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Archaeology and Historic Preservation Month 2025

Jorneys into History!

Celebrated each year in May, South Dakota Archaeology and Historic Preservation Month was created to acquaint the public with the disciplines of archaeology and historic preservation and to strengthen the enduring bond between the past and the present! Historic Preservation Month has been celebrated in South Dakota since it was established nationally in 1973. The state added archaeology in 2005 to recognize it as a partner in historic preservation. 



A look back on Archaeology and Historic Preservation Month 2024! 

Governor Kristi Noem has made this official by proclaiming May as Archaeology and Historic Preservation Month in South Dakota. In her proclamation, which can be read in full here, she says "it is important to celebrate the role of history in our lives and the contributions made by dedicated individuals who preserve the tangible aspects of the heritage that shape us as South Dakotans". This year's theme is "Preservation Adventures"! The Historic Preservation Office encourages South Dakotans to celebrate this theme by learning about and exploring historical locations in their local communities and throughout the state. We will be posting to this page below, the South Dakota Historical Society's Facebook page, and the SDSHS online calendar with ideas, activities, educational programs, and events throughout this month!


Have your own preservation adventure and explore the state with these travel itinerary ideas!

- SD Highway 14, Brookings to Pierre

- SD Highway 50, Platte to Vermillion

-SD Highway 12, Milbank to Mobridge

- Black Hills Hikes Itinerary 


Other ways to celebrate this month include:

- Taking a walk around a local historic residential and/or commercial district or tour a historic cemetary.

- Researching local historic buildings and places, learning about their history, and supporting the preservation of them.

- Reaching out to a local preservationist or historian to learn more about what they do in their job and ask them how you can assist in preservation efforts.




Archaeology Camp 2025

Archaeology Camp 2025 will be held on June 10th, 11th, and 12th! For more information including how to register, please visit our Archaeology Camp page .



4th Grade Student Essay Contest 2025: "This Place Matters"

The 2025 4th Grade Student Essay Contest is open for entries! This annual contest, hosted by the State Historic Preservation Office, is a component of Archaeology and Historic Presrvation Month which is celebrated each May. The competition proposes to enable students to achieve a better appreciation of our state's history and historic resources, the stories they tell, and why they should be preserved for future generations. The theme is "This Place Matters", students are asked to write an essay about any South Dakota location that is at least 50 years old, why it is a favorite place for them, and why it should be preserved. The contest is open to any 4th grade student in South Dakota, whether in public school, private school, or homeschool.

Each entry will be judged anonymously by volunteers based on the essay's quality of writing, content and theme, and originality of thought. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. The 1st place winner will receive a $200 cash prize, the 2nd place winner will receive a $100 cash prize, and the 3rd place winner will receive a $50 cash prize. Each winner will also receive a signed plaque and a one-year family membership to the South Dakota State Historical Society. Depending on scheduling, our office will coordinate a presentation for the winners.

Entries must be postmarked no later than March 14th! Winners will be notified on or before April 11th. Entries can either be mailed or emailed. Before writing the essay, please read the Contest Guidlines (below) very carefully. An Entry Form (below) must be submittted with each essay as well.





The following essays are the 2024 4th Grade Student Essay Contest Winners!

1st Place: Paisley Carter from Jolley Elementary School in Vermillion, If Barn Walls Could Talk

2nd Place: Sydnee Stevens from Gettysburg Elementary School, The Bait Shop

3rd Place: Chiles Heien from Gettysburg Elementary School, 212 Forest City Bridge

To read our 2024 winner essays, click here!







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