Museum On the road
The South Dakota State Historical Society offers suitcase education kits and traveling exhibitions to communities throughout South Dakota.
Suitcase Education Kits
Suitcase education kits bring hands-on object, ready-to-use worksheets, and activities to classrooms and other groups across the state. Activities are matched to South Dakota K-6 Department of Education Standards. Kits cover fourteen different topics from South Dakota history.
Rental Information
Kits rent for a two-week period for $35.00 and be sent anywhere in South Dakota. This price includes return shipping.
For more information or to schedule a kit please contact Ronette Rumpca at 605-773-6011.
Click here for more information on the Suitcase Education Kits.
Traveling Exhibits
Each exhibit contains easy-to-install free-standing kiosks, ideal for display both indoors and outdoors.
Rental Information
Traveling exhibits are available for up to eight weeks. Traveling exhibits are available for up to eight weeks. The cost is $150.00, this cost covers all shipping and handling costs. Shipping is arranged for and paid by the South Dakota State Historical Society.
Venues can also choose to pick up and drop off traveling exhibits. Venues that choose to transport the exhibit themselves will be charged a $25.00 user fee.
For more information or to book an exhibit please contact Daniel Moeckly at 605-773-4373.
Click here for more information the Traveling Exhibits.