Vertical File Index
The Vertical File collection consists of various information collected on specific historic topics. The file folders themselves are available only at the State Archives.
AAUW - Pierre Chapter's "Women in SD History" Pageant, 1974
Aberdeen I - II - III
Academy, SD
Ada, SD
Adams Museum and House, Deadwood, SD
Agar, SD
Agriculture I - II - III
Agriculture Heritage Museum - Brookings
Ahnberg, SD
Aircraft I - II
Air Disasters
Air & Space Museum - Ellsworth Air Force Base
Akaska, SD
Aladdin, SD
Albee, SD
Alcester, SD
Alpena, SD
Alexandria, SD
Alkali, SD
Allen, SD
Allentown, SD
Allenton, SD (see Coleman, SD)
Alpha, SD
Altamont, SD
Altitudes of SD Towns
Ambulances (Early)
America's Holiday Tree
American Automobile Association, Tours in South Dakota
American Indian Culture Research Center - Blue Cloud Abbey
American Indian Movement
American Indian Religion Freedom Act, 1978
American Island
American Landmarks Association
American Legion
American Native Press
Andover, SD
Anglo-American Cattle Company
Angostura Reservoir
Anpaokin (Day Break)
Antarctic, South Dakotans in
Appomattox, SD
Apportionment, Congressional
Arbor Day
Archaeological Commission
Archaeological Regulations
Archaeology I, II, III
Archaeology - Society for Industrial Archeology Newsletter
Archaeology - South Dakota (Educational Series)
Architecture in South Dakota
Ardmore, SD
Argonne, SD
Arikara Villages
Arlington, SD
Armistice Day Programs 1964, 1966-67
Armour, SD
Armstrong County
Army Air Forces Technical School, Sioux Falls
Arpan, SD
Art - Indian
Art and Paintings I - II - III
Art Center - SD Memorial (Brookings) I - II - III - IV
Artas, SD
Artesian, SD
Artesian Wells
Arts Awards - Governor's 1974
Arzberger Site
Ash Creek, SD
Ashcroft, SD
Ashton, SD
Associated General Contractors of South Dakota
Association of Retarded Citizens, South Dakota
Association of South Dakota Museums
Astoria, SD
Atkinson - O'Fallon Expedition 1825
Attorneys - U.S.
Augustana College (Sioux Falls, SD)
Aurora, SD
Aurora County
Aurora County Historical Society
Autographs (Facsimile)
Automobile "Firsts"
Aviation Hall of Fame
Avon, SD
Bad River & Bad River Revue
Badger Hole (Badger Clark Museum)
Badlands I - II
Badlands Vanishing Trail Expedition 1960
Bald Mountain Mine
Balloon, Explorer I - II
Balloon Bombs, Japanese
Balloon Museum, Soukup and Thomas (Tyndall)
Baltic, SD
Baltzer, United States vs. (Anti-Draft WWI)
Bancroft, SD
Band and Orchestra Directors Assn. SD
Bangor, SD
Bankers Assn. SD
Banking (Unidentified notes, source not quoted)
Bar Assn. SD I, II (see also: Women-S.D.)
Barbara, SD
Barbed Wire
Bard, SD
Barnard, SD
Barry, David (Photographer-Exhibit/Collection at Denver Public Lib.)
Barry, William (Trial for Murder of Capt. W.D. Speer)
Baseball Assn./Amateur and Baseball Hall of Fame
Basketmakers - Indian
Basketball I - II
Bath, SD
Battle of the Little Bighorn
Battle Mountain
Beadle County
Bear Butte
Bear City/Town
Beaver Creek Nature Trail
Beef and Beef Production (see also Meat Packing)
Belle Fourche, SD
Belle Fourche Irrigation Project I - II
Belle Fourche River
Belleswayne, SD
Belvildere, SD
Bemis, SD
Ben Ash Monument (Mud Butte, SD)
Bennett County
Beresford, SD
Berry, Baxter (Trial)
Bertrand (Steamboat)
Bicentennial - U.S. (in South Dakota)
Big Bend - Oahe Interagency Council
Big Bend Condemnation
Big Bend Dam/Reservoir I - IV
Big Foot Trail/Big Foot Claims Council
Big Stone City, SD
Big Stone Lakes
Bijou Hills
Bismarck - Capitol Dakota Territory
Bismarck Trail
Bismarck Mine (Keystone, SD)
Bison (the animal)
Bison Coin, 1987
Bison, SD
Bixby, SD
Black & Yellow Trail
Black Cowboys
Black Hawk, SD
Black Hills
Black Hills Corporation
Black Hills (Magazine articles) I - II
Black Hills (Newspaper clippings)
Black Hills (Promotional Material) I - IV
Black Hills College (Hot Springs, SD)
Black Hills Fly Fishing
Black Hills Jewelry
Black Hills Motor Classic (Motorcycle Rally, Sturgis)
Black Hills National Forest
Black Hills National Park
Black Hills Playhouse
Black Hills Spruce
Black Hills State College (Spearfish, SD)
Black Hills Treaty
Black Kettle (a horse)
Black South Dakotans I - IV
Blair Colony
Blizzard of 1888 I - II
Blizzard of 1949
Blizzard of 1966
Blood Run National Historic Landmark
"Blue Book" South Dakota
Blue Horse Reservoir
Blunt, SD
Blunt Territorial Pioneers
Board of Charities & Corrections
Bode Political Campaign Button Collection
Bon Homme County I - II
Bon Homme Pageant
"Bonanza Years" (Trip through Badlands 1903)
Bonesteel, SD
Bonilla, SD
Bonus Legislation
Book Lists (SD Historical Society & SD Authors)
Borglum Memorial State Park, Gutzom (Borglum Ranch)
Boundaries in South Dakota
Bovine, SD
Bowdle, SD
Box Elder, SD
Box Elder Stage Station
Boy Scouts
Boys State 1967
Bozeman Trail
Bramhall, SD
Brand Board
Brandon, SD
Brands I - II
Brands (Correspondence)
Brands (White River)
Brandt, SD
Brentford, SD
Bridgewater, SD
Bristol, SD
Britton, SD
Broadland, SD
Broken Boot Mine
Brookings, SD I - II
Brookings County I - II
Brown County I - II
Brown Earth Church
Brownsville, SD
Brule City, SD
Brule County
Brule Agency, Lower
Bryant, SD
Buffalo, SD
Buffalo (Bison) I - II
Buffalo Commons (Poppers Theory)
Buffalo County
Buffalo Gap, SD
Buffalo Grass
Buffalo Nickel History
Buffalo Ridge
Buffalo Robes
Buffalo Roundup
Buildings - Historic
Burbank, SD
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Burke, SD
Burning Bluff (Gregory County)
Bushnell, SD
Butte County
CCC Camps I, II, III
Cable TV
Calcity (Mining Camp in Meade County)
Calendars - South Dakota I - V
Cambria, SD
Cameron, SD
Camp Clarke Bridge
Camp Collier
Camp Crook, SD
Camp Rapid
Camp Sheridan
Camp Sturgis
Camp Wanzer
Camp Whitney (ND)
Campbell County
Campgrounds and Camping
Canby, SD
Canistota, SD
Canning, SD
Canova, SD
Canton, SD
Canton Indian Asylum (Hiawatha)
Capa, SD
Capital Punishment
Capitol Building Art
Capitol Building, Dakota Territorial
Capitol Centennial, 2010
Capitol Complex Buildings
Capitol Dome Stained Glass
Capitol Employee List
Capitol Fights
Capitol Grounds
Capitol Guides
Capitol Lake
Capitol of SD & Capitol Building I - II - III
Capitol Trees
Caputa, SD
Carbonate Camp
Carlock, SD
Carlyle, SD
Carpenter, SD
Carter, SD
Carthage, SD
Cascade, SD (Ghost Town)
Castalia, SD (Ghost Town)
Castle Creek
Castle Rock, SD
Castlewood, SD
Catholic Missions
Catholics & Catholic Vote
Cattle & Cattle Drives
Caves, South Dakota & North Dakota
Cavour, SD
Cavour, SD - 1926 Girls Football Team
Celtic Festival & Highland Games
Cement Plant
Census - 1885 Territorial
Census - SD Indian Reservation 1880
Centennial 1961 (Dakota Territory)
Centennial of Statehood 1989 I - VII
Centennial Farms
Centennial Valley
Centennials in South Dakota
Center for Western Studies (Augustana College, Sioux Falls)
Center (Geographic) Monument
Center Point, SD
Center of Population
Centerville, SD
Central City, SD
Central South Dakota
Chain Saw History
Chamber of Commerce
Chamberlain, SD
Chance, SD
Chapels - Roadside
Charles Mix County
Charles Mix County (Eugene Rhian File)
Chelsea, SD
Cherry Creek Post & Cherry Creek
Chester, SD
Cheyenne - Black Hills Trail (Stage Route)
Cheyenne Agency & Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Cheyenne Agency Fair & Pageant
Cheyenne City, SD
Cheyenne Crossing
Cheyenne Deadwood Trail Caravan 1965
Cheyenne Indians
Cheyenne River
Cheyenne River Agency History
Cheyenne River Sioux Constitution and By Laws
Chicago - Black Hills Highway
Chicago & Northwestern Bridge/ Pierre - 100th Anniversary
Chicago & Northwestern Railway
Chiefs to Washington 1870s
Children's Home
Chinese South Dakotans
Chisholm Trail
Christ on the Mountain (Sculpture)
Christmas & Christmas Cards
Christmas Cards, Mount Harney
Church Camps
Churches - SD I - II
Circle Eagle Pictograph
City & County People United
Civil Defense
Civil War I - II
Civil War Monument on Capitol Grounds
Civil War Summary
Civil War TV (Script)
Civilian Conservation Corps
Claim Shanties
Claire City, SD
Claremont, SD
Clark, SD
Clark County
Clay County
Clear Lake, SD
Clearfield, SD
Clifton, SD
Clocks (Antique)
Coal Mines
Coal Springs (Perkins County)
Code Talkers
Codes, Dakota
Codington County
Cold Spring School
Colleges & Universities (South Dakota)
Colman, SD
Colome, SD
Colton, SD
Columbia, SD
Columbus College (Chamberlain, SD)
Comanche (A Horse)
Communists in South Dakota
Composers - South Dakota
Conata, SD
Conde, SD
Confederate Veterans in Dakota 1885
Congregational Church
Congress, U.S.
Congresswomen, U.S. (includes Gladys Pyle)
Conservation Congress 1910 (Pierre)
Constitution, South Dakota
Constitution, U.S. & South Dakota
Constitutional Convention 1883, 1885, 1889
Constitutional & Territorial Officers 1861 - 1975
Cooperative Extension Service
Copp, SD (Ghost Town)
Corn Palace
Cornell, Carl (Stories)
Cornish American, The
Corona, SD
Corporation Laws - Blue Book
Corsica, SD
Corson County
Cosmos (Black Hills Tourist Attraction)
Coteau - Region of South Dakota
Cottonwood, SD
Coulson, SD
Council Rock
Counties, Territorial & State 1862-1948
Country Schools
County Fairs
County Historical Societies
County Histories I - II
County Maps
County Officials Lists
County Seats
Courthouse Fires
Courts in South Dakota I - II
COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 - Tribal Checkpoints
Cowboy Biographies (For Cowboy Hall of Fame)
Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western Heritage Center
Crandall, SD
Crandon, SD
Craven Canyon
Craven Ranch
Crazy Horse, Correspondence 1947
Crazy Horse, Correspondence 1948, 1967, 1979
Crazy Horse & Crazy Horse Memorial I - VI
Creeks & Rivers (by Counties)
Cresbard, SD
Crippled Children & Crippled Children's Hospital
Crocker, SD
Crook City, SD
Crook's "Horse Meat" March
Crooks, SD
Crouch Railroad Line
Crouch, George "Notes on the Yellowstone (Powder River)" Expedition
Crow Agency (Montana)
Crow Buttes, Battle of
Crow Creek Reservation & Tribe
Crow Lake, SD
Crusade for Freedom
Cultural Heritage Center I-II-III
Cultural Heritage Center, Exhibits at I-II-III
Cuny Table, SD
Curran Cabin Camp (Black Hills)
Custer Battlefield & Historic Highway I - II
Custer Corps Camp (see STAR Academy)
Custer County
Custer Film
Custer, Gen. George A.
Custer, SD I - II
Custer State Park I - II
Cuthbert, SD
Cuyahoga Mine
Dacotah Prairie Museum
Dairy Assn. SD
Dakota and Dakota Territory
Dakota Agency
Dakota City, SD
Dakota Courts
Dakota Farmer
Dakota Freie Presse
Dakota Heritage Council
Dakota History Conference
Dakota Homecoming 1909
Dakota Loan & Trust Company
Dakota Musician Assn.
Dakota Pioneer Certificates
Dakota Rail
Dakota State College (Madison, SD)
Dakota Territorial Congress
Dakota Territory (History by J.G. Towle)
Dakota Territory Laws
Dakota Wesleyan University (Mitchell, SD)
Dalesburg, SD
Dallas, SD
Dams in South Dakota
Dance Bands
"Dances with Wolves" (Movie)
Daneville, SD
Danish Brotherhood of South Dakota
Daughters of Colonial Wars - South Dakota
Daughters of the American Revolution (SD Chapter)
Davis, SD
Davison County
Daviston, SD (Ghost Town)
Dawes Act
Day County
Days of 81 Parade (Pierre)
DeSmet, SD
Dead Break, SD
"Dead Man's Hand"
Deadwood, SD I - V
Deadwood, SD (Gambling/Historic Preservation) I - II
Deadwood - Bismarck Stage Coach 1878
Deadwood - Cheyenne Stage
Deadwood - HBO Series
Deadwood Trail
Deaf (School for) Sioux Falls
Deerfield, SD
Death Penalty
Dell Rapids, SD
Delmont, SD
Democratic Party
Dempster, SD
Dentists & South Dakota Dental Assoc.
Denton, SD
Detroit, SD (Ghost Town)
Deuel County
Devils Lake Agency & Tribe
Devils Tower National Monument
Devoe Stock Farm, Devoe Church
Dewey County
Dickens Club
Dime Novels
Dimock, SD
Directories (Misc.)
Displaced Persons (WWII)
Divorce - South Dakota
Dixon, SD
Documents, Dakota Territory and General
Dodge City, KS
Doland, SD
Doll Making & Doll Collections
Dolph, SD
Douglas County
Dowling, SD
Drakola, SD (Post Office)
Draper, SD
Driver's Manual
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Drug Dogs - See Highway Patrol
Dry Farming
Dublin, SD
Dull Knife's Raid 1878
Dunn, Harvey
Dupree, SD
Dust Storms
Dutch in South Dakota
Eagle Butte, SD
Eakin, SD
Earling, SD
Easter Seals Society
Economic Development in South Dakota
Eden Park, SD
Edgemont, SD
Edgemont, SD - Radiation
Edmunds County
Edna, SD
Educational Association, SD 1919
Education History I - II
Egan, SD
Eisenhower Library
Election Frauds
Election Returns I - II
Election Statistics
Elections I - II
Elk Point, SD
Elks Club
Elkton, SD
Ellis, SD
Ellsworth Air Force Base
Elrod, SD
Emery, SD
Energy Crisis
Energy Development & Effect of Mining on Lakota Sioux
Engineers, 109th (National Guard Unit)
Englewood, SD (Lawrence County)
"Engravings" (Historical Collections)
Environmental Protection
Epiphany, SD
Episcopal Church
Erosphere, SD (EROS Data Center) Sioux Falls
Erwin, SD
Esmond, SD
Estelline, SD
Ethan, SD
Ethiopian Rescue Relief Conference, Intl.
Ethnic Groups
ETSI (Energy Transportation Systems, Inc)
Etta Mining Camp
Etymology (of animal names)
Eugenics Law
Eureka, SD
Evans Plunge
Evarts, SD
Executive Proclamations
Explorers (Mallet Brothers)
Fairbank, SD
Fairfax, SD
Fairburn, SD
Fairview, SD
Faith, SD
Fall River County
Fall River Sidney Crossing
Fallout Shelter, Designs for
Famous South Dakotans
Farmer, SD
Farm Island History
Farm Rally at Capitol 1985
Farm Rescue
Farmer's Alliance
Farmer's Debate Teams
Farming Publications
Fashion & Style
Faulk County
Faulkton, SD
Federal Writers Project in SD
Fedora, SD
Feeding South Dakota
Ferney, SD
Fielder, SD
Finns in South Dakota
Fire Marshal
Fire, Prairie
Fire, Prairie (Hyde Co., 1947)
Firesteel, SD
Fish Hatcheries
Fisher Grove State Park
Fisk Expedition, 1864 (map of)
Flag Dedication Ceremony - Pierre American Legion 1986
Flag, 40 Star
Flag, State
Flags (Correspondence with Foreign Embassies)
Flags, Damaged in Museum Fire
Flags, Other States
Flags, U.S.
Flaming Fountain at Capitol Lake
Flandreau, SD
Flatiron, SD
Fleur de Lys Horse Ranch
Flood - Rapid City 1972
Flood Control
Flood of 1965
Flora, SD
Florence, SD
Flour Mills of South Dakota
Flower, State
Flowers & Plants
Floyd Monument - Sioux City, IA
Folklore, Sioux
"Fool Soldiers"
Forest City, SD
Forest Fires
Forest Service
Forestburg, SD
Forestry in South Dakota
Fort Abercrombie
Fort Atkinson
Fort Bennett
Fort Benton
Fort Berthold
Fort Brule
Fort Buford
Fort Charlotte
Fort Dakota
Fort Ellice
Fort George
Fort Hale
Fort Hays
Fort James
Fort Keogh
Fort Laramie Monument and Pageant
Fort Laramie, 150th Anniversary
Fort Lookout
Fort Mandan
Fort Manuel Lisa
Fort Meade
Fort Niobrara
Fort Peck
Fort Phil Kearney
Fort Pierre, SD
Fort Pierre - Black Hills Stage Route
Fort Pierre - Chouteau
Fort Pierre - Deadwood Trail
Fort Randall I - IV
Fort Randall (Donlin House)
Fort Renville
Fort Rice
Fort Ridgely, MN
Fort Robinson
Fort Sisseton I - II
Fort Sisseton State Park
Fort Snelling
Fort St. Charles
Fort Stevenson
Fort Sully I - II
Fort Thompson
Fort Totten
Fort Union
Fort Wadsworth
Fort Washakie
Fort William Seward
Fort Yates
Fortunate Gold Mining Company
Fossil Cycad National Monument
Foundation of North American Indian Culture
Fountain, SD
Four-H (4-H) Clubs
Fourteen Mile House (Jefferson, SD)
Fourth Cavalry
Fourth of July
Fox Ridge and Jim Brown Dog
Frankfort SD
Franklin, SD
Franklin Mint
Frawley Ranch
Frederick, SD
Freedom Train
Freeman, SD
Freeport, SD
Friends of the Middle Border Museum
Fruitdale, SD
Fulton, SD
Funeral Directors Association - South Dakota
Fur Trade Licenses
Fur Traders and Fur Trade I - II
Galena, SD
Galla, SD
Game, Fish & Parks
Gann Valley, SD
Garden City, SD
Gardner Cabin & Abbie Gardner Sharp
Garretson, SD
Garrison Dam & Reservoir
Gary, SD I - II
Gas Belt Expositions, 1907, 1908, 1909
"Gate of Counties" (in Hilgers Gulch)
Gatling Gun
Gavins Point Dam & Reservoir
Gayville, SD
Geddes, SD
Gene-O-Log (SDHS Pub. 1972-1973)
Genealogy I - II
Geographical Centers
Geological Survey
Geology - South Dakota
George, H.T. (stories by)
German Baptist Assoc.
Germans from Russia
Germany Society
Gettysburg, SD
Ghost Dance
Ghost Dance Shirt
Ghost Towns I - III
"Ghost Towns, Black Hills" (by Watson Parker)
Gilbert, SD
Gillette Prairie (Black Hills)
Girl Scouts
Glen, SD
Glencross, SD
Glendale, SD
Glenham, SD
Goat Island
Gold Discovery
Gold Productions (Black Hills)
Goodwill, SD (Presbyterian Mission)
Goodwin, SD
Gordon Stockade
Gorman, SD
Government Directory, South Dakota
Government - Local
Governor's Awards
Governor's Grove
Governor's Mansion
Governor's Messages
Governor's Territorial
Governor's Wives I - III
Governors, Biographies of
Governors, List of
Grabill, J.C.H. (photo collection)
Grace Mission (Episcopal)
Grain Growers Association
Grain Palace
Grand Army of the Republic
Grand Army of the Republic - Vets List
Grand Junction Mine
Grand River Floods
Grandview, SD
Grant County
Grants in Aid to South Dakota
Gray Goose (Dance Hall)
Great Lakes of SD Association
Great Plains National Park in South Dakota
Great Plains Resource Center (Proposed)
Greater South Dakota Association I - II
Greater South Dakota Congress, Jan. 1929
Greenwood, SD (Black Hills)
Greenwood, SD (Charles Mix Co.)
Gregory County
Gregory, SD
Grimes, Ballad of Curly (poem)
Grindstone, SD
Grocer's Answer Book
Groseiller and Radisson
Groton, SD
Gunderson Farm Centennial
Gypsies--South Dakota
Haakon County
Hair Wreath & Jewelry
Half-Way House
Hall of Fame (Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1903)
Hamill, SD
Hamlin County
Hand County
Hands Across South Dakota
Hanging & Executions (South Dakota)
Hanna, SD
Hanson County
Hanta Yo
Harding County
Harding, SD
Harney Cabin
Harney City, SD (Ghost Town)
Harney Peak
Harrisburg, SD
Harrison, SD
Harrold, SD
Harte, Emmet F. "A Flareback to Nature."
Hartford Beach State Park (includes sketch of Indian burial)
Hartford, SD
Haunted, SD
Havilecek, SD (Ghost Town)
Hawken Rifle
Hayes, SD
Hayti, SD
Hayward, SD
Hazel, SD
Hecla, SD
Henry, SD
Heraldic Art
Herba State Bank
Hermosa, SD
"Heroes of Dakota"
Herreid, SD
Hetland, SD
Heumphreus Ranch
Hiawatha Indian Asylum (see Canton Indian Asylum)
"Hidden City", SD
Hidden Valley Ranch
Hiddenwood State Park
High Plains Heritage Society
Highmore, SD
Highway Patrol
Highways I-II-III
Highways, Historic I - VI
Hilger's Gulch
Hill City, SD
Hilland, SD
Hisega Area
Historic Homes of SD
Historic Points along the Missouri River (1892 War Dept. Survey)
Historic Points/Markers I-II
Historic Preservation I-II
Historic Sites
Historic Sites (Proposed)
Historic South Dakota Foundation
Historic Trail (5 States)
Historical Societies & Museums in South Dakota
Historical Talks (Will Robinson)
History Day
Holabird, SD
Holmquist, SD
Holy Terror Mine
Home Demonstration Clubs
Homeland Security
Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center (HARCC)
Homestake Mining Co I-II
Homestake Science Lab
Homewood, SD
Honor Flight
Hopewell, SD
Horse or "A Man Called Horse"
Horses & Horseracing
Hosmer, SD
Hot Springs, SD I-II-III
Houses, Historic
Hoven, SD
Howard, SD
Howe House
Howell, SD
Hudson Bay Company
Hudson, SD
Hughes County I-II
Human Services Center - see Yankton State Hospital
Humboldt, SD
Hurley, SD
Huron, SD I-II-III
Huron College (Huron, SD) I-II
Huron, Dakota Territory
Hutchinson County
Hutterites I-II-III
Hyde County
Hydroelectric Power in South Dakota
IDEA (Industrial Development Expansion Agency)
Ideal, SD
Igloo, SD
Illingworth Photos (listed) Custer Expedition 1874
Income Tax, Constitutional Amendment
Incorporated Cities Listing
Incorporation Certificates
Independent Stockgrowers of America
Indian Affairs
Indian Affairs, BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs)
Indian Arts, First Nations Sculpture Garden
Indian Arts & Crafts
Indian Battles
Indian Bibliographies
Indian Commissioners
Indian Creek Stage Station
Indian Culture I, II
Indian Culture Day, 1972-1973 (Capitol mural changed)
Indian: Dakota, I, II, III
Indian Delegations
Indians, Dictionary & Calendars
Indian Education, I - II
Indian: Federal Policy
Indian: Films/Television
Indian Food
Indian Jurisdiction
Indian: Lac qui Parle
Indian Land Claims
Indian Languages
Indians - Little Bighorn
Indian Lore & Legend
Indian, Mail Order Catalog
Indian: Maps
Indian: Medal of Honor Winners
Indian Military
Indian Mounds
Indian Music
Indian Names
Indians: Not Dakotas
Indian Organizations
Indian: Prehistoric Cultures
Indian Publications
Indian Religion
Indian Rosebud Sioux Council
Indian Schools
Indian Scouts & Police
Indian Stories
Indian Trails (Maps, Letters)
Indian Treaties, Catalog of
Indian: "We Shake Hands" Conference
Indian Women
Ingalls Family
Ingham, SD
Initiative & Reform
Inland Airline
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences
Insurance Program - South Dakota
Interior, SD
International Peace Gardens
Internment Camps
Iona, SD
Iowa Data
Ipswich, SD
Iraqi Freedom War - see also Military incl. Afghanistan
Irene, SD
Ireland - Irish
Iron Mountain Road (US Highway 16A)
Iron Will (Movie)
Iroquois, SD
Irrigation in South Dakota
Irving, SD
Izaak Walton League
Isabel, SD
Ivanhoe, SD
Jackson County
James River
Jamesville, SD
Japanese Garden
Java, SD
Jefferson, SD
Jerauld County
Jewel Cave
Jewish Colony
Joe Dollar Mine
Johnson Fuel Co.
Jones County
Jordan, SD
Joslyn Art Museum
Journalism, Women
Junior Historians
Judges, Supreme Court
Judicial Voices Project
Junius, SD
Jury Duty
Juvenile Delinquency
Kadoka, SD
Kampeska Museum
Kaneb Pipeline
Karinen, SD
Kasaan Peninsula Mining Company
Kaufman Museum, Marion, SD
Kaylor, SD
Kelly, Dan
Kennebec, SD
Kensington Stone
Keyapaha, SD
Keystone, SD
Keystone Pipeline
Kidder, SD
Kildeer Mountain (Battlefield) ND
Kimball, SD
Kingsbury County
Kirley, SD
Kittie, Medora-Deadwood Stagecoach
Kiwanis Club
KKK in South Dakota
Klondike Mill/Dam
Knights of Pythias
Koller, Joe (Correspondence with) "Buckskin Johnny"
Korean War - South Dakota War Casualties
Koto, SD
Kranzburg, SD
Kyle, SD
LaBolt, SD
LaCreek National Wildlife Refuge
LaFoon, SD
LaFramboise Island
LaGrace, SD
La Plant, SD
Lake Andes, SD
Lake City, SD
Lake County
Lake Henry
Lake Kampeska
Lake Madison
Lake Norden, SD
Lake Placer Claim & U.S. Patent
Lake Poinsett
Lakeport, SD
Lake Preston
Lake Thompson
Lake Traverse
Lakes in South Dakota
"Lame Johnny"
Lamro, SD
Land Lottery
Land Rush
Landmarks, SD
Lane, SD
Langford, SD
Lantry, SD
Last Man Club
Latchstring Inn
Lawrence County
Lead, SD
Lead, SD - Public Schools
Leavenworth Monument
Lebanon, SD
LeBeau, SD
Lectures at USD
Legislation, Proposed
Legislative Fights
Legislative Research Council Study
Legislators, 1890-1945 (List with numbers that match the composite photos)
Legislators, Biographies of
Legislators, Lists of
Legislature - 1974
Legislature - Special Session Sept. 23, 1981
Legislature - Special Sessions
Lemmon, SD
Lennox, SD
Leola, SD
LeSueur & LeMoine's Expedition
Leslie, SD
Lesterville, SD
Letcher, SD
Lewis & Clark I - II - III
Lewis & Clark Bibliography
Lewis & Clark Bicentennial
Lewis & Clark Campsite
Lewis & Clark Historic Highway
Lewis & Clark Lake
Lewis & Clark Trail Highway
Liberty Bell
Liberty Loan Drive
Librarians, Public
Libraries & Librarians
Library, State
License Plates
Lily, SD
Lime Kiln Pool
Lincoln County
Lincoln Stories
Lincoln Territory
Little Moreau State Recreation Area
Little Spearfish
Little White Fort
Little White River Basin
Little Wolf's Band
Locke Hotel
Lodgepole (S.D.)
Lodging Hosts Directories 1968-69
Lodi, SD
Log Cabins
Logan, SD
Lohre, SD
Loisel Post
Lone Tree, The
Loneman Indian School
Long Lake, McPherson County
Lookout City, SD
Lost Bird Society
Louisiana Purchase
Lower Brule Tribe & Reservation
Lowry, SD
Loyalton, SD
Lucas, SD
Lusk, Betty (The Whaley Children)
Lusk, Willard (writings of)
Lutheran Church & Lutherans
Lyman County
Lynn, SD
Madison, SD
Madlon, Father Daniel
Mail Boxes
Mail Order Brides
Maitland, SD
Mammoth Site
Manchester, SD
Mandans (Thwates Notes to Maximilian's Account)
Mankato Executions
Mansfield, SD
Maps 1884
Marion, SD
Marksville, SD
Marshall County
Marshals - United States
Martin, SD
Marty Indian School
Marvin, SD
Masonic Lodge in South Dakota
Massacre Island - Minnesota
Maurine, SD
Mayflower Descendants, Society of
McCarthy, Senator Joseph (Hearings)
McCook County
McCook Family
McCrossan Boys Ranch
McDonald, W. H.
McIntosh, SD
McKennon Park
McKinley, President William (Speech in Yankton)
McLaughlin, SD
McPherson County
Meade County
Meat Packing
Meadow, SD
Medal of Honor
Medary (Monument)
Medicine Butte
Medicine Creek
Medicine Knoll
Medicine Rock
Medicine in South Dakota
Medora, ND
Meers, SD
Mellette County
Mellette House
Mellette Tree Tablet
Memorial Building
Memorial Building Proposed Addition
Men & Religion Forward Movement
Menno, SD
Mennonite Colonies
Mennonites in South Dakota by John Unruh
Mentor House
Merritt, SD
Messiah War
Methodist Church
Meyersville, SD
Mickelson Memorial (Also Fighting Stallion Memorial)
Mickelson Trail
Midland, SD
Midwest Natural Gas Co.
Midwest Resources
Milbank, SD
Milesville, SD
Military (see also Iraq)
Military Camps & Assignments
Military History
Militia Dakota 1862
Millboro, SD
Miller, SD
Milltown, SD
Milwaukee Junction, D. T.
Mina Lake
Miner County
Mining in Black Hills
Mining Hall of Fame
Minnehaha County
Minnesela, SD
Minuteman Missile Sites
Miranda, SD
Mission, SD
Mission Hill, SD
Mission Ridge
Mississippi & Mississippi Valley
Missouri River I - VIII
Missouri River Bridges
Missouri River Sub-Impoundments
Mitchell, SD
Mitchell Prehistoric Indian Village
Mobridge, SD
Moenville, SD
Monroe, SD
Montana-Dakota Utilities
Montgomery Ward
Monthly South Dakotan Index
Montrose, SD
Monuments Argus Leader
Moody County
Moon Rock (W.H. Over Museum)
Moreau River
Mormons in South Dakota
Morristown, SD
Morrow, S.J. (photo collection)
Mossman, SD
"Mother of the Year", South Dakota
Mothers Chapel
Mothers Day
Motor Vehicles, Dept. of
Mound City, SD
Mount Coolidge (Black Hills)
Mount Moriah Cemetery (Deadwood, SD)
Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore, Naming of
Mount Rushmore Publications
Mount Theodore Roosevelt Dedication
Mount Vernon, SD
Mountain Lions
Movies & Theater
Murdo, SD
Murphy, W.H.
Museum, Casey Tibbs
Museum of Wildlife, Science & Industry
Museums, I - II
Museums Directory
Mush Creek Fort
Music and Musicians (SD)
Music & Shrine to Music Museum
Myersville, SD
Mystic, SD
Names Suggested for Merchant Ships, 1943
National College
National Guard
National Hall of Fame
National Park Service
National Parks & Landmarks
National Press Association: Outing to SD, 1912
National Register of Historic Places
National Youth Association
Native American Artifacts & Remains (see also "Indian")
Native American Artists (see also "Indian")
Native American Presses (see also "Indian")
Native American Public Broadcasting (see also "Indian")
Natural Resources Study of the Black Hills
Naturalization Process
Nature Conservancy - Dakota Field Office
Nebraska - (General)
Nemo, SD
Nettleton College (Sioux Falls, SD)
Newell, SD
New Building Plans & Legislation
New Effington, SD
News Headlines, 1985 (Top Stories)
Newspaper - Great Falls Tribune (Montana, June 25, 1885)
Newspaper Directory
Newspapers in South Dakota
Newton Hills State Park
Nicknames, States
Nicollett Tower
Nidaros Lutheran Church Centennial
Ninety Years & Over in 1947 (Persons who were)
Nisland, SD
Nobel Prizes
Nobles Trail - Fort Ridgely & South Pass
Nonpartisan League
Norbeck, SD
Nordland Fest
Norris, SD
North American Foundation for Indian Culture
North Central Pork Marketing
North Dakota
Northeastern South Dakota
Northern Great Plains History Conference
Northern State College (Bibliography of Graduate Papers & Thesis)
Northern State College/University (Aberdeen, SD)
Northern States Power Company
North Sioux City, SD
Northville, Dakota Territory
Northwest Company & Northwest Ordinance
Northwest Plains Prehistory Sketch
Norway - Norwegians in SD
Norwegian American Copper Mining & Smelting Company
Nunda, SD
Nursing Schools - St. Joseph's Hospital (Deadwood, SD)
Nystrom Stories
Oacoma, SD
Oahe Chapel
Oahe Dam
Oahe Dam Dedication
Oahe Days 1971
Oahe Development Assoc.
Oahe Diversion Project
Oahe Peoria Bottom
Oahe Reservoir Area
Oakwood, SD
Oakwood Lakes
Odd Fellows
Odell, SD
Oelrichs, SD
Oglala Lakota College (Kyle, SD)
Oglala Sioux Tribe
Ohio Spindle Top Oil & Storage Company
"Ohitika The Terrible One"
Oil in South Dakota
Okaton, SD
Okobojo, SD
Old Agency
Old Settlers Historical Assoc.
Old West Trail
Oldham, SD
Olivet, SD
Onaka, SD
One Hundred Forty-Seventh (147th) Field Artillery Historical Society
"One Little Indian"
Onida, SD
Ophir King Gold Mining
Oral History Project
Order of the Home Guardians
Order of the White Buffalo
Ordway, SD
Ordway Memorial Prairie
Orient, SD
Orman Dam
Orphan Train
"Otto Stone"
Otter Trail Power Company
Owanka, SD
Over, W.H. (Museum)
Pack Outfits
Pactola Reservoir
Pactola, SD
Paha Sapa
Palisade, SD & Palisades State Park
Palmer, SD
Papineau Trading Post
Parent Teachers Assoc., SD
Paris, SD
Parker, SD
Parkston, SD
Parmley, J.W. (Historical Society)
Passion Play
Patricia, SD
Peace Medals
Pedro, SD
Peever, SD
Pembina, Dakota Territory
Penitentiary (South Dakota)
Pennington County
Peno Springs
People of the Seven Council Fires
Peoria Bottom
Perkins County
Perkins County Historical Society
Perkins Store, SD
Petrified Wood Park Historical Society
Pettigrew Museum
Pettigrew Party
Peyote Ceremony
Pharmaceutical Assoc., SD
Pheasant Dress
Pheasantland Industries
Philip, SD
Philippine Revolt
Pickstown, SD
Piedmont, SD
Pierpont, SD
Pierre - Air Base
Pierre - Architecture
Pierre - Capital University Center
Pierre - Churches
Pierre - Community Choir
Pierre - Corral Westerners Intl.
Pierre - Cowboys Baseball Team
Pierre - Elections
Pierre - Fire Dept.
Pierre - First Airmail Service
Pierre - Fort Pierre Genealogical Society
Pierre - Historical
Pierre - Historical Clippings
Pierre - Historical Society
Pierre - History
Pierre - Indian Learning Center
Pierre - Map of City
Pierre - Misc.
Pierre - Pierre Players
Pierre - Pontoon Bridge
Pierre - President Tafts Visit
Pierre - Promotional Publications
Pierre - Public Schools
Pierre - St. Mary's Hospital
Pierre - Victory Ship
Pierre - Waterama 59
Pine Ridge, SD & Pine Ridge Reservation
Pipestone, MN
Place Names
Place Names & Post Offices
Place Road Ranch
Plankinton, SD
Platforms & Political Party
Plats (maps of South Dakota Towns, info on)
Platte, SD
Pleasant Valley
Plenty Horses Trial
Plum Creek Station
Plumb, Professor J. H.
Poet Laureate - South Dakota
Political Buttons
Political History of South Dakota
Politics (news clippings & campaign literature)
Pollock, SD
Polo, SD & Polo Game
Ponca Indians
Pony Express
Population of South Dakota
Porcupine, SD
Portraits in Capitol Building
Post Office Site Locations A-C
Post Office Site Locations D-F
Post Office Site Locations G-L
Post Office Site Locations M-P
Post Office Site locations Q-S
Post Office Site Locations T-Z
Post Office "The History of the US Post Office" by Evelyn Ellis
Post Offices & Postmasters
Post Offices & Place Names in South Dakota
Postage Stamps
Postal History (Dakota)
Potawatomi Agency
Potter County
Potter County Historical Society
Powder River (Montana)
Powell, SD (Edmunds Co.)
Powell, SD (Miner Co.)
Prairie Dogs
Prairie Edge
Prairie Fire (see Fire, Prairie)
Prairie Hen
Prairie Historical Society
Prairie Village - Madison
Pre-Emption Laws
Presentation Sisters
Presho, SD
Presidents in South Dakota
Press Association
Preston, SD
Pringle, SD
Proclamation, Dakota Territory (Governor Jayne)
"Project Dakota"
Project Wild
Protests - SD
Provo, SD
Public Assistance
Publications, South Dakota Historical Society
Pukwana, SD
Pumpkin Center, SD
Punished Woman's Lake
Quarry Industry
Quinn, SD
Radar Stations
Radio Stations
Radio & Television
Railroad - Chicago & N.W.
Railroad - Dakota Southern
Railroad - Others
Railroad Men in Black Hills, 1800s-1958
Railroad - Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad
Railroad - Milwaukee
Railroads, Narrow Gauge
Rainfall in South Dakota
Ramona, SD
Rapid City I-II-III
Rapid City Flood
Rapid City Society for Genealogical Research
Raven Industries (Sioux Falls)
Ravina, SD
Reconciliation, South Dakota 1990 beginning
Recreation in South Dakota
Recreation, Outdoor Development in Hughes & Stanley Counties
Red Cloud Indian School (Pine Ridge, S.D.)
Redfield, SD
Redig, SD
Red Scaffold, SD
Ree Heights, SD
Reed, Ali Book Agency
Relief Programs
Religious Data
Religious Organizations
Remote Sensing Info.
Renner, SD
Renshaw, SD
Republican Party I - II
Reservations - South Dakota
Reserve Officers Association
Resources of South Dakota, Natural
Revillo, SD
Rhodes Scholars from North & South Dakota
Richland, SD
Rifle Pit Canyon
Rifle Pits
Rising Hail (Rehabilitation Colony)
Rivercrest Manor
Rivers & Creeks
Rivers & Harbors
Roadside Park Markers
Roberts County
Roberts County Historical Society
Rochford, SD
Rockerville, SD
Rockham, SD
Rockhound Guide
Rockport, SD
Rocky Mountain Goats
Rodent Infestations in SD
Ronald McDonald
Rorgotown, SD
Roscoe, SD
Rose, SD
Rosebud, SD
Rosebud Historical Society
Rosebud Motorcade
Rosella, SD
Rosholt, SD
Roslyn, SD
Ross, Mrs. Averil
Roubaix, SD (Ghost Town)
Rowena, SD
Roy Lake State Park
Running Water, SD
Rural Credit Board
Rural Development Telecommunications Network
Rural Electrification
Rural Resettlement Administration
Rural School Historical Society
Ruskin Park
Ruskin Park Project
Russian Thistle
Rustling Cattle
Saint Charles Hotel (Pierre)
Saint Frances
Saint John's Church (Deadwood)
Saint Joseph's Indian School (Chamberlain)
Saint Joseph's Lakota Development Council
Saint Lawrence & Saint Lawrence Graves
Saint Mary's School for Indian Girls (Springfield)
Saint Onge, SD
Salem, SD
Sana, SD
Sanborn County
Sanborn County Historical Society
Sanford Lab - see Homestake Lab
Sansarc, SD
Santee Agency
Santee Normal Training School
Santee Normal School - Student List
Santee Sioux
"Save the School Fund" 1940
Savings Bonds, U.S. 1971
Sawyer Expedition 1865-66
Scenic, SD
School & Public Lands
School Administration
School Boards of South Dakota, Associated
School Census
School Districts - Names & Addresses
School Fund
School House, First
School Lands - Mineral Rights
School Laws
School for the Blind (Gary)
School for the Deaf (Sioux Falls)
School of Mines (Rapid City)
Schools for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Schools, Rural - SD
Schopen Stone
Scobey County
Scotia Mining Company
Scotland Historical Society
Scotland, SD
Scott, Dan (Early Day Reminiscences)
Scrip (Land Swindle)
Sears Roebuck
Secretaries, State Government Cabinet 1973-1978
Seed/Nursery Catalogs I - II
Seim, SD
Selby, SD
Seneca, SD
Senior Citizens
September 11 Terrorist Attack, 2001 – SD News
Shadehill Reservoir
Shakespeare Club of Aberdeen, SD - History 1901-1977
Shannon County
Sheridan Lake
Sheridan, SD
Sherman, SD
Sherrard Monument
Shindler, SD
Shrine to Music Museum
Shriners in South Dakota
Sidney Black Hills Trail (Sidney-Deadwood Trail)
Sica (Sieche) Hollow State Park
Silver City, SD
Silver Summit Ranch
Sinai, SD
Sinai History Group
Sinte Gleska College (Mission, SD)
Sioux City, IA
Sioux Falls I-II-III
Sioux Falls Campaign of 1872
Sioux Falls College (Sioux Falls)
Sioux Horse Effigy
Sioux Indians I - II
Sioux Valley Genealogy Society
Sisseton, SD
Sisseton - Wahpeton Sioux
Skeletal Remains & Dispositions
Sky Ranch
Slides - Color
Slim Buttes
Slim Buttes Historical Society
Small Towns, Life in
Smithville, SD
Smithwick, SD
Snake Butte
Snoma, SD
Social Security
Social Services
Sod Houses
Soil Conservation
Soil & Moisture Clinic, 1967
Solar Energy
Soldiers - Discharge Forms (examples)
South Dakota I - II
South Dakota - Advocacy Network for Women
South Dakota - Anniversaries
South Dakota - Archaeological Society
South Dakota - Arts Council
South Dakota - Coin & Stamp Association
South Dakota - County & State Directory
South Dakota - Economic Opportunity Office
South Dakota - Emergency Relief Admn.
South Dakota - Experiment Farm
South Dakota - Genealogical Society
South Dakota - Golden Jubilee, 1939
South Dakota - Hall of Fame
South Dakota - High School Activities Assoc.
South Dakota - History - Early
South Dakota - Indian Education Association
South Dakota - Lake Region Association N.E.
South Dakota - Library Association
South Dakota - Mining Company
South Dakota - Municipal League
South Dakota - Newspaper Association
South Dakota - Promotional Materials & Brochures
South Dakota - Public Broadcasting
South Dakota - Public Documents
South Dakota - Reclamation Association N.E.
South Dakota - Relief Bulletin
South Dakota - Retailers Association
South Dakota - Review
South Dakota - Rock of Stone
South Dakota - School of Mines (Rapid City)
South Dakota - School Peace League
South Dakota - Seals
South Dakota - South Dakotans of Note
South Dakota - State Historical Society (SHS)
South Dakota - SHS - Agriculture Heritage Museum
South Dakota - SHS - Archaeological Research Center
South Dakota - SHS - Folk Arts
South Dakota - SHS - Historical Preservation Center
South Dakota - SHS - Smith Zimmerman Museum
South Dakota - SHS - South Dakota History
South Dakota - SHS - Story of
South Dakota - SHS - W.H. Over Museum
South Dakota - State Library
South Dakota - State Medical Association
South Dakota - State Officials Elected 1889-1968
South Dakota - State University at Brookings, SD
South Dakota - State Veterans Home
South Dakota - States Attorney
South Dakota - Supreme Court
South Dakota - Symbols
South Dakota Art Museum
South Dakota Symphony
South Dakota - Well Drillers Association
South Dakotans of Note
South Dakotans Who Attended Rural Schools
South Shore, SD
Southern State Normal School (Springfield)
Sovereignty Over South Dakota
Spain, SD
Spanish American War
Spanish Flu 1918
Spaulding (Hamlin County)
Spearfish, SD
Spearfish Academy
Spearfish Fish Hatchery
Spearfish Historical Society
Spencer, SD
Spink County
Spink (S.D.)
Spirit Lake & Spirit Lake Massacre
Split Rock, SD
Spokane, SD (Ghost Town)
"Spook Money"
Springfield, SD
Springfield Museum
Squaw Hill Massacre
Stage Coach
Stage Line - Yankton to Sioux Falls
Stage Lines
Stage Roads
Stamford, SD
Standing Rock Agency & Reservation
Stanley, SD
Stanley Corner, SD
Stanley County
STAR Academy
State Animal - Coyote
State Bird (Ring Neck Pheasant)
State Capital
State Fair
State Flag
State Floral Emblem (Pasque Flower)
State Parks
State Quarter
State Senate
State Training School - Plankinton
State Song
State Tree
Statehood - 125th Anniversary
Steam Engines
Steamboat Data
Steamboat Logs
Steamboat Wrecks
Stephan Mission
Stickney, SD
Stockholm, SD
Stockman's Association
Stokes Ditch
Stoneville Fight
Stoneville, SD
Storla, SD
Strandburg, SD
Stratford, SD
Stratosphere Flight
Street Cars in Pierre
Street Cars in South Dakota
Strip of Land, Historic
Strool, SD
Strouseton, SD
Sturgis, SD
Sully Buttes
Sully County
Sulphur, SD
Summit, SD
Sun Dance
Sunday Clothes
Sunday Gulch
Sunday School Convention, 1924
Sunder Larpenteur
Surbeck Center (South Dakota School of Mines & Tech)
Survey Originals
Surveys, Land
Sutton Ranch
Swan Lake, SD
Sweeney, SD
Sylvan Lake
Tabor, SD
Tartan Stone, SD
Tatanka - Story of the Bison
Taxes, in South Dakota
Tea, SD
Telephone History
Tepee Rings
Terraville, SD
Territorial Government
Territorial Seals
Terry, SD (Ghost Town)
Texas Longhorn
Texas, SD
Thoen Stone
Thrall Academy
Three Toes (Stanley County)
Thule, SD
Thunderhead Falls
Tigerville, Dakota Territory
Timber Lake, SD
Timber Lake & Area Historical Society
Time Capsules
Time Zones
Tin Mining
Tinton, SD
"Tipperary" (Rodeo Horse)
Todd County Historical Society
Todd County, History
Toll Roads
Tolstoy, SD
Topbar, SD
Toronto, SD
Town Names
Town Plats
Towns, incorporation dates
Towns, listed by counties
Traders License
Trail of Governors
Trail Maps
Trail Rides
Travare, Dakota Territory (Ghost Town)
Traverse DE Sioux
Treasure, Hidden
Trent, SD
Tri-County Pioneers Association
Tri-State Marker
Tripp County
Tripp County Historical Society
Trojan, SD
Troy, SD
Trudeau Cabin
Tuberculosis & Health Association
Tulare, SD
Turner County
Turner County Historical Society
Turton, SD
Tuthill, SD
Twedt Stone
Twin Brooks, SD
Two Bit, SD
Two Strike, SD
Tyndall, SD
Tyrannosaurus Rex Fossil - "Sue"
UFO Sightings
U.S.S. Brookings
U.S.S. Oglala
U.S.S. Pierre
U.S.S. Rushmore
U.S.S. South Dakota, BB 57 (Battleship)
U.S.S. South Dakota, SSN 790 (Submarine)
Unemployment Compensation
Unified Judicial System
Union County
Union County Courier (newspaper - April 10, 1872)
United Farmers League
United Methodist Historical Society (Black Hills)
United Nations
United Sioux Tribes
United War Work Campaign
Unityville, SD (McCook County)
University of South Dakota (Vermillion)
Upper Missouri Historical Expedition, 1925
Urich Sculptures
Ute Indians
Utica, SD
Vale, SD
Valentine, Thomas B. "Valentine Scrip"
Valley Forge
Valley Springs, SD
Valley Station, SD
Van Metre, SD
Vanderbilt, SD
Vanishing Trail Expeditions, 1960-1978
Veblen, SD
Verdon, SD
Verendrye Monument (Ft. Pierre)
Verendrye Museum Association
Verendrye Plate
Verendrye Plate -- A. Miotte Plate
Vermillion, SD
Veterans Day
Veterans Home, State
Veterans Memorials
Viborg, SD
Victor, SD
Vietnam - South Dakota War Dead
Vilas, SD
Virgil, SD (Beadle County)
Vivian, SD
Vocational Technical Schools in South Dakota
Volga, SD
Volin, SD
WPA & Federal Writers Project
Wagner, SD
Wagner Historical Society
Wagon Trains, Contemporary
Wakonda, SD
Wakonda Historical Society
Wakpala, SD
Walker, SD
Wall, SD
Wall Drug
Wall Historical Society
Walworth County
War of the Outbreak
Ward, SD
Warner, Rev. Alex
Warner, SD
Washabaugh County
Washington Monument (Stone)
Wasp #2 Mining Company
Wasta, SD
Water Organizations
Water Resources
Water Witching
Waterbury, SD
Watertown, SD I-II
Watauga, SD
Waubay, SD & Waubay National Wildlife Refuge
Waverly, SD
Weather Modification
Webster, SD
Wecota, SD
Weddings & Anniversaries
Wellington Church Marker
Wells Fargo
Welsh Settlers
Wendte, SD
Wentworth, SD
Wessington, SD
Wessington Springs, SD & Wessington Springs Academy/College
West Point Graduates from South Dakota 1890-1932
West River Early Settlers Association
West River History Conference
West River Stock Growers Association
West Nile Virus
Western Governor's Regional Energy Policy Office
Western History Association
Western Town Company
Westerners International
Westover, SD
Weta, SD (Ghost Town)
Wewela, SD
Wheelchair Vacation Guide
Wheeler, SD
Whetstone Agency
White Area Historical Society
White, SD
White Horse, SD
White Lake, SD
White Owl, SD
White River, SD
White Rock, SD
Whiteman, Murder of
Whitestone Hill Battlefield
Whitewood Creek
Whitewood, SD
Who's Who
Wilderness Bill & Wilderness Society
Willow Lake, SD
Willow Springs Stage Station
Wilmot, SD
Wilson, SD
Wind Cave National Park
Wine and Wineries in SD
Winfred, SD
Winner, SD
Winter Count
Winter Count - "The Running Bull-Iron Hawk Winter Count"
Winter Count - "The Wind-Roan Bear Winter Count"
Wist, SD (Day County)
Witten, SD
WNAX Radio Station
Wolcott Gold Mining, Milling & Development Company
Wolf Mt. Gold Stampede
Wolsey, SD
Woman's Relief Corp.
Women in South Dakota
Women, Commission on the Status of
Women's Christian Temperance Union
Women's Clubs
Women's Suffrage - Centennial Celebration
Wood, SD
Wooden Cannon
Wooden Indian
Woonsocket, SD
World War I-II
World War I Pilots
World War I - War Casualties (SD)
World War II
World War II Combat Dead
World War II - Japanese Americans (442nd Infantry)
World's Columbian Exposition
Worthing, SD
Wounded Knee
Wounded Knee 1973 I-II-III-IV
No Entries
YMCA on the Reservations
Yale, SD (Centennial)
Yale University Library (Inventory of Dakota Territory Material)
Yankton I-II-III-IV
Yankton Agency & Yankton Sioux Tribe
Yankton College (Conversion to Federal Prison)
Yankton County
Yankton County Historical Society
Yankton Fire Asylum
"Yankton" (Gun Boat)
Yankton Indian Reservation Land Owners 1894
Yankton State Hospital
Yankton Trail
Year of Unity, 2010
Yellow Bird Mine (Pennington County)
Yellow Jacket (Horse)
Yellow Thunder Camp
"Yellowstone, The" (Steamboat)
Yellowstone Expedition, 1873
Yellowstone (Steamboat)
Yellowstone Trails
Young Citizens League
Young Republicans
Zell, SD
Ziebach County
Ziebach County History News Clippings
Ziebach County Historical Society
Zieman, Flora