. [Rantoul, I.L.] : Christian Service Centers, Inc., 1980.
Vertical Files
Daughters of Colonial Wars, South Dakota
Daughters of the American Revolution, South Dakota chapter
Grand Army of the Republic
Other Sources of Information
Johnson, Lt. Col. Richard S. and Debra Johnson Knox. How to Locate Anyone who is or has been in the Military. Spartanburg, SC : Military Information Enterprises, Inc. : 1999.
National Personnel Records Center
Military Personnel Records
9700 Page Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100
Telephone: 314-801-0800
E-mail: MPR.center@nara.gov *
Status Check: mprstatus@nara.gov *
Fax: 314 801-9195
Naval Historical Center: Official History Center for the U.S. Navy
805 Kidder Breese St, SE
Washington Navy Yard, DC
Of particular interest is the Dictionary to American Naval Fighting Ships
South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Bldg.
425 E. Capitol Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
South Dakota Department of the Military
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Bldg.
425 E. Capitol Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 773-3269
South Dakota National Guard Museum
301 E. Dakota
Pierre, S.D. 57501
(605) 773-2475
The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272 https://www.archives.gov/veterans
United States Naval Shipbuilding Museum
739 Washington Street
Quincy, Massachusetts
(617) 479-7900